The World’s Tech Giants

Chapter 51: Strong enemy


Seeing the few people standing in front of the door, Chen Ming immediately put away his detector, grabbed the two wrenches placed at the door of the maintenance room, walked out of the maintenance room vigilantly, and came to Jiang Kun and An Lei's body. beside.

Sitting across from Jiang Kun, there was a brawny man with three claw marks on his face. Seeing someone else came out and holding a guy in his hand, the corner of his mouth raised his mouth, "Oh! There are others! But just like you, just like you Enough for the two of us to warm up."

The man with three scars on his face beckoned to the two people on his left after speaking, "You two go! Remember not to make it too bloody, you will have to eat roasted whole lamb later!"

The two who received the order looked like two brothers, and saw that they took out gold and silver from their pockets at the same time and put two tiger fingers with sharp claws on their hands, while the other did not have tiger fingers. A tiger's claw appeared on his hand.

Facing the two brothers with tiger fingers, Jiang Kun whispered to An Lei and Chen Ming, "You two will greet the silver tiger finger later, I will solve the golden tiger finger, but you guys Pay attention to the hand that they didn't bring the tiger's finger, maybe their ultimate move was in that hand."

An Lei and Chen Ming looked at each other, An Lei said to Chen Ming with a smirk, "Or the old rules?"

Chen Ming handed An Lei a wrench and said, "That's enough, but be careful."

Chen Ming had just finished talking here, only to feel that a strong wind suddenly hit his head. With the help of his experience in fighting many times when he was in school, Chen Ming quickly avoided the kick of the silver tiger-finger man.

While Chen Ming avoided this leg, An Lei also felt the strong wind, and An Lei did not evade like Chen Ming, but came head-on, and directly greeted him with a wrench.

Although An Lei's strength is not as strong as Jiang Kun, but for this person who can lift 60 kilograms with both hands, he is still quite lethal, let alone a pure steel wrench.

Only a sound of broken bones came from the leg of the man with silver tiger fingers.


With the sound of broken bones, the man screamed directly.


When the silver tiger finger man was hit in the leg by An Lei and took a step back, Chen Ming, who bowed to avoid the kick, suddenly took a step forward and pointed the top of the large spanner in his hand at the silver tiger finger. The man’s chest was pushed up.

When the silver tiger-finger man noticed Chen Ming's actions, the wrench in Chen Ming's hand had already arrived in front of him.


As Chen Ming's wrench hit the silver tiger finger man's chest, after the impact sounded, the silver tiger finger man knelt directly in front of Chen Ming when he retreated after Chen Ming's attack.

Although the silver tiger pointed the man down on the ground, it was learned from years of fighting experience that as long as the opponent did not lose his fighting power, he could be counterattacked at any time.

Hit An Lei on the silver tiger finger man’s leg with a wrench. While the man fell on his knees, he lifted his leg and kicked the man’s face directly. He kicked the man and rolled it aside for two laps before stopping. under.

Just as Chen Ming was about to go up and make sure that the person would not get up again, Chen Ming suddenly saw a slender jade hand approaching him. The jade hand suddenly turned into a jade hand when it was one meter away from Chen Ming. Sharp claws grabbed Chen Ming's face with a strong wind.

Faced with this sudden change, Chen Ming could only choose a donkey to roll around and escape the blow.

Although Chen Ming avoided the claw that scratched his face, when Chen Ming rolled and avoided, he was still taken by the claw on his back.

Just being slapped like a breeze, Chen Ming immediately felt a burning pain on his back.

Standing in place, An Lei only saw a man in a dark blue military uniform suddenly appeared in front of Chen Ming.

When Chen Ming escaped the blow, An Lei saw that the man’s claw-shaped hand did not touch Chen Ming’s clothes, but then Chen Ming’s clothes were grabbed by the man in the blue uniform. , But there were three deep nail wounds on his back.

When Chen Ming rolled back to An Lei, he found out that the two people standing on the right side of the scarred man did not know when they also joined them in the fight.

Looking at Jiang Kun, just when he kicked the man with golden tiger fingers to pass out, a dagger that stabbed Jiang Kun's face suddenly appeared. Jiang Kun stretched out his hands and caught the stabbing. The dagger was sent to the side to avoid the attack of the dagger, and the person who used the dagger was a strong man wearing a black tights.

The scarred man who had been sitting on the chair before, saw his two men killed so quickly, his face suddenly showed an expression of excitement.

Chen Ming could feel from the attack just now, the man in the blue military uniform in front of him, although his fingers looked like women, the skill of his hands was definitely impressive.

Facing such a practicing family, Chen Ming and An Lei looked at each other once again. When Chen Ming suddenly turned around and threw the wrench in his hand to An Lei, he rushed towards the maintenance room.

When the man in the blue uniform saw someone about to run, he was ready to chase Chen Ming, when An Lei suddenly held two wrenches in front of the man in the blue uniform.

"Hey! I thought about the level of my Lord Lei, you can spend a little time thinking about it, or watch out for overturning the ship in the gutter!" An Lei smirked and glanced at the back of the man in the blue uniform, the one who fell on the ground with silver in his hand Tiger refers to the man.

Chen Ming, who ran into the maintenance room, immediately ran to a mining exoskeleton armor that was under maintenance.

Chen Ming very neatly removed the two excavation equipment from the armor, and put the armor on himself within a minute.

Just as Chen Ming pressed the start button on his body, Chen Ming saw a ball flew in from outside the maintenance room. When the ball fell to the ground, Chen Ming could see that the ball was actually An Lei.

At this time, An Lei's eye had become a panda eye, and there were several bruises on his body, but An Lei was still stubbornly trying to get up from the ground.

At this time, Chen Ming saw that the man in the blue military uniform also walked into the maintenance room. He saw that the blue military uniform on his body had become tattered and there were a few scratches on his face. It seemed that he He didn't get any benefits from An Lei's side.

The mining armor currently worn by Chen Ming has a strength of only six tons, but it is more than enough to deal with a human being. After all, no matter how hard a human is, it is impossible for a human to reach the power level of six tons.

The man in the blue military uniform had already blushed in the battle with An Lei just now. When he saw Chen Ming put on the exoskeleton armor, he did not choose to retreat but rushed forward on his own initiative.

When Chen Ming saw the man in the blue uniform rushing forward, Chen Ming raised his fist and collided with the fist of the man in the blue uniform.

At the moment when the two fists collided, Chen Ming did not hear the sound of broken bones. Instead, he saw the arm of the man in the blue military uniform. At the moment of the collision, it began to deform like compressed metal. Some deformed mechanical parts also exploded from the inside.

Under the overwhelming strength of Chen Ming's arm in the blue military uniform, the mechanical arm may have been unable to withstand Chen Ming's strength, and the sound of metal breaking began to appear.

"Noisy! Noisy!"

But the face of the man in the blue military uniform did not show any painful expression, but at the same time that one arm broke, the other fist of the man in the blue military uniform slammed into Chen Ming's face.