The World’s Tech Giants

Chapter 55: Modify the helmet


Chen Ming came to the gate of the waste recycling station. This is not so much a waste recycling station, but rather it is the default waste accumulation area in several nearby towns, including Nugget Town.

There are all kinds of waste electronic products piled up here. Chen Ming found a relatively large hill made of waste products, and put on his head a helmet that had been modified by himself.

At the moment when the scanner on the helmet was activated, Chen Ming saw that the glass protective surface of his face suddenly showed many outlines and marked them next to it. Chen Ming suddenly felt like he had entered a treasure house.

In people's daily life, as long as the electrical damage is damaged, they will choose to replace them, because the price of repair may be enough for you to buy a new one. Unless it is something that is not replaced, people always choose It is a direct replacement.

Although this is a bit wasteful, in Chen Ming's view, it is simply creating a huge treasure trove of wealth for himself.

According to the display on the helmet, Chen Ming only searched the tip of the garbage mountain in front of him and collected all the materials he needed. Chen Ming only took less than an hour to complete these.

Looking at the watch, there is still a while before dinner time, and there are still many vacancies on Xu Hao's small pickup, Chen Ming wants to see if he can use his helmet to find the abandoned detector.

To Chen Ming's disappointment, he did not find any discarded detectors after turning on the scan. However, Chen Mingdao found two more damaged mining armors on the trash mountain. When these two things were transported onto the truck, the trunk, which was still empty, was instantly filled with these two armors.

Although I still want to find some more parts, it seems that conditions do not allow it. Chen Ming could only drive back to Nuggets Town. When Chen Ming opened the door of the car, he suddenly remembered that he had just upgraded the detector, and there were not many parts in the repair room, so he closed the door and returned to the garbage mountain to start looking for parts for the upgrade.

Finally, after Chen Ming filled the co-pilot with parts, he reluctantly left the waste recycling station. When Chen Ming left, a figure only 1.5 meters tall was in the corner observing Chen Ming’s actions just now. A move.

Chen Ming drove back to the shop and saw Xu Haozheng and An Lei cleaning up the messed up front hall. Xu Hao saw Chen Ming driving back in his pickup truck, and the pickup truck was still loaded with two damaged armors and a lot of piles. When making the parts, Xu Hao suddenly looked at Chen Ming with a surprised look, "Did you find these by yourself?"

Chen Ming got out of the car and looked at An Lei and Xu Hao with a look of surprise, "Otherwise! You two hurried over to help. I will tell you how I found so many things during the meeting."

In the face of Chen Ming who deliberately sold off the jerk there, where did An Lei eat Chen Ming’s set, he put his arm around Chen Ming’s neck and drilled Chen Ming’s head with his hands, "Hurry up and tell you Grandpa Lei, or Lei Lord blasted your head today!"

Chen Ming, who was in pain by An Lei's fat hand drill, could only say helplessly, "Fatty man, let me go first! I'll tell you again!"

When An Lei saw Chen Ming begging for mercy, he let Chen Ming go. As soon as An Lei released Chen Ming, Chen Ming immediately distanced himself from An Lei and said with a grimace, "If you want me to say it, I will say, That's so shameless!"

An Lei, who was found deceived, pointed at Chen Ming, who was making faces, "Good, you Chen Ming! Dare to deceive you, Lord Lei, don't let me catch you, or Lord Lei must have a scissor foot and blow your head! "

After Chen Ming and An Lei chased like children for a while, it is estimated that Chen Ming was too tired when picking up the trash before. After running for a while, Chen Ming waved his hand and said to An Lei, "Stop playing, stop playing. , No strength! The secret you want is in that helmet."

Chen Ming sat on the ground and pointed to the [CKTK-004 mining helmet] on the car and said, "I have improved this helmet to display what you need separately, which saves a lot of time for searching. ."

An Lei, who was going to go up with scissors feet, slapped Chen Ming on the shoulder after hearing that Chen Ming said there was such a good thing, "Why don't you take it out sooner! So I won't have it for the first day." So hard!"

Chen Ming touched An Lei's three-month belly and said, "I think you should exercise more, otherwise it will not be good for the development of the fetus."

An Lei kicked Chen Ming and said, "What do you know! This is the fat that I have spent years of hard work to raise! Do you know how hard it is to raise him?"

After Chen Ming and Xu Hao showed a helpless smile when they heard An Lei's awkwardness, the three of them began to carry the contents of the pickup truck to the maintenance room of the store.

With enough parts, Chen Ming and Xu Hao worked overtime and slept for three hours a day. Finally, after three days, the fifty detectors were rebuilt manually.

With the effective publicity of Chen Ming's reformed detector, his business here and Fang Qian's side are already in a state of equal shares.

But this was only the beginning. In the later period, Chen Ming was a little overwhelmed. After all, Chen Ming only had 50 units, but there were more than a thousand miners in Nuggets Town, which made Chen Ming appear here. Demand exceeds supply, and this situation becomes more obvious when 500 detectors are paid for.

Some miners who originally wanted to rent from Chen Ming, because Chen Ming did not have the goods, they could only choose to go to the Fangqian side. Although the Fangqian side was a little worse, it still could be used. .

Faced with this situation, I wanted to go to the waste recycling station to check again. Whether there were any missing detectors, An Lei and Xu Hao, they had already seen it when they heard Chen Ming said that he went there. There are no discarded detectors.

And if they built it here, it would be completely out of time, but if they didn't build it themselves, where could they find the old detectors

Just as Chen Ming and the others were worrying, there was a knock on the door.


Chen Ming and the others turned their heads and saw a young salesman in a suit standing at the door, and he was holding a detector in his hand.

"Well, do you need a detector here?" the salesman said cautiously.

An Lei looked up and down the salesman and said, "Walk around! We don't have time to listen to your sales, and we have no money to buy your detector!"

Just as An Lei was about to rush people, Chen Ming stopped An Lei and said to the salesman, "Can you show me your detector?"

The salesman saw that someone wanted to see, and hurriedly passed the detector in his hand to Chen Ming. After taking the detector and flipping it up and down for a while, Chen Ming nodded with satisfaction, "Yes, you are the latest model. Detectors, but we don’t have much money!"

When Chen Ming showed an embarrassed expression, the salesperson immediately came up with an agreement and said, "This is our preferential policy. As long as you pay a deposit of 300,000 yuan in advance, we can send the goods back first, and then You can return it to us in installments!"

Hearing the good thing that you can get the goods as long as you pay a deposit, all the people present frowned except for Chen Ming. At this time, Chen Ming said, "Okay! I want a thousand units first. I don't know when we can Got it?"

Hearing that Chen Ming was about to pay a deposit, and one thousand units at a time, An Lei on the side immediately reached into Chen Ming's ear and whispered, "What do you want to do? We have 300,000, but we can't do that. Flowers! No way, Brother Xu and I can go to another town tomorrow to collect a little!"

Chen Ming patted An Lei on the chest and said, "Don't worry, our money will never be spent!"