The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 373: Boat-grabbing melee


Except for Jiang Yun, many people had almost the same reaction as him. They all immediately noticed the strangeness of this world and stepped onto a small boat.

But some people were not worried at all, and even couldn't help but say excitedly: "Haha, I didn't expect that there would be an ocean in this mirage. Now we are in the right place!"

"My fellow tribesmen, let me go down first to see what is in the depths of the sea!"

The speaker was a big man. As he finished speaking, he transformed into a huge black fish. With a flick of his tail, he suddenly dived into the water.

Obviously, he is a sea tribe!

One hundred members of the Sea Clan also entered here, and when they saw the surrounding environment clearly, although they also noticed the huge suction coming from the water, they didn't take it to heart at all.

The sea is their home!

This sea tribe's behavior naturally attracted the attention of others.

Even Jiang Yun temporarily focused his attention on him.

If he could actually find something deep in the ocean, it would be good for everyone.

Genuine version. ●First release

However, less than ten breaths after the big man dived into the sea, he saw a stream of blood emerging from the water and rising to the surface.

At the same time, several screams sounded in the distance.

Xun Sheng looked around and saw that there were several monks who could no longer resist the suction in the water. Their entire bodies were pulled directly into the depths of the sea. Blood also emerged and dyed the water surface red.

Several others had already escaped from the sea water, but while they were in the air, they were forced into the water again by the strong pressure.

Looking at the water stained red with blood, everyone naturally understood.

There is danger in the sea. If you are pulled in, you will die. The only way to avoid being pulled into the sea is to step on the white boat!

However, although it seemed that there were a lot of white boats, Jiang Yun could be sure after a rough glance.

The number of small boats is definitely not a thousand.

And this means that next, those who do not get on the boat in time will definitely seize the boat at all costs!

Sure enough, at the beginning, everyone instinctively rushed towards the empty boat.

But as more and more people occupy a small boat, there are naturally fewer and fewer unmanned boats left.

After seeing several more people being sucked into the depths of the Black Sea, those still in the sea suddenly became anxious.

Therefore, as soon as they see the boat, they will rush to it, regardless of whether there is anyone on it.

Although the boat could only accommodate one person, two monks still squeezed into the boat.

But before they could stand firm, the boat beneath them collapsed instantly and turned into countless fragments.

The two fell into the water again!

Obviously, a small boat can only accommodate one person. If there is one more person, the boat will collapse and destroy itself.

After the two people who fell into the water looked at each other, they immediately rushed towards the other two boats that were already occupied by people.

After what they had just experienced, the two of them didn't waste any time and launched an attack directly.


Accompanied by a chilling roar, in an instant, a melee to snatch the boat began!

By this time, Jiang Yun had also calculated that the number of small boats was no more or less, only nine hundred!

"In other words, hundreds of people will be pulled into the Black Sea and die!"

Jiang Yun's expression suddenly turned cold.

People like myself had just entered the mirage and didn't even know where they were. They didn't expect that hundreds of people would die first.

Moreover, except for a few of the hundreds of people who were about to die by Black Sea, most of them would inevitably die in the hands of others.

Even though Jiang Yun had thought of the danger of the mirage beforehand, at this moment, being in the scene still made him feel a chill in his heart.

And this is just the beginning!

God knows if there are other dangers in this world. Even if there are not, can the remaining 900 people just stay in these small boats and spend the rest of the time

"If you don't want to die, just get off the boat!"

At this moment, a loud shout suddenly sounded in Jiang Yun's ears.

A man in white with fish scales on his face rushed towards the boat where Jiang Yun was in the air. He yelled and raised his fist and smashed it directly at Jiang Yun.

Obviously, this is another sea tribe.

Because of the Sea Clan's previous carelessness, most of them were unable to occupy the boat in the first place.

So now, if they want to survive, they can only kill the monks on other boats.

Unfortunately, this sea tribe took a fancy to Jiang Yun's boat.

There are many people who have the same idea as him.

Because of the scene where Jiang Yun's eyes were bleeding, many people classified him as a weak person.

Everyone understands the principle of picking the soft persimmons and pinching them.

Looking at this Sea Clan member who was at least the fifth level of Blessed Land, Jiang Yun had no expression on his face. He just raised his hand, put his middle finger and thumb together, and flicked towards the opponent's oncoming fist. .


As a very weak muffled sound was heard, the sea clan's expression suddenly changed, and his mouth opened wide, clearly trying to make a sound.

But his neck felt like it was being strangled by an invisible big hand, making him unable to make a sound at all, and his complexion instantly became extremely rosy.

Immediately afterwards, with a "plop", the sea tribe fell straight into the sea water. After a big splash, there was no more movement.

Today's Jiang Yun, even if he does not use the two blessed lands of Huntian and Thunder, is still in the sixth level of blessed lands.

Although he dare not say that he is invincible in the blessed land realm, he can easily crush opponents who are not as good as him in the realm with his physical strength alone.

Although Jiang Yun tried to keep a low profile while dealing with this sea clan member, he still attracted the attention of some people nearby.

Especially those monks who originally regarded him as a target.

The fate of this sea tribe member naturally caused them to immediately move away and look for other targets.

Jiang Yun ignored these people. His consciousness spread out, covering an area of several thousand feet in an instant.

Firstly, he wanted to see if there was any other way out here, and secondly, he also wanted to see the situation of his fellow disciples.

Although he would not place his own safety on his fellow disciples, he still listened to what Tianyou said before leaving.

If possible, he also hopes that more people from the Taoist sect can return alive.

While emitting his consciousness, Jiang Yun's mind was not idle, and he quickly analyzed the situation here.

"What kind of world is this?"

"In addition to not being able to fly, there are no restrictions on spiritual energy and consciousness. You can cast spells and even summon monsters."

"Also, the sect master said that you need to be recognized by Mirage before you can gain the path of destiny. In such a world, how can you gain recognition?"

Doubts kept appearing in Jiang Yun's mind one after another, and the spiritual consciousness that spread out finally found the locations of many of his fellow disciples.

Fortunately, probably because they were the last group to enter here, each of the hundred people from Taoism now occupied a small boat.

At this moment, the melee was coming to an end. Except for more than ten people who were still in the middle of a fierce battle, the others had already ended the battle.

Naturally, this means that in just a few moments, at least seventy or eighty people have died, and nearly half of them were from the Sea Clan.

"Hey, look at this little boat!"

At this moment, an exclamation suddenly came from a distance.

When they heard the sound, everyone, including Jiang Yun, immediately lowered their heads and looked at the boat they were in.

Seeing this, everyone's expressions couldn't help but change again. Jiang Yun even reached out and touched the boat directly, and a cold light suddenly shot up in his eyes.