The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 295: A big thing


This sentence immediately rekindled the fire of hope in Jiang Yun's heart, and he asked eagerly: "Senior, please tell me, what are the three ways?"

"The first way is to go to Senluo Ghost Prison."

"Although I don't think they can undo this poison, but as a ghost clan, they naturally understand the soul better than any other clan, so maybe there is a way!"

Jiang Yun knew that Senluo Ghost Prison was one of the five major sects in the Shanhai Realm. It was located in Dongshan Prefecture and was also known as the most mysterious sect.

Going to Senluo Ghost Prison, Jiang Yun didn't have much fear, but the key was that he didn't have much time now.

"What about the second option?"

"The second method is that although I am an eighth-level alchemist and the highest-level alchemist in the Shanhai Realm, in our Medicine God Sect, the person with the highest attainments in medicine is the Supreme Patriarch. Maybe he can do it. "

Jiang Yun frowned and said: "Senior, since I have won the medicine competition, I am qualified to ask any medicine master of your sect to help. Then, can I ask him to help?"


Elder Han shrugged and said, "However, he is no longer in the Medicine God Sect, or even in the Shanhai Realm."

"Then where is he?"

"The place where the God of Medicine inherits!"

"Then can we invite him out?"

Elder Han shook his head and said: "No! Disciples can come out after entering the inheritance place, but Taishang Ancestor can never come out after entering it."

Jiang Yun was stunned and said: "In other words, if I want to ask the Supreme Ancestor to refine the medicine, I must enter the inheritance place myself?"


Jiang Yun naturally knew that the inheritance place of Yaoshen Sect was actually equivalent to the Holy Land of the Snow Clan and the Luo Family's Demon Sealing Dao Slip.

That kind of place was definitely not something that a disciple of my outer sect could enter casually.

Looking at the silent Jiang Yun, Elder Han obviously knew what Jiang Yun was thinking. He smiled slightly and said, "If you really want to enter the inheritance place of our sect, I can help you."

Before Jiang Yun could ask, Elder Han had already continued: "Since ancient times, the founding ancestor of our sect has set a rule. As long as you can pass the sixth level, you can enter the inheritance place!"

"The sixth level?"

Jiang Yun was stunned again. He had already passed five levels, but he didn't expect that there would be a sixth level now.

"As a medicine elder and sect master, everyone has the qualification to open the sixth level once. If you really want to enter the land of inheritance, I can give this qualification to you!"

"However, even if I give you this qualification and help you open the sixth level, you still have to rely on your own knowledge of medicine to pass this sixth level before you can enter the inheritance place."

"Furthermore, only those who are inside the sixth level can know what kind of level it is and how to break it."

"Once you pass the sixth level, you can enter the inheritance land on your own!"

"But if you can't get through, then from now on, you will have no connection with our Medicine God Sect."

"Even anyone who has the slightest relationship with you is not allowed to come to our Medicine God Sect to seek medicine again!"

Jiang Yun frowned when he heard this request, because it was really unreasonable.

I may not seek help from the Medicine God Sect, but people related to me.

For example, the disciples of the Taoist Sect, because they failed to break through the barrier, have since lost the opportunity to come to the Medicine God Sect to seek medicine...

After pondering for a moment, Jiang Yun said with a bitter smile: "Elder Han, you just said that there is a third way!"

"Yes, the third way is to find a way to detoxify this poison yourself!"

Jiang Yungang wanted to shake his head, but Elder Han immediately said: "Don't underestimate yourself!"

"Now, although your attainments in medicine are not at the pinnacle, there are things that no one else can achieve. Turning decay into magic is something that no pharmacist can do."

"It's just that if you want to get rid of this poison in a short time, you must enter the inheritance place!"

"Because it contains the inheritance of the God of Medicine left by the founding ancestor of our sect. As long as you can get it, it will definitely be of great help to your knowledge of medicine."

Jiang Yun finally understood that apart from the first method, the other two methods required him to enter the inheritance place of Yaoshen Sect.

Look at the original version of Chapter j, section ◇X/

Jiang Yun fell into deep thought, and Elder Han did not rush him, but just sat leisurely and waited.

Although Jiang Yun has never seen this sixth level, it is not difficult to guess from Elder Han's words that this sixth level must be extremely difficult.

However, this is also reasonable. After all, every sect attaches great importance to inheritance. If it were any other sect, it would be impossible for outsiders to obtain it.

It is commendable that the founding ancestor of Yaoshen Sect can set this rule and allow outsiders to enter the place of inheritance he left behind.

After thinking for a long time, Jiang Yun finally made a decision.

"In that case, please ask Senior Han for help. I want to pass the sixth level!"

At this point, Jiang Yun has no other choice but to enter the inheritance place and take a two-pronged approach.

On the one hand, find the Supreme Patriarch of the Medicine God Sect and ask him to help;

On the other hand, he wanted to see if he could obtain the inheritance of the God of Medicine so that he could refine the antidote for his third senior brother.

Jiang Yun's decision was actually within Elder Han's expectation. Just as he was about to speak, Master Hui's message suddenly came to his ears.

"Elder Han, come to the main hall quickly, we have something important to discuss!"

Hearing these words, Elder Han frowned, shook his head, and said to Jiang Yun: "In three months, the place of inheritance of our sect will be opened. Before it is opened, I will open the sixth level for you alone."

"Then you go back and have a good rest now, and make preparations at the same time."

"In these three months, you can consolidate your foundation in medicine. If you need anything, you can go to Master Mei Bugu and Xiao Zheng. They will try their best to satisfy you."

"Thank you, Senior Han!"

As Jiang Yun stood up and left, Elder Han's figure also appeared in the Yaoshen Sect's meeting hall.

In the main hall at this moment, not only the sect leader, Master Hui, but also the five Heavenly Medicine Masters were all present.

Moreover, there was also a fat old man with an old appearance and a smile on his face.

Seeing this formation, Elder Han had a sneer on his face, especially after taking another look at the fat old man and saying, "Fat Shen, you're even here?"

The fat old man's surname is Shen. Although he is not a medicine master, he is a heretic elder of the Medicine God Sect. He has the same status as Elder Han and Master Hui. He is mainly in charge of all non-medicine disciples in the sect.

For example, Guo Si, Zhou Dongqing and others are under his jurisdiction.

Even though Elder Shen always smiles on his face, he is known as a smiling tiger.

Not only is he highly cultivated, but he is also ruthless and ruthless. In the Yaoshen Sect, he is simply a ferocious existence.

And he was the one who led the people to destroy Baicao Valley.

Many disciples would be so frightened that they would not even dare to breathe once they heard his name.

It's just that this person rarely shows up, and he didn't even show up for the medicine competition three days ago, but now he is sitting here, which really surprises Elder Han.

However, Elder Han has already continued: "If you are here to persuade me about Jiang Yun's matter, then I will tell you, no need to talk!"

"I will definitely open this sixth level for him!"

The leader of Yaoshen Sect said calmly: "It's not Jiang Yun's matter, but another big matter!"

"What's up?"

"We have received information that Beishan Prefecture's Ten Thousand Monsters Cave and Dongshan Prefecture's Senluo Ghost Prison have decided to jointly attack our sect. It will take as soon as half a year or as late as a year. They will definitely arrive!"