The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 415: A glimmer of hope


As the light in front of everyone's eyes gradually dimmed, everyone in the Taoist Sect, including Xiao Zheng and a few disciples of the Medicine God Sect, all rushed into the light.

When they thought about it, what would appear in front of them would be shocking scenes, and they might even see Jiang Yun's broken body.

However, no one expected that the place in front of them would be empty!

There was neither Jiang Yun, who turned his body into a sword to resist the golden sword energy, nor Fang Yuxuan, who betrayed the sect and killed his fellow sect members. Even Gui Li from Senluo Ghost Prison disappeared without a trace.

Everything seemed to have been completely erased, without leaving any trace!

Everyone looked around in stunned silence, and quickly released their spiritual consciousness, hoping to catch some clues.

But after a moment, everyone had to withdraw their gaze and consciousness, because there was really nothing discovered.

In fact, most monks already understand in their hearts that there is only one possibility for such a scene!

That was the collision between Jiang Yun's sword and the golden sword energy. The terrifying power generated instantly destroyed everything...

Including Fang Yuxuan, including Gui Li, and naturally, including Jiang Yun himself!

After all, the white light and golden light that erupted under the impact previously prevented all of them from getting close.

The light contained power that could easily kill even the cave monks.

And Jiang Yun and the other three, although they are all geniuses of their respective sects, in the final analysis, they are just monks in the blessed land realm!

Then, it is not impossible to be wiped out by this power!

Although these people thought of this possibility, no one dared to speak out.

Naturally, they would not take the deaths of Fang Yuxuan and Gui Li seriously, and would even applaud them.

But they couldn't accept that the mountain boy who walked out of Mangshan and was dressed in animal skins was also dead...

Everyone seemed to have turned into sculptures, standing still and motionless.

Other disciples of the Medicine God Sect also came over under the leadership of Guan Yiming.

Suddenly, a voice that pretended to be amazed, but was actually full of joy, sounded from among them: "Isn't it possible, they are all dead!"

This voice suddenly woke everyone up.

The next moment, fifty-nine eyes with murderous intent immediately looked in the direction of the sound.

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Medicine God Sect, Li Changlin!

"Deng Deng!"

Under the gaze of these fifty-nine eyes, Li Changlin involuntarily took a few steps back. His face that was still filled with joy suddenly turned extremely pale, and he stammered: "You, what do you want?" What are you doing!"

Tang Yi took a step forward, pointed at Li Changlin and said, "Repeat what you just said!"

"I… "

Although Li Changlin wanted to muster up the courage to speak again, but feeling the ferocious looks of these Taoist disciples who wanted to eat him alive, he could not speak at all and could only look at his fellow disciples for help.

However, he suddenly realized that at this moment, not even Guan Yiming was paying attention to him.

Although Jiang Yun may have really died, for the disciples of Yaoshen Sect, the impression Jiang Yun left on them was not bad.

Especially for those non-medicine disciples of Guo Si who had been saved by Jiang Yun and even fought alongside him, Jiang Yun's status in their hearts was no less than his status in the hearts of Tang Yi and others.

Therefore, for Li Changlin to say such words at this time, he has already offended the public!

Li Changlin finally realized that he had underestimated Jiang Yun's influence.

Tang Yi took another aggressive step and said in a stern voice: "I ask you, what did you just say!"

Just when Li Changlin was at a loss, suddenly another cold voice sounded: "Gui Li is not dead, he escaped with Fang Yuxuan!"

From behind the crowd, a man in black walked out slowly.

Seeing this person, Tang Yi was stunned and said: "No injury!"

This newcomer, who joined the Taoist Sect at the same time as Tang Yi, Jiang Yun and others, had high hopes within the sect because of his amazing aptitude in the Five Elements technique.

However, no one has seen him since he entered this world, but he did not expect that he would appear at this time.

Wushang ignored Tang Yi, but silently glanced at the empty area and said, "As for Jiang Yun..."

After saying that, he suddenly turned around and left, and Tang Yi hurriedly asked: "Wushang, what's wrong with Jiang Yun? Where are you going?"

Without looking back, Wu Shang dropped seven simple words: "Sha Gui Li and Fang Yuxuan!"

After Tang Yi was startled, he nodded vigorously and said, "Be careful!"

In the eyes of others, Wu Shang has a cold personality and is not easy to get close to. However, Tang Yi, Lu Yourong and others have had several contacts with Wu Shang, so they know that Wu Shang is actually a bit aloof, but has a cold face and a warm heart. .

Especially in Wu Shang's heart, he believed that only Jiang Yun in the entire Taoist sect could be his opponent.

Therefore, his appearance at this time, behind those simple seven words, contained that the reason why he wanted to kill Gui Li and Fang Yuxuan was to avenge Jiang Yun!

With Wu Shang's appearance, Tang Yi had no intention of arguing with Li Changlin anymore. Instead, he hurriedly turned around and said to all his fellow disciples: "Since Gui Li is not dead, then Senior Brother Jiang is probably still alive, but I don't know Wherever we were sent, let’s go find it quickly!”

This statement was naturally agreed by everyone.

Although each of them knew very well that this possibility was extremely slim, they were unwilling to give up as long as there was still a glimmer of hope.

Therefore, the Taoist people left immediately, still in a group of nine, dispersed into six groups, and searched in six directions.

As the Taoist Sect members left one after another, although Xiao Zheng, Guo Si and others also wanted to find Jiang Yun, they were disciples of the Medicine God Sect after all, and they could not leave at will without Guan Yiming's consent.

Guan Yiming was not sad about Jiang Yun's death, but a little regretful.

Because ever since he lost to Jiang Yun in the medicine competition, he had regarded Jiang Yun as his target.

But now, this goal is no longer there.

Guan Yiming glanced around again and said: "Let's go too!"

When all the disciples of the Yaoshen Sect and the Taoist Sect left the area, a figure stepped out of the void. It was Wang Lin of the Reincarnation Sect.

At this moment, he frowned, but immediately relaxed and said: "Jiang Yun's aura has indeed disappeared. Regardless of whether he is the person I am looking for, it is not bad to die in this world, at least he has nothing to do with me. relationship, I am not derelict in my duty."

"However, my identity must have been exposed. In order to cover it up more thoroughly, all the disciples of the Samsara Sect who have entered this world must not go back alive!"

After he finished speaking, Wang Lin stretched out his hand and waved it gently in the air, and saw countless water droplets flying out of his palm and escaping into nothingness.

And then, in several places in this world, the figures of all the Samsara Sect disciples exploded at the same time, turning into countless water droplets and falling to the ground!

After doing all this, Wang Lin looked up at the sky and said: "The aura of the Heavenly Blessing Realm has also disappeared without a trace. If it is true as expected, this realm will collapse soon."