The World’s Tech Giants

Chapter 79: The war begins


Jiang Kun wanted to give the injured Chen Ming a little more rest, but Chen Ming insisted that there was no reason to refute what Jiang said on the grounds that he was the only maintenance person.

Chen Ming, the most injured person, got out of bed. An Lei, who just injured his calf, couldn't stay in bed anymore. So he went to the maintenance room with Chen Ming to help repair the equipment that was picked up.

According to what Chen Ming said, Jiang Kun asked the miners to plant landmines in all corners of the room, as well as on the streets.

For these miners, digging tunnels is nothing short of pediatrics. In just half a day, the miners connected half of the gold mining town with an underpass.

An Lei, who was helping in the repair room, looked at the sparsely bombed long-range weapons. An Lei said with a pity, "Oh! What a pity, it would be great if these weapons were stronger!"

Chen Ming, who was welding a power axe with his head down, cast a glance at An Lei and said, "What do you need so many weapons for? There are not many that use weapons in the town. What if you accidentally get injured! It's better to get more melee weapons. Let those miners be shameless in the corner!"

Hearing what Chen Ming said, An Lei said in a disappointing voice, "When will we be able to engage in military technology! So that I can touch new weapons every day!"

Chen Ming stopped his movements and looked at An Lei, who was touching a blown rifle, and said, "You think this thing is fun! When I'm going to do repairs in the fortress, Brother Jiang will drive me away." After a few shots, I almost didn't shock me to death after firing it for the first time!"

An Lei looked at Chen Ming with a look of disbelief, "Hey! Hey! If you get a bargain, you still sell well. If I overturn that group of gangsters this time, I must find a chance to shoot twice!"

Seeing that An Lei didn't believe it, Chen Ming could only make a helpless expression, and then proceeded to repair the equipment.

After two days of preparation, the town of Nuggets has been completely covered by an underpass, and all the rooms and roads in Nuggets town have been buried with mines, just waiting for the gangsters to come.

On the morning of the third day, the sun slowly rose from the horizon, and everyone in Nuggets Town and the blood ghost group that had brought all their belongings were ready to attack.

The Blood Tiger held the brown-haired woman who had been with Fang Qian, and squinted at the empty Nuggets Town. "Whoever you attack first has the priority to plunder! If anyone else catches that Chen Ming, I Here alone reward him one million!"

When the gangsters heard that the blood tiger said that they had priority to plunder, some gangsters were already a little bit ready to move, but after hearing that Chen Ming had been caught and a million yuan reward, all the gangsters shouted directly, one by one like Excited like chicken blood.

Holding a telescope next to Jiang Kun, looking at the cheering gangsters, Chen Ming said in a puzzled manner, "What are the gangsters cheering for?"

Jiang Kun, who was looking at the sniper scope, said, "It is estimated that your bounty is very high! Or the blood tiger has given priority to plunder."

"Wow! How much does Chen Ming cost! If it's worth the money, why don't we just hand over Chen Ming?" An Lei said jokingly.

"Then An Lei, do you think you handed me over, can you get the money? If I tell the blood tiger again, you will have a part in killing the three tigers. Do you think they can get around you?" Chen Ming looked at the gangster who had started rushing towards the town in the telescope and said to An Lei on the other side of the headset.

"I'll wipe it! I'm just kidding, you need to come and die together! You can't let the brothers think of luck!" An Lei said angrily.

When the gangsters came to the door of the town, two explosions suddenly sounded, and two off-road vehicles rushing to the front were directly blown into the sky by landmines buried in the ground.

Seeing someone being blown into the sky, the remaining gangsters stopped the car immediately. They saw the gangster standing on the cannon set up behind the car, took out a launcher from the car, and pulled the trigger against the sky.

Seeing this scene, when Chen Minggang was about to ask, Jiang Kun said, "Huh! Let them do it! Use everything here! So when they get to the town, they don't have to be afraid that they will use this!"

Just when Chen Ming was confused, a string of messages appeared in front of Chen Ming's eyes.

[SL-07 special barrage for large-scale minesweeping. The advantage is that it can directly paralyze or detonate landmines in a wide range. The disadvantage is that it can only be used once, and the remaining technology points are 14 points]

Seeing Chen Ming who was still sweeping mines like this, suddenly felt that he had opened his eyes.

After the bandits had fired the mine-sweeping barrage in their hands, Chen Ming saw the mines they had buried on the ground, some of which raised a small spark on the ground, and some of them directly detonated on the spot.

After the last landmine exploded, the bandits once again launched the off-road vehicle and rushed towards the town.

When the gangsters came one kilometer before the town, Jiang Kun said to the walkie-talkie, "Everyone shoots the drivers and kills as many gangsters as possible."

Just after Jiang Kun finished speaking, the sound of a sniper rifle popping out suddenly sounded.


After the first gunshot sounded, more gunshots sounded one after another. Jiang Kun also pulled the trigger at the same time as the gunfire sounded.

When the blood tiger, who was not moving, heard the sound of the sniper rifle, an expression of excitement appeared on his face, "Oh! There are still snipers in this town, and there are not too many! No wonder the Three Tigers will be here. Capsize."

Although the gangsters watched their companions being capped with sniper rifles, they were like desperadoes. After pushing their dead companions out of the car, they continued to replace them with new people to drive.

Even if the car was overturned, they climbed out of the car, hitchhiking next to them, or rushed towards the town on foot.

An Lei, who saw this scene from the telescope, exclaimed, "Wow! Are these people crazy, or are they stunned by the drug, so they are not afraid, but they seem to be more and more brave?"

When Jiang Kun finished playing a clip and was preparing to load the second clip, Jiang Kun suddenly frowned, and said anxiously to the walkie-talkie, "Don't kill ordinary people first, kill expanders first! These expanders want Ready to knock the medicine."

As soon as Jiang Kun finished talking here, Chen Ming saw from the telescope an expander took out six bottles of blue potion and directly pierced it on the heart.

While stabbing the heart, the dilator was like an epileptic. After pulling out for a few seconds, all the vents all over his body suddenly opened, and then white gas was expelled from those vents.

Chen Ming saw from the white smoke that a winged object appeared in the white smoke, and then he saw a creature like a vulture flying out of the white smoke.

Jiang Kun, who saw the vulture flying, shot three shots at the neurological auxiliary system of the expander who had turned into a vulture when the vulture was just flying out of the white smoke.

"Boom! Bang! Bang!"

The expander who turned into a vulture just flew less than three meters before he planted his head on the ground.

When he landed, he also killed five gangsters who were not in a hurry.

But as more and more expanders transformed, Jiang Kun was too late to shoot, and after sniper bullets killed the fifth transformed expander, he officially announced that the bullets had run out.