The World’s Tech Giants

Chapter 77: Introduce minefields


Jiang Kun, who was lying on the top of a three-story building, was startled when he heard Chen Ming's words, but when Jiang Kun was about to stop Chen Ming and let him use a sniper rifle to solve it, Jiang Kun saw that Chen Ming was already on full swing. , Blocking the Blue Devils' sight with dust, bypassing the Blue Devils and rushing towards the minefield outside the town.

Seeing Chen Ming's actions, Jiang Kun had no choice but to point his muzzle at the Blue Devils. At the same time, he said to Wang Wu beside him, "Look at the nearest mine-intensive area! All the snipers lying on the roof. Hand, try to stop the Blue Devils and don't let the Blue Devils hurt Chen Ming!"

Wang Wu received Jiang Kun’s order and immediately conveyed the mission to the other snipers. At the same time, Wang Wu faced Jiang Kun Dao beside him, “In Chen Ming’s three o’clock position 800 meters, there is a place that was not blown up just now. In the minefields, there are about twenty mines."

After hearing what Wang Wu said, Jiang Kun immediately pointed the muzzle at what Wang Wu said, then turned the muzzle back to the Blue Devils, and then said into the walkie-talkie, "Chen Ming, Chen Ming, you three There is a minefield at o'clock! You run there and we cover you!"

After Jiang Kun finished speaking, he fired a shot at the arm of the Blue Devils that was about to launch an attack.


As Jiang Kun's first shot sounded, the sound was like firecrackers, and after one sound, the next gun sound followed.

In the continuous sound of gunshots, the Blue Devils kept popping out of bullets and sparks that hit them. Chen Ming also heard Jiang Kun’s instructions. A flick of the Blue Devils headed towards the minefield with the Blue Devils. .

Just when Chen Ming was less than 20 meters away from the minefield, the scimitar-shaped tail behind the Blue Devils connected by a metal wire suddenly turned into an afterimage and flew away directly at the exoskeleton of Chen Ming's leg.

At the same time, Jiang Kun, who saw the afterimage of the Blue Devil's tail, also pulled the trigger at the same time. But Jiang Kun was still a step slower. At the same time the gunfire sounded, the Blue Devils' tail had reached the place where Chen Ming's legs were less than 20 cm.

Maybe it was because Chen Ming was lucky. At this moment, Chen Ming didn't know what happened. He suddenly turned the scimitar that caused the Blue Devils to stab his leg and hit it directly on the auxiliary pulley of Chen Ming's leg.

Although Chen Ming escaped the blow, Chen Ming’s auxiliary pulley was destroyed. This caused Chen Ming, who was advancing at high speed, to suddenly lose his balance. After shaking and rolling directly on the ground, he stopped ten meters away from the minefield. The place.

Jiang Kun, who found Chen Ming's "car accident", immediately squeezed the trigger at the Blue Devils who was approaching Chen Ming.

"Boom boom boom...!"

The other snipers also pulled the trigger when they saw Chen Ming's "car accident" and heard Jiang Kun's gunshots.

"Boom boom boom...!"

It was originally a sniper rifle that shot one shot at a time. The hard sound was used by Jiang Kun as a slow semi-automatic rifle. With the increasing density of sniper rifle bullets, the sparks on the Blue Devils' body gradually increased, but the Blue Devils didn't care about those. The bullet that was shot approached Chen Ming who was lying on the ground step by step.

When the Blue Devils were two steps away from Chen Ming, Chen Ming, who was lying on the ground, suddenly raised the dust in front of him, and while throwing it at the Blue Devils' eyes, Chen Ming ran towards the minefield.

Originally, the Blue Devils would not be fascinated by the sand, but because of human response, he subconsciously avoided. When the Blue Devils raised his head, he saw Chen Ming running forward.

Originally it was only ten meters away, but now it looks like a few hundred meters for Chen Ming, because at that moment, the exoskeleton armor of Chen Ming’s leg was cut, which caused Chen Ming to drag a ten Several kilograms of steel bars move forward.

In addition, because of a sudden stop just now, Chen Ming and the ground have been in close contact for several times. Now Chen Ming feels his head is a little groggy.

At this time, the Blue Devils following Chen Ming looked at Chen Ming as if they were looking at a struggling prey. Every time Chen Ming took a step forward, the Blue Devils would follow one step forward.

Just when Chen Ming was five meters away from the minefield, he suddenly hurried to a gust of wind behind him, and Chen Minggang, who knew that there was danger, was about to turn around and defend with his arm.

Chen Ming felt that his back was hit by a huge impulse. Fortunately, the extra bone armor on Chen Ming's body was of miner level. This allowed Chen Ming's back armor to help Chen Ming resist most of the damage.

But even so, the strength still sent Chen Ming flying out. As Chen Ming flew out, the one behind him flew away directly in the air, and Chen Ming also vomited a mouthful of blood.

The Blue Devils who flew Chen Ming didn't intend to let Chen Ming fall from the air, but saw the scimitar-like tail behind him, again drawing a residual image towards Chen Ming's chest and flew over.

Chen Ming, who was flying in the air, felt something flying towards him, so he endured the severe pain from behind, curled up his body and protected him with his arms.


After hearing a crisp sound, Chen Ming only felt a huge force from his arms, and then Chen Ming saw the exoskeleton armbands on his arms flying away, and his own was also under the action of this huge force. He fell heavily to the ground.

Although Chen Ming had recovered his life, all the exoskeletons on Chen Ming's body had been scrapped, and Chen Ming was still half a meter away from the minefield.

Chen Ming, who got up from the ground, felt that his body was about to split in half pain, but now is not the time to think about it. Chen Ming must enter the minefield to be safe.

Just as Chen Ming was trying hard to climb towards the minefield, a bullet suddenly hit the flat arm of the Blue Devils that stretched out towards Chen Ming.

It may have been through too many attacks, but the arm that was supposed to wipe the spark exploded when it hit.


Although the power of the explosion was small, the impact was enough to push Chen Ming into the minefield.

When Chen Ming saw that he had come to the minefield, the corners of his mouth barely supported his body, and he hooked his fingers at the Blue Devils parked outside the minefield and said, "Come on! There is a kind to catch me! Or you are afraid of the following What'baby'? Can you threaten your life?"

After Chen Ming saw that the Blue Devils were still hesitating, he looked at his watch and barely stood up and said, "But I can remind you that it has been twenty minutes since you started transforming to the present, plus you were there just now. With that shot at the gate of the town, you are still five minutes away from the runaway state. If you do not leave the range of the sniper rifle before you catch me, then wait to be caught by me!"

The Blue Devils, who were still hesitating, rushed towards Chen Ming after hearing what Chen Ming said.

Seeing the Blue Devils rushing towards him, Chen Ming immediately dragged his body and moved hard towards the center of the minefield.

But when Chen Ming moved five steps earlier, he didn't hear an explosion behind him. At this moment, Chen Ming suddenly tripped over something and fell directly to the ground.

Chen Ming was just about to get up. When he looked back at how far the Blue Devils were from him, Chen Ming saw that the Blue Devils had stepped on something, and then Chen Ming suddenly lost consciousness.