The World’s Tech Giants

Chapter 64: Mine disaster


Facing the three tigers, Chen Ming was all about the key, with the frequency and the continual attack, and instantly felt a little overwhelmed.

Even if he couldn't resist, Chen Ming still tried to avoid being attacked by the Three Tigers, but this was only as much as possible.

Even though the exoskeleton armor on Chen Ming's body is second only to military-level mining exoskeleton armor, it can face the ferocious beast-like attacks of the three tigers, and Chen Ming's armor has also suffered multiple damages. .

While the Three Tigers attacked Chen Ming with all their strength, An Lei and Jiang Kun also launched a fierce attack on the Three Tigers. Both of them hoped to distract the attention of the Three Tigers from Chen Ming, but the Three Tigers faced both of them. Attacks are separated from attacks that are likely to cause huge damage to themselves only with a connection line, and other attacks are basically not defended.

An Lei found that the three tigers were desperate. He held the big iron stick used as a weapon and increased the speed of the auxiliary movement to the maximum. When the three tigers pounced on Chen Ming, they came towards the three tigers. A "savage collision".

An Lei itself weighs 90 kilograms, and coupled with the solid iron pedestal weighing about three tons, An Lei can penetrate a 60-centimeter-thick cement wall at this time, even relying on inertia.

The Three Tigers, who launched a fierce attack on Chen Ming, felt the huge threat posed by An Lei, and immediately gave up the attack that was about to cut Chen Ming's throat. Instead, they forced their body to fall on the ground to avoid An Lei. This "savage collision".

But because An Lei's speed was too fast at this time, An Lei was already less than half a meter away from the Three Tigers when the Three Tigers discovered it.


With the sound of a dull crash, Sanhu didn't have time to escape An Lei's, and saw his lower body directly nailed to the wall by An Lei with the Tito.

Although the three tigers were nailed to the wall, An Lei still did not slow down, but accelerated on the spot holding the iron pillar.

Jiang Kun immediately pulled An Lei away. As Jiang Kun pulled An Lei away, Sanhu completely tore off his pinned lower body, used the remaining nine connecting wires behind him as support, and jumped suddenly. He rushed towards Chen Ming.

Chen Ming, who was shocked by Sanhu's operation, didn't react for a while, was directly thrown on him by Sanhu, and under the inertia of Sanhu's forward thrust, he rammed into the maintenance room behind him backwards.

When Billy, who had been hiding in the excavator before, was about to go down to check the situation, he happened to see Chen Ming who was hit by the three tigers and crashed into the maintenance room.

Chen Ming also happened to see Billy who was about to come down, and while supporting Sanhu's attack with his arm, he shouted, "Billy, open the drill!"

Seeing the appearance of Three Tigers, Billy was stunned for an instant, but as Chen Ming shouted, Billy's consciousness was also pulled back.

Billy hurriedly climbed into the operating room and turned on the drill switch.

I saw three spherical drill bits with protrusions suddenly starting to rotate.

When Chen Ming heard the sound of the drill turning, he gave up his defense. At the moment Sanhu's two claws were waved towards him together, he suddenly reached out and grabbed Sanhu's two claws.

While grasping the tiger's claws, Chen Ming raised his knees against Sanhu's body. When Sanhu's body was crested into an upside-down position, Chen Ming grabbed the arms of Sanhu's two hands and slammed backwards. After shaking, Sanhu flew directly into the spherical drill behind him.


Accompanied by the scream of the three tigers, the spherical drill instantly turned the three tigers into a pile of scrap iron with green **.

Seeing the scrap iron falling on the ground, Chen Ming lay down on the ground in relief and began to gasp.

At this time, An Lei and Jiang Kun, who came here, saw the pile of scrap iron with green ** under the drill bit, and they didn't ask where Sanhu had gone.

Chen Ming, who originally wanted to hand these expanders to the police, was looking at his watch. Now it is less than two hours before the mine starts. The most important thing for him now is to make the digging maneuverable.

Chen Ming said to An Lei and Jiang Kun, "You two will lock up this group of people first. I am going to debug the machine. When we can successfully dig the crystal, we will send them away."

When Chen Ming came to the operating room, he saw Billy looking down nervously. When seeing Chen Ming coming in, Billy immediately asked, "Is that monster dead?"

When Chen Ming heard Billy's question, he didn't realize what the monster he was talking about was, but after Billy made a gesture, Chen Ming realized that he was talking about three tigers.

"Dead, dead." Chen Ming patted Billy's shoulder comfortingly, "Now time is running out, let's check again to see if there is anything missing."

Chen Ming said that Billy immediately glanced at his watch and hurriedly left the operating room.

With anxiety, Chen Ming switched on the power supply of the stabilizer and the excavator.

Chen Ming breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the data that appeared on the display was his upgraded data.

At this time, through the monitoring screen, I saw the three tigers' entire army of money annihilated, and directly picked up the tea set worth 100,000 in front of him and fell to the ground severely.

"Damn! Sanhu didn't say that he was very strong! How could he not be able to kill even a person without the power to bind a chicken! Now the whole army has been wiped out." Fang Qian picked up the phone and pressed Zhu Ping’s phone number.

After intense debugging, Chen Ming finally made a final confirmation on the excavator before the mine started.

Before going to the mine, Jiang Kun accompanied Chen Ming for Chen Ming's safety. An Lei also took off his exoskeleton armor to Chen Ming.

When Chen Ming came to the large pure crystal again, Chen Ming drowned first before pressing the start button of the drill.

While pressing the start button, the stabilizer mounted on the excavator, at the moment the drill bit moved, emitted a purple aperture similar to sound waves to the pure crystal in front of it.

Under the shining of the purple halo, the flowing blue light on the crystal suddenly stopped, and then Chen Ming saw that when the drill bit touched the crystals, there was no fluctuation in the crystal energy on the scanner.

When they saw the excavator successfully mined the crystal, all the miners cheered.

Chen Ming saw that the machine had been able to dig normally, and his hanging heart was then put back into his stomach.

Just as Chen Ming and the others were mining crystals underground, there was a sudden explosion in the cave.


As the explosion sounded, the hole where only the simple bracket was installed suddenly began to vibrate.

Along with the shaking, there were broken rocks falling from the ceiling of the cave, and those zero-hour brackets were also shaken and quickly deformed, and some broke directly on the spot.

Faced with this situation, Chen Ming's first concern was not the miner but the stabilizer on the excavator and the stability of the crystal.

After all, these miners don't encounter this situation once or twice. They should know what to do at this time.

And when the crystal in front of him exploded, the numerical value indicating the stability of the crystal suddenly fluctuated sharply. If this value is too large, it is likely to directly detonate the large crystal in front of it.

But fortunately, Chen Ming upgraded the stability of the stabilizer, and the crystal's energy fluctuations only fluctuated for a while, and then gradually returned to a stable level.

The crystal is now stable, but the collapse in the mine is still continuing, and the excavator that Chen Ming is riding is now serving as a pillar.

Once Chen Ming drives away the excavator, all the miners who are now fleeing will be buried alive here.