The World’s Tech Giants

Chapter 53: New features are opened


Chen Ming looked at Jiang Kun, who had lost his combat effectiveness before, and the [JG-015 live ammunition sniper rifle] that he didn't know from there, and Chen Ming's mind was full of question marks.

Sanhu glanced at the crater Jiang Kun hit on the ground, and Jiang Kun’s sniper rifle that was always facing his chest. You must know that this kind of live ammunition type sniper rifle is generally used to penetrate the vehicle. No matter where he hits himself, his place is basically scrapped.

And even if he tried to scrap a part of his body, he was not sure to kill the man in front of Chen Ming. Originally, Sanhu was confident when he saw Chen Ming, but after the fight just now, Sanhu felt that the man in front of him was not Not as weak as Fang Qian said.

In the face of the two options of life and mission, Sanhu still chose life. After all, you can earn more if you don’t have money. If you don’t have life, you will have nothing. Moreover, the failure of this mission was not due to their own reasons, but Fang Qian. He provided himself with wrong information, which caused him to incorrectly estimate Chen Ming's strength.

I saw Sanhu raised his hands and said, "Okay! I surrender, you return my men to me, we will withdraw from your store now."

When Chen Ming heard Sanhu's answer, he glanced at Jiang Kun who was sitting there. Seeing Jiang Kun nodded to himself, Chen Ming asked An Lei to hang it in the maintenance room. The man in the blue military uniform dragged it out and threw it in front of Sanhu.

Sanhu carried the two on their shoulders, and they were ready to leave Chen Ming's shop after grabbing the collars with their hands.

When Sanhu walked to the door and prepared to step out of the store, Chen Ming suddenly asked Sanhu, "Who sent you here?"

Sanhu didn't reply, "You already have the answer yourself, so why did you come to ask me?" After saying that, Sanhu threw the four people onto the pickup truck that they drove when they came.

It wasn't until the roar of the engine that Sanhu was driving that the engine could no longer be heard, that Jiang Kun spit out a red mouth again from his mouth.

When Chen Ming and An Lei saw Jiang Kun spit out red blood again, Chen Ming immediately stood up to get the first aid kit.

"I'm okay, but I was shocked by recoil when I fired the shot just now. I'll be fine after taking some medicine. You can go and see what's going on with Captain Xu first." Jiang Kun turned his head and looked at Xu Hao.

An Lei immediately turned and went to Xu Hao to check the situation. When An Lei nodded to indicate that it was okay, Jiang Kun and Chen Ming breathed a sigh of relief.

Chen Ming, who had just lifted Jiang Kun from his chair, walked to An Lei's side, An Lei suddenly punched Jiang Kun’s chest and said, "Big Brother Jiang, you are a real cow. Fired back."

Jiang Kun, who was punched by An Leisha's big fist, coughed abruptly, then glanced at An Lei with a sullen expression on his face and said, "If you were a little heavier just now, I would have died! Who else is there? Say that my gun fired back?"

Chen Ming and An Lei, who were about to go upstairs with Jiang Kun and Xu Hao, were all taken aback when they heard Jiang Kun's words, and then Chen Ming said in an unbelievable tone, "You didn't drive just now. Did one shot stop the three tigers?"

Jiang Kun smiled bitterly, "That wasn't an obstacle at all, I hit Sanhu in front of me when I hit him! If he hadn't been bluffed by me just now, we might be cold now!"

When Chen Ming and An Lei heard Jiang Kun said that it was just a flicking shot, and it was not that Jiang Kun had the ability to fight back, Chen Ming and An Lei couldn't help but chill in their backs.

After An Lei and Chen Ming put Xu Hao back into the room, An Lei took the special medicine for internal injuries as Jiang Kun said.

After Jiang Kun took the special medicine, he looked at Chen Ming and said with a serious expression, "Can you recreate the exoskeleton armor in the fortress now?"

When Jiang Kun said that, Chen Ming was a little embarrassed. If the armor was made, it would be possible to make it. The materials only need to be found in the garbage disposal plant, but the prototype of this armor was provided by the military, and there are many armors on it. The equipment is all military-grade, unless it is going to a special garbage collection station, otherwise it will not be found in the general garbage collection station.

Seeing the embarrassing expression on Chen Ming's face, Jiang Kun pointed to the mining exoskeleton armor on Chen Ming's body and said, "Then can this be transformed into something similar to the fortress?"

For his exoskeleton armor, Chen Ming actually has a design drawing and upgrade technology options, but those upgrade options are to upgrade things such as power and load, and there is nothing to modify into combat armor or add. What combat equipment options.

Moreover, the power of the armored converter for mining is not at the same level as the military one. The maximum conversion rate of the converter for mining is only a little over 100. After all, miners do not need to install shields and attack equipment and perform high-speed movement in mining. The conversion rate of the reformer does not need to be great.

At this time, Chen Ming was thinking, if there was a modification option, it would be great!

As soon as Chen Ming sighed in his heart, a reminder appeared in front of Chen Ming's eyes.

[Turn on the transformation option, each transformation will consume a little technology point, now the remaining technology points are eleven points]

At this time, Chen Ming felt that he was really favored by God! It was just a little sleepy and someone brought a pillow, which is really great!

Jiang Kun saw that Chen Ming, who was originally embarrassed, suddenly showed joy, Jiang Kun asked expectantly, "Chen Ming, can you make it?"

Chen Ming didn't give Jiang Kun an affirmative answer, but said to Jiang Kun, "I'm not sure about this, but I should be able to do it. Just by doing it, can we really win those expanders?"

Jiang Kun nodded affirmatively, "When threatening the Three Tigers before, I said that I had killed the expander, but that was at the expense of two companions, and now as long as you have your armor, I You can win with 90% certainty!"

Hearing Jiang Kun said he was 90% sure, Chen Ming left An Lei to look after Jiang Kun, and he immediately went back to the maintenance room to modify the mining exoskeleton armor.

Sanhu, who was driving a pickup truck at full speed, stopped at a wilderness ten kilometers away from the town. At this time, his head was already covered with beads of sweat, and he immediately got out of the car. Take out a small box from one of the boxes.

Opening the small box, I saw three blue potions and an injection gun inside.

Sanhu immediately picked up the injection gun from the small box with a trembling hand, and put a potion into the injection gun with difficulty, hitting his heart with a shot.

After all the blue ** in the injection gun was injected into Sanhu's body, Sanhu's weak expression eased a lot.

In fact, An Lei just broke Sanhu's neuromodulation system, otherwise Sanhu would have to kill Chen Ming even if he was in danger of getting a shot.

Sanhu glanced at the four people who had not yet awakened from the coma, and could only continue to drive towards a valley.

As for the square money in front of the rear-projected TV in the manor, after seeing Sanhu leading the people away, he pinched the brown-haired woman's neck and said, "Didn't you say that Sanhu can solve Chen Ming and the others!" Why is he leaving like this now!"

As soon as the brown-haired woman caught her neck was about to speak, Fang Qian threw the brown-haired woman aside, and said angrily, "Damn, in the end I have to do it by myself! You guys are more than enough to succeed! "