The World’s Tech Giants

Chapter 56: The most coincidental coincidence


An Lei really disagrees with Chen Ming's sudden decision, but after seeing Chen Ming's confident appearance, An Lei didn't say anything.

Because An Lei knew that when Chen Ming was in school before, as long as Chen Ming showed this expression, it meant that this matter was stable and there would be no loss in the worst. So An Lei didn't try to persuade Chen Ming again.

Seeing that An Lei stopped persuading Chen Ming, Jiang Kun and Xu Hao didn't say anything.

Seeing that no one had objected anymore, Chen Ming said to the salesperson eagerly, "Then when can we get the goods?"

Seeing that Chen Ming was so refreshed, the salesperson agreed. He didn't seem to react for a while. After Chen Ming waved his hand in front of the salesperson, the salesperson reacted, with a look on his face. Said apologetically, "Sorry, sorry, I was so successful this first time selling, I'm really flattered, if there are no surprises, I will be able to ship the goods tomorrow morning."

When Chen Ming heard that the goods could be picked up tomorrow morning, he immediately showed an expression of excitement and said, "Really! That would be great! Then we will pay for the goods and deliver the goods tomorrow? Do you think this is OK? "

Seeing Chen Ming's answer so simply, the salesperson said with an expression of disbelief, "Are you sure? You want a thousand units?"

Chen Ming directly hugged the salesperson's shoulder and said, "Of course! Otherwise you think I'm joking with you!"

Seeing Chen Ming's affirmative look, the salesperson left Chen Ming's shop in a hurry after leaving his contact number.

After the salesperson left, the smile on Chen Ming's face disappeared immediately, and he turned to ask Xu Hao, "Brother Xu, a [TC-011 energy detector], how much can you buy with 300,000 in the market? ?"

Xu Hao heard Chen Ming's question suddenly, and he didn't respond for a while, but Xu Hao lowered his head and calculated it for a while before saying, "300,000 can buy 600 units in the market, but why are you asking about this? "

The corner of Chen Ming's mouth raised his mouth, "Big Brother Xu, you and Jiang Kun are now going to the waste recycling station, and looking for as many remodeling parts as possible, we will have to be busy for several days after tomorrow!"

Xu Hao, Jiang Kun, and An Lei all showed inexplicable expressions on their faces when they heard Chen Ming said that they were going to be busy soon.

The next morning the salesperson brought a large truck to the outside of the town. Chen Ming, An Lei, and Jiang Kun also drove Xu Hao's pickup truck to pick up the goods.

In the morning, Chen Ming asked An Lei to put a tracker on Xu Hao's truck, and asked An Lei to use his cell phone to record the transaction between him and the salesperson.

An Lei feels quite puzzled by Chen Ming's approach. This can indeed prevent others from denying it, but shouldn't the salesman do such things? After all, they just paid the deposit and did not pay the full amount.

Although An Lei had such doubts in his heart, it must be reasonable for Chen Ming to ask him to do so, and An Lei did not ask much.

When Chen Ming and others on the Xu Hao pickup saw the salesperson, Chen Ming saw that salesperson was constantly looking at his watch.

After Jiang Kun stopped the car, Chen Ming took a money box containing 300,000 yuan and came to the salesperson.

When the salesman saw Chen Ming, he immediately put away his watch and showed a happy expression, "Boss Chen, it's really on time! My goods have arrived. I don't know how your money is prepared. kind?"

Chen Ming patted the box in his hand and said, "The money is ready! I click on the quantity and we will pay the money and deliver the goods in one hand!"

"Okay! Then Mr. Chen will come with me to order the goods!" The salesman couldn't wait to bring Chen Ming to the door of the container, and personally opened the container for Chen Ming.

Chen Ming looked at the truckload of goods, and asked Jiang Kun, who had been following him, to order the goods. After Jiang Kun's confirmation, there are indeed a thousand devices in it.

Seeing that the quantity has been counted, the salesperson looked at the cash box containing 300,000 yuan in Chen Ming's hand and said, "Well, are we..."

Chen Ming saw that the man looked impatient, and he deliberately pretended to be slow to react, patted his forehead and said, "Look at me! Look at me! Here, it's 300,000 yuan, wait. If I make money later, I will give you the balance!"

Although the salesman wanted to conceal his eagerness, his move to take over the cash box revealed his thoughts in a glance.

The two signed the contract on the spot, and after the salesperson gave Chen Ming another ticket, the salesperson quickly left the scene in a small car on the grounds that he had other customers to see.

When the salesman's car was no longer visible, Chen Ming said to An Lei who had been recording, "How about it? All recorded?"

An Lei nodded and said, "It's all recorded, but what use is it for you to record this stuff?"

Chen Ming raised the corner of his mouth and said to An Lei, "Go! Let's take a look at the goods!"

After looking at each other, An Lei and Jiang Kun, who were unknown, followed Chen Ming to the opened container.

When Chen Ming asked Jiang Kun to take out a box from the inside and open it, Jiang Kun was suddenly stunned on the spot.

An Lei, who was standing next to Chen Ming, saw that Jiang Kun was stunned there, so he hurriedly asked Jiang Kun Dao, who was stunned there, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

Jiang Kun directly took out a detector from the box and threw it to An Lei, who was standing below, "Watch it for yourself!"

An Lei, who was catching the detector, looked down and saw that he actually had a [TC-011 Energy Detector] in his hand, and from the appearance, these detectors were old products that had been used many times.

Seeing that they were second-hand goods, An Lei immediately grabbed the contract and bills in Chen Ming's hands. He found that the product model written on the contract was [TC-011 Energy Detector], which was not shown to them before the person came. 【TC-012 Energy Detector】. And what is written on the bill is not the deposit but the full amount.

At this time, Chen Ming patted An Lei on the shoulder and said, "Well! It seems that the amount of Fang Qian did not lie to us!"

Jiang Kun, who was standing in the warehouse, and An Lei, who was holding the detector, both looked at Chen Ming in wonder, and said in unison, "Did you know all this?"

Chen Ming nodded naturally, "Yes! From the first time that guy came, I knew he was a Fang Qian."

An Lei and Jiang Kun heard Chen Ming say that they knew it since the man came for the first time, and Jiang Kun, who got off the truck, asked with a puzzled expression, "How did you tell?"

Chen Ming pointed to clothes, watches and shoes. "A novice salesperson, wearing a custom suit of 100,000, leather shoes of 50,000, and a limited edition mechanical watch worth 200,000, do you think he Maybe it's a novice salesperson? And the timing of this salesperson's arrival is too coincidental! Just when we were worrying about where to get the detector from, he just came to the door of our store?"

When Chen Ming said that, An Lei and Jiang Kun suddenly realized that, then the two of them looked at the car with one thousand [TC-011 energy detectors]. They were no longer angry but took advantage. Look in the eyes.