The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 121: Can't ask for pain


In fact, Du Guirong didn't know that it seemed like it was a tie, but at this moment Jiang Yun was only using his pure physical power, and there were many methods, and he didn't even use his physical Taoist body.

However, Jiang Yun's expression also became more solemn, because he could feel that the strength of this medicine puppet could also be improved!


Suddenly, the medicine puppet opened its mouth, and a fire dragon about ten feet long spewed out from its mouth, surprising Jiang Yun again.

Originally, he thought that the medicine puppet only relied on the same physical power as himself, but he did not expect that the other party could actually cast spells.

Du Guirong smiled coldly and said: "This is the power of the medicine puppet. Although he was made into a medicine puppet, he will never forget the techniques he practiced."

Seeing the fire dragon approaching, Jiang Yun no longer tried to catch it, but stretched out his hand to grab it. The rain falling around him immediately turned into a water dragon in his hand, and he rushed forward.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Yun flicked his sleeve, and the mist behind him that had never dispersed, like a cloak, suddenly swelled up and swallowed up the medicine puppet in an instant.

In the past four months, although Jiang Yun had not done anything with anyone, he had not relaxed at all about his cultivation.

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Especially now that he cannot open the twelfth meridian, he no longer needs to think about cultivation, so all his energy is focused on magic and demon refining.

The Technique of Cloud, Sky and Mist has become Jiang Yun's most powerful technique at present. When used, the power is more than twice as powerful as before.

Coupled with the current heavy rain and majestic weather, the water is rising, allowing the power of this cloudy and foggy technique to explode to the extreme.

Although it is still far from being able to form a world of its own, Jiang Yun's strength can be further improved in the mist.

With a flash of his body, Jiang Yun also rushed into the mist!

Wrapped in the mist, the medicine puppet suddenly pulled hard on the white bandage wrapped around his body, and the bandage suddenly exploded layer by layer. From a distance, it looked like it had transformed into several long white snakes, shooting out in all directions. , seems to want to destroy this boundless fog and find Jiang Yun hiding in the fog.

In fact, Jiang Yun was right in front of the medicine puppet, wrapped in a thicker layer of mist. Looking at the several white bandages that were shooting towards him, Jiang Yun raised his hand and made a vague grab upwards.


A bolt of thunder fell from the sky, landed directly in Jiang Yun's hand, condensed into a palm-sized thunder ball, and hit the medicine puppet hard.


The thunder ball exploded and turned into countless tiny golden thunderbolts, which spread all over the body of Yao Puppet, making a crackling sound. After the thunder disappeared, Yao Puppet's body had turned into a charred black piece, and there was even white smoke in his mouth. squirt.

However, after being severely injured by the power of thunder, the medicine puppet's eyes regained their clarity and looked towards Jiang Yun.

Du Guirong, who was outside the fog, couldn't see what was going on inside. He could only hear the roaring sounds coming from inside, which made him spin around outside in a hurry.

After a moment, Du Guirong suddenly raised his head, looked at the rolling mist in front of him, and said with a shocked look on his face: "The medicine puppet actually regained consciousness! This is not possible!"

Du Guirong stamped his foot fiercely, and a small jade plaque appeared in his hand. He opened his mouth, bit the tip of his tongue suddenly, and sprayed a mouthful of blood on it.

The jade token was stained with blood, and an earth-shattering shrill roar suddenly sounded in the mist again, which came from the medicine puppet!

The clear color that had just appeared in Yaopup's eyes gradually began to dissipate, and his facial features and body were almost distorted into human shapes. However, at this moment, all his strength was finally activated.

At least in Jiang Yun's opinion, if he didn't summon the physical body, he would probably not be the opponent of the medicine puppet.

It's just that such stimulation is really a great pain for Yao Puppet!

Just when the aura emanating from Yao Puppet's body has reached an extreme level, and even the surrounding mist has begun to become thinner, there is still a trace of clarity and desire in Yao Puppet's protruding eyes. Staring at Jiang Yun with a death glare, he made an indistinct voice: "Death, kill, me, let me die! Please, please!"

Hearing the medicine puppet's voice and looking at its distorted image, Jiang Yun couldn't help but think of the mantis from before.

If the mantis could speak human words, Jiang Yun believed that it would say the same thing as the medicine puppet.

Although one is a demon and the other is a human, both were controlled by similar techniques, lost their freedom, and became killing tools in the hands of Du Guirong. However, they both retained a trace of clear mind and longed for freedom and liberation.

Although they are all still alive, living this way is simply worse than death, but they are unable to end their lives on their own...

Thinking of this, a string in Jiang Yun's mind was suddenly touched again, and the touch was getting deeper and stronger, as if Jiang Yun's head was about to explode.

Until, the skills of the human world emerged silently and slowly and uncontrollably.

At this moment, Jiang Yun suddenly had a realization in his heart, and blurted out: "No!"

The suffering of not getting what you want is one of the eight sufferings in the world!

The art of the Eight Sufferings is also an art contained in the human world. No one can teach it, it can only be understood by oneself. Therefore, the art perceived by everyone is different.

At the beginning, Gu Bu Lao also asked Jiang Yun to comprehend it on his own, but Jiang Yun still had no idea how to comprehend it.

Until this moment, looking at the medicine puppet in front of him and thinking of the praying mantis from before, he finally had a glimmer of understanding.

You can't live, you can't die!



The last glimmer of clarity and desire in Yao Puppet's eyes finally completely disappeared, and the muffled voice in his mouth turned into a beast-like howl again. He even got down on all fours, suddenly jumped up high, and rushed towards Jiang Yun!

"Please, no, yes!"

Looking at the medicine puppet getting closer and closer to him, Jiang Yun recited these three words in his mouth, slowly raised his hand, and pointed out!

At Jiang Yun's fingertips, a vortex the size of a palm suddenly appeared, and in the vortex, there were faint figures flickering and the images changing.

Although it cannot be seen clearly, if a third person is present at this moment, one can clearly feel that there is a special power contained in this small vortex, which will awaken what one desires most deep in his heart.

But unfortunately, I can’t get it!

This is what you can’t ask for!

"I'll help you get it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the vortex at Jiang Yun's fingertips suddenly flew out and lightly hit the medicine puppet, as if it turned into a bubble, wrapping the medicine puppet.

And Jiang Yun could clearly see that the ferocious look on the face of the medicine puppet in the whirlpool was slowly receding, replaced by peace and calm.

However, his body was also in the whirlpool, gradually dissipating quietly. When he saw that only his head was left, he suddenly turned his head and grinned at Jiang Yun.

There is deep gratitude in the smile!