The World’s Tech Giants

Chapter 54: Armor modification


Chen Ming came to repair and removed the exoskeleton armor from his body, and pressed his hand on the hanging exoskeleton armor.

[CKZJ-023 type armor for mining, used for underground excavation operations, can be upgraded, can be modified]

Chen Ming selected the transformation options with excitement, and saw that in the drop-down menu showing the transformation options, Luo listed three transformation options.

[CKZJ-023 type special armor for mining, transform the combat armor, increase the power of the converter, and increase the utilization rate of the transmission energy]

[CKZJ-023 special armor for mining, transform the combat armor, increase the installation slot of the armor, the number can be increased to two]

[CKZJ-023 special armor for mining, modified combat armor, increased basic attributes, increased movement speed to two, increased basic strength to 15 tons, and increased load weight to 2 tons]

Seeing these three options, Chen Ming began to calculate in his mind. The first option seems to be the need to transform the reformer. For this technology, I still can't do it. Although the equipment here is not allowed to be one of the reasons, the most important thing is that the transformation must require a lot of advanced materials. Where can I have money now? Go shopping! Then this option that can best solve the essential problem can only be denied by itself.

The second option is to add two installation slots. This option is useless. It is also very useful. With two expansion slots, you can install something, but you don’t have any military equipment in your hand. Adding to this armor, then increasing the slots is of no use to it now.

The last option is left, which suddenly seems to be the least useful option, but when you think about it, this is actually the biggest improvement for Jiang Kun.

First of all, in terms of speed and power of the expander, it is stronger than Jiang Kun, a human being, and in terms of skills, as long as Jiang Kun has no difference in strength and speed with the expander.

Then Jiang Kun's fighting skills would not at least have too many gaps, after all, when Jiang Kun and the Three Tigers were fighting, Jiang Kun only relied on skills to deal with the Three Tigers for a long time.

If Jiang Kun had armor to assist him in strength and speed at the time, it would be a bit idiotic to think that Sanhu would retreat all over today.

Chen Ming, who had decided on the upgrade options, immediately showed green lines on his hands, spreading towards the exoskeleton armor in front of him.

After half an hour of transformation, when the green lines returned to Chen Ming's body, Chen Ming also received a reminder of the completion of the golden finger transformation.

[CKZJ-023 type armor for mining, has been transformed, the remaining technology points are nine]

But when Chen Ming opened his eyes, he didn't notice any change in the exoskeleton armor in front of him, but then he thought about whether the appearance has not changed but only the internal structure has changed, so he didn't notice it

Chen Ming immediately scanned the armor in front of him, but the result of Chen Ming was that there was really no change in the armor.

Found that there was no change, Chen Ming hurriedly checked his technology points, and found that the technology points had indeed been deducted. At this time, a thought suddenly popped into Chen Ming's mind, is there a problem with the system and the skill points were swallowed by the system

However, it should be impossible to think about it again. How can this be a thing of high-level civilization? How can it be impossible for a low-level error like swallowing data to occur

With the doubts in his mind, Chen Ming checked the option of [CKZJ-023 Mining Special Armor Modification Version]. It was at this sight that Chen Ming remembered that when he was remodeling, he had various materials and parts beside him, and now he There is nothing around, which means that the system has no materials and parts to use. This is why it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

Fortunately, after each upgrade, an electronic drawing will be left so that you can manually modify it later.

When Chen Ming clicked on the drawing, the drawing marked the areas that needed improvement in red, almost covering the entire drawing. This made Chen Ming, who had read the drawing, thought it was different from dismantling and rebuilding it

Although Chen Ming thought this way, he still had to find materials and parts. After all, this was a life-saving thing, and he couldn't stop doing it just because he looked at the drawings.

When looking for parts and materials, Chen Ming's first choice now is to go to the waste recycling station. Chen Ming is already quite experienced in trashing, but Chen Ming feels that he is still not efficient enough.

Judging from the list on the drawing, no matter what kind of materials you need, you need at least 20 or more materials. It is definitely not efficient to just rely on your own eyes to search in the trash can.

At this time, Chen Ming suddenly saw the mining helmet placed on the table.

The function of this helmet is to allow the miner to reveal the size and specific outline of the crystal in front of him when mining. This is to prevent the energy in the crystal from becoming unstable due to frequent collisions with the crystal during mining. Explosion and damage during mining.

Then you only need to transform the scanner that scans the ore into a scanner that can scan what you need. Can you effectively improve the efficiency of finding garbage in the garbage dump

As soon as Chen Ming's thought came out, he immediately pressed his hand on the mining helmet.

[CKTK-004 mining helmet, new technology, one technology point, now ten technology points, can be upgraded, can be modified]

Chen Ming directly chose the upgrade option, but Chen Ming didn't see the scan option in it. Chen Ming could only withdraw from the upgrade option and entered the upgrade option.

[CKTK-004 mining helmet, the scanner can be transformed into a universal type, can search for any desired item, outline it, and indicate the direction of the item]

Seeing this option, Chen Ming didn't look at the other options, and directly clicked on the option to transform.

This time when Chen Ming opened his eyes, he saw that the helmet had not changed. However, this time Chen Ming first entered the helmet options and checked the drawings after the helmet was modified. After finding that there were no red lines on it, Chen Ming went He picked up the helmet and put it on his head.

As soon as Chen Ming put on the helmet, all the things in the maintenance room were marked on the protective glass in front of him.

Chen Ming was dazzled by the sudden appearance of so many things in front of him. Finally, Chen Ming hurriedly called up the menu on the helmet and began to shield the items in front of him that should appear.

Although such a small episode appeared on the scene, after Chen Ming changed the settings, he was still very satisfied with the modification of the helmet.

As for why the red line did not appear this time, Chen Ming felt that the following program should have been re-edited this time, and no material changes were required.

Putting on the helmet and taking Xu Hao's car key from the front desk, Chen Ming drove Xu Hao's pickup truck towards the waste recycling station outside Nugget Town.

When Chen Ming drove to the recycling station, Fang Qian was sitting with Wu Jun drinking tea.

Wu Jun, who was holding the teacup, first passed the teacup in front of his nose, and then Wu Jun looked at Fang Qian who was fidgeting and said, "Boss Fang, I hope this matter will not happen the second time, otherwise I can It is difficult to guarantee that you can continue to participate in this competition!"