The World’s Tech Giants

Chapter 69: The beginning of capital accumulation


Fang Qian and Zhu Ping heard Lao Song's body voice, and their faces immediately showed a look of surprise. Just as they were about to retreat, they felt their backs hit something.

Zhu Ping looked back and saw that An Lei didn't know when he came behind him, and when An Lei saw Zhu Ping look at him, his face showed a bright smile.

And standing behind the Fang Qian was Jiang Kun, who was staring at the Fang Qian with cold eyes.

Fang Qian seemed to still not give up and shouted at Lao Song and Chen Ming, "Who, who can prove that I gave him his explosives! Maybe he stole it!"

When Lao Song heard the Fang Qian's words, he immediately rolled up his sleeves and prepared to beat the Fang Qian, but was stopped by Chen Ming.

Chen Ming took out the remaining bomb from the backpack on his back, stuffed it directly into Fang Qian's hand, and "accidentally" manually opened the bomb sticking to Fang Qian's body.

Seeing the time on the bomb began to quickly pass, Fang Qian's face turned pale at this time.

When the onlookers saw the bomb start, everyone quickly moved away from the Fang Qian.

In the blink of an eye, there was no one within five hundred meters of Fang Qian.

Standing in the same place with trembling legs, Fang Qian shouted to Chen Ming, "Boss Chen, come and save me!"

Chen Ming stretched his hands and made a helpless expression, "Boss Fang, I'm sorry, my hand slipped for a while. I will only die in the past, so I will burn more paper money on your grave today next year!"

After hearing Chen Ming’s words, Fang Qian, who was already nervous, glanced at the bomb that was about to detonate in less than ten seconds. Fang Qian directly took out a lighter-like thing from his pocket and pressed the red on it. Button.

When Fang Qian pressed the button, the countdown on the bomb stopped at one second.

Just when Fang Qian was about to breathe a sigh of relief, that second suddenly became zero.

The moment Fang Qian saw that the stopwatch had become zero, a fishy puddle flowed out of Fang Qian's pants.

At this time, Chen Ming walked up to Fang Qian and grabbed Fang Qian with a look of disgust. The two wires that had fallen off said, "I have removed the bomb. This is just a timer."

After Chen Ming finished speaking, he took the controller in Fang Qian's hand and said to Lao Song, "How about it, now believe it!"

At this time, Lao Song's face showed a remorseful expression.

At this time, Chen Ming walked to Lao Song's side, patted Lao Song on the shoulder, and said, "Lao Song, enjoy the blessing when it is time to enjoy the blessing. Your child should go on his own path. cheat."

After Lao Song nodded regretfully, Chen Ming just felt that someone was holding his thigh, and then he heard Zhu Ping's voice from under him, "Boss Fang! This matter really has nothing to do with me! He did it all by himself, and I was forced to do it!"

Zhu Ping, who was holding Chen Ming's thigh, said these words, while Chen Ming voted for the money.

If the expression in the eyes can kill people, Fang Qian's eyes can make Zhu Ping sluggish on the spot.

But Zhu Ping didn't see it at all, and he still looked at Chen Ming with a pitiful expression.

Chen Ming squatted down to keep his eyes level with Zhu Ping, and looked at Zhu Ping with a smile on his face, "Zhu Ping, this is your second time. My principle is to keep on repeating, this time I will look at you. Father and Brother Xu will forgive you again for their face, and if you have another time, don't blame me!"

Zhu Ping nodded and said, "Know, know! From now on I will definitely change my past! I..."

Zhu Ping was about to continue regretting, but Chen Ming did not continue to listen but stood up, walked to the Fang Qian standing where his crotch was wet, and said in a voice that only two people could hear, "Boss Fang, if I were you, I would Run quickly, or your life may be gone."

As soon as Chen Ming finished talking about the square money, he gave Chen Ming a fierce look, and said to Chen Ming fiercely, "You wait! Dare to fight against Wang, they won't spare you!"

After letting go of the ruthless words, the money left the mine in a rush.

Looking at Fang Qian's embarrassment, Chen Ming said to himself, "I was going to fight against Wang. How could I be afraid of them, you stupid pig."

When Fang Qian ran away, those miners were going to catch up, but they were stopped by Chen Ming. The reason Chen Ming stopped them was that Fang Qian’s body could not stand the fists of their daily workers, even if they were. If the miner is one person, Fang Qian will basically go to the west. In order to prevent everyone from being charged with murder, it is fine. After all, Fang Qian's business can't go on in Nugget Town.

Although Chen Ming said this can only suppress the anger of some people, some people still don’t want to let it go. In order to divert the attention of those people, Chen Ming asked everyone to clean out the mine together, otherwise the mine The output of the mine will resume at the end of the year, which will affect the future income of all the miners.

When it comes to the question of money, the miners also put the square money thing again. After all, these people are to support their families, and their source of income is this mine, which makes them hate and livelihood. Choose a livelihood between.

Fang Qian, who had escaped from the mine, walked towards his car with an annoyed look, while muttering there, "Chen Ming! You wait! This matter is waiting for me to report to Brother Lu, and see how I clean up. You! I must make you better than death!"

When Fang Qian came near his car, he saw that his subordinates staying in the car were also invisible at this time. This made Fang Qian, who was already angry, even more angry, "Damn, I spent money to support him." You guys, tell me to be lazy when you see a car! See how I go back and clean up you!"

Fang Qian was about to open the car door when he finished speaking, but when he held his hand on the handle of the car, Fang Qian suddenly felt dark around him, and then two expanders, two meters tall, appeared on the left and right sides of Fang Qian.

When Fang Qian saw these expanders, he involuntarily began to sweat on his head, and his legs began to tremble constantly.

At this moment, on the other side of the car door, a blond man with a tattoo on his face and robotic arms was biting a toothpick and looking at Fang Qian with a smile, "Boss Fang, our boss is thinking something Talk to you, please come with us!"

Just as Fang Qian was about to explain, he was stuffed into the car by the two expanders beside him.

After this incident, Fang Qian never appeared again. This also made Fang Qian and Chen Ming in the matter of competing for equipment suppliers in Nugget Town, and Chen Ming had no doubt about Fang Qian’s disappearance. Won the contract.

In fact, even if the Fang Qian did not disappear, the contract was for Chen Ming. From the beginning, Wu Jun did not intend to give Fang Qian the contract. The biggest reason was that Wu Jun knew that Fang Qian would lose, otherwise he would not be able to let Chen Ming takes root here.

After Chen Ming was awarded the contract, he took the lead in taking the miners to clear out the mine buried by the boulder, and after re-overhauling the excavator and teaching the miners how to use it, Chen Ming would be ready to start earning his own first. It's a pot of gold.