The World’s Tech Giants

Chapter 66: Chance encounter


After Chen Ming discovered that the first emergency elevator shaft was abnormal, he asked Billy to take them to see the other five elevator shafts.

Three of them showed signs of man-made destruction, and two were buried by boulders generated by the landslide, but Chen Ming estimated that these two buried places were also destroyed.

Even if the remaining two emergency elevator shafts were not destroyed, they would basically be scrapped if they were hit by these boulders, each with a height of two people.

When the three of them sat down and took a rest, they counted the food and water they carried.

Now they have enough food and water to survive underground for four days at most. If they can't get out for four days, they may be trapped and die here.

Returning to the excavator, Chen Ming sat on a stone under the light produced by the pure crystal, and began to study the underground vein map on the electronic board in his hand.

It can be seen from the map that this area is also three kilometers away from their nearest mine, and they don't have much equipment for digging at the moment.

But this is actually not accurate. Don't you still have two hands you can use to dig.

It's a bit unrealistic just to dig the rock by hand, and it consumes a lot of physical strength, and the progress is very slow. The most important thing is that the hand will be injured if it doesn't take a while.

But even in this case, Chen Ming was still unwilling to sit still. He removed some usable parts from the destroyed emergency lift shafts and made some simple shovel and things to break rocks.

With the tools, the three of them started digging at the closest point on the map to the nearby mine tunnel. Although Chen Ming didn't like gambling, Chen Ming had to take a gamble in this situation.

Because it is very likely that in the collapse just now, the mine tunnel next to it did not receive much image. After all, the brackets placed there can withstand severe earthquakes, so even for this, it is even possible to try.

Maybe Billy and Jiang Kun also knew this, and both of them did not object to Chen Ming's decision. After all, this would still have a ray of life.

The three of them were like chicken blood, digging there desperately. In order to save energy, only one armor was used each time when digging, and the other was placed aside.

Because there are high-purity crystals here, Chen Ming and the others only need to put the armor aside, and the converter can recharge itself by absorbing the surrounding energy particles.

This function is available in every reformer, but the concentration of energy particles on the ground is not very high, and the energy absorbed by this function is low and negligible, so this function is gradually forgotten by everyone.

But now this function has become Chen Ming's life-saving straw. With this function, Chen Ming, they don't have to worry about the energy consumption of the armor.

After about a day of unremitting efforts, they finally dug the passage next to Chen Ming. It may be that the gods did not favor Chen Ming this time. When the three of them walked out of the dug mine tunnel, they saw that the road leading to the main elevator had been blocked. The boulders are buried.

Faced with this situation, Billy sat down on the ground and said with a dull expression, "It's over, it's over, we are dead, we can't get out..."

Seeing Billy muttering nothing, he began to cry with his knees hugged. From Billy's vague words, Chen Ming probably heard that Billy seemed to be complaining that he didn't have a girlfriend yet.

Chen Ming and Jiang Kun, two people who often pass by the god of death, seemed a little calm in the face of the scene at this time, but the two of them no longer had the passionate aura they had before.

Since the road ahead is no longer accessible, Chen Ming and the others are going to see if there are any other emergency elevators nearby.

But then Chen Ming was severely slapped by his own thoughts. This mine really only has so few emergency lifts. Although Chen Ming and the others have found two more, it is estimated that they are all based on the age of these equipment. It belongs to Chen Mingzu's grandfather.

A somewhat tired Chen Ming sat on the ground, leaned his head on the stone wall and closed his eyes and fell asleep.

When Chen Ming woke up again, he found that there was only Billy beside him. Jiang Kun no longer knew where he had gone, and Jiang Kun's exoskeleton armor was also placed aside.

When Billy saw Chen Ming woke up and looked at Jiang Kun's exoskeleton armor, Billy said to Chen Ming, "Brother Jiang, check the surrounding situation and see if there are any mine tunnels on the map."

As soon as Billy finished speaking, Chen Ming saw Jiang Kun walking back with a person behind his back.

Chen Ming and Billy were a little surprised to see Jiang Kun come back with a man behind his back.

Yesterday, when the excavator was started, the mine felt impossible for anyone to enter, and the first reaction of the miners at the explosion was to run outside. Who would run inside so cluelessly? Isn't this just looking for death!

When Jiang Kun put this person down, Chen Ming saw that this person had been beaten on his face. Needless to say, Jiang Kun must have beaten this person. As for why Jiang Kun beat this person, Chen Ming guessed it was this person. Rebelling against Jiang Kun gave him a bit.

When Chen Ming was about to ask who this person was, Jiang Kun directly tied up the person’s hands and feet with wires before saying, “This person is when I’m exploring, and I feel like someone is following me. He was ambushed just around the corner, and I found this on this guy."

As Jiang Kun said, he took out two pieces of oiled paper wrapped in oiled paper from the person, and placed them in front of Chen Ming and Billy, a rectangular object the size of a piece of butter in a shopping mall.

Chen Ming immediately recognized these two things. This was the [GBZY-015, gel-like explosive for blasting] they had seen before.

And this kind of explosive appeared on a miner, and this person was sneaky, the explosion that happened in the mine was definitely caused by this person.

You can see the appearance of this person, the smell of earth coming out of his simple dress and body, and his callous hands. It doesn't look like someone who is with Fang Qian and Zhu Ping.

Now all doubts are guesses, and to get a true answer, you can only wait for this person to wake up from a coma.

At this moment Billy suddenly said, "Uncle Song? Why is he here?"

It was learned from Billy that this man was a miner in the mine, and his son was also very upbeat, and was admitted to the top university on the planet. Now this Uncle Song is waiting to retire and enjoy the happiness.

But how could such a person who is about to retire appear here, and there are high explosives in his hands that need to be strictly reviewed before being used. There is a little bit of content here.

At this time, Old Song, who was knocked out by Jiang Kun, slowly opened his eyes that were not panda eyes.

When he saw Jiang Kun, Chen Ming and Billy three people, he shrank into a ball when he was looking at him and kept saying, "Don't hit me, don't hit me, I don't want to be like this, I'm a victim I'm so forced!"

Seeing Uncle Song’s horrified look, Chen Ming and Billy looked at Jiang Kun, but Jiang Kun said innocently, “I didn’t abuse the elderly! I just punched him.”

Uncle Song, who had been curled up there for a long time, opened his eyes tentatively when he saw that he didn't do anything, and looked at Chen Ming, Jiang Kun, and Billy.

Chen Ming saw that Uncle Song had calmed down, so he poured a little water for Uncle Song and handed it to Uncle Song, "Uncle Song, can you tell me how this explosive came from? And who made you do this explosion? of?"