The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 622: A heavy price


At this moment, Gui Li was still sitting in the coffin, constantly urging the soul-locking incense in his hand, but he was also stunned.

Obviously, he underestimated the tenacity of the disciples of the Taoist Sect. He did not expect that they would save the strong men in the sect and defend their sect in such a tragic way.

He even vaguely felt that it would be a mistake for him to bring almost everyone in the Ghost Prison and the soul-locking incense to kill the Taoist Sect this time.

Especially when he saw Jiang Yun, who was so powerful that he had to look up to him, walking towards him, a look of panic finally appeared on his face.

In the mirage, he and Jiang Yun had fought many times, which gave him self-awareness.

Although he finally returned to the Ghost Prison, he was rewarded for bringing back the news about the Qinghuo Desolate Realm, which allowed his strength to be forcibly raised to the Dao Spirit Realm.

However, he is still no match for Jiang Yun!

What's more, the reason why he sent all his troops when he came up and wanted to take down the Taoist Sect in one go was because of the existence of such a treasure as the Soul Locking Incense.

But Jiang Yun is not afraid of ghost energy or the soul summoning bell. Unexpectedly, even the chain soul incense cannot lock his soul!

In other words, now I have no way to stop Jiang Yun!

After Gui Li glanced at the battlefield around him, he suddenly shouted: "Don't worry about the ghost gate, everyone get up and stop Jiang Yun!"

"And you guys, come back to protect me first, kill Jiang Yun, and then destroy the Taoist Sect!"

Gui Li's first words were to the disciples of Shangwansenluo Ghost Prison who were sitting cross-legged on the ground and keeping the ghost gate open.

The second sentence was spoken to the twelve people wearing white ghost-face masks.

This means that he will use almost all the power of Senluo Ghost Prison to deal with Jiang Yun alone!

This shows that his fear of Jiang Yun has penetrated deep into his soul!

Upon hearing Gui Li's order, the tens of thousands of disciples opened their eyes first, stopped crying, stood up, and quickly moved towards Gui Li.

In an instant, they had formed a human-shaped wall with a thickness of a hundred feet, firmly protecting Gui Li in the middle.

Although they were no match for Jiang Yun, with their numerical advantage, even if Jiang Yun wanted to kill them, it would take some time.

As long as they can hold on until the twelve strong men come back, it will not be that easy for Jiang Yun to kill Gui Li again.

Of the twelve people wearing white ghost-face masks, there were actually only ten left. At this moment, they were all distressed by the self-destruction of the Taoist disciples.

Although the power of these self-destructions will not cause much harm to the Dao Spirit Realm, they still pose a certain threat to the Cave Heaven Realm.

The power produced by self-destruction can be equivalent to ten times the superposition of the monk's own cultivation level.

Especially the power generated by the self-destruction of multiple people will trigger a terrifying chain reaction. The two cave monks in the ghost prison were blown to pieces alive.

So now that they heard Gui Li's voice, the ten people were eager to get away from these crazy Taoist disciples, so they hurriedly turned around and rushed towards Gui Li.

Without their presence, many disciples of Taoist Sect obviously felt that the pressure had dropped sharply. Taking advantage of this great opportunity, they finally brought Dao Tianyou and others back to the protection of the Five Elements Coffin with great difficulty.

However, excluding Xiao Fu and other monsters in the fantasy beast picture, including Dao Tianyou, there were only eight strong men from the Taoist sect who were rescued.

Under the restraint of Suohunxiang, five Dongtian elders died, and everyone else was seriously injured.

As for the price paid by the Taoist disciples in order to save the eight of them, it reached as many as 300 people!

Three hundred lives in exchange for eight lives!

It can really be described as tragic.

However, even if they are under the protection of the Five Elements Pavilion, it does not mean that they are completely safe.

Because those humanoid bones and ghosts, unable to penetrate the light screen, have turned to target the Five Elements Coffin.

At this time, the smoke of the soul-locking incense had once again filled the Taoist sect.

If the Five Elements Coffin is broken again, what awaits everyone is still the end of the entire army being annihilated.

However, they really can't do anything now and can only turn their attention to Jiang Yun.

Facing the human wall composed of tens of thousands of Ghost Prison disciples, Jiang Yun said expressionlessly: "Gui Li, your memory seems not to be very good. Do you think you can stop me with just a large number of people!"

Under the protection of a hundred-foot-thick human wall, Gui Li had regained his composure and said: "You know how to do Taoism, but now this place is filled with death energy, and your Taoism may not be able to work. !”

Gui Li had seen Jiang Yun's painful death technique and knew that it was Jiang Yun's killing move, which was extremely powerful. But now the ghost prison disciples who were protecting him, coupled with the black mist composed entirely of death energy and ghost energy, he Be confident.

Gui Li's words caused a sneer to appear on Jiang Yun's face: "Who said I would use Taoism, the Fire of Law!"

After he finished speaking, Jiang Yun suddenly stretched out his hand and saw countless sparks suddenly appearing around the tens of thousands of Senluo Ghost Prison disciples.

Immediately afterwards, sparks burst out, burned, and turned into a raging fire.

If these ghost prison disciples dispersed, then even if Jiang Yun had the ability to reach the sky, the fire of law would not be able to cover a large area.

But now they are all gathered together, crowded and close to each other. Under this situation, it is convenient for Jiang Yun, so that the fire of law can work to its maximum extent.

In an instant, the bodies of the tens of thousands of Ghost Prison disciples were all burning with blazing flames. Each one of them let out a shrill scream and rushed madly in all directions, trying to extinguish the flames on their body.

But that is the fire of law, they can't put it out casually.

"Gui Li, even if I can't kill you this time, I will imprison you forever!"

When Jiang Yun spoke again, his figure swayed and he appeared in front of Gui Li. The ten masters were still hundreds of feet away from him, and there was no time to rescue him.

Gui Li's expression suddenly changed. How could he have imagined that tens of thousands of disciples could not even block Jiang Yun's breath? He hurriedly exclaimed: "Father, save me!"


The black coffin suddenly began to vibrate violently, and in the midst of the vibration, there was an aura so powerful that it made the world tremble, swarming out from the half-opened coffin.

Feeling this breath, Jiang Yun's pupils couldn't help but shrink sharply.

It turns out that Gui Li's father is the prison master of the ghost prison, and he came as expected, hiding in the coffin.

More importantly, Jiang Yun was sure that, not to mention his current state, even after four sacrifices to heaven, he was definitely no match for this aura.

But even so, Jiang Yun gritted his teeth and advanced instead of retreating, still grabbing Gui Li.

Jiang Yun's hatred for Gui Li is already overwhelming. No matter what today, he can't let Gui Li escape again.

At this moment, a black eyeball as big as a millstone suddenly flew out of the coffin!

The eyes jumped into the air and immediately emitted a dazzling black light, which instantly enveloped Jiang Yun's body.

Not only did Jiang Yun become unable to move immediately, but it also gave him the feeling that all his secrets, from the inside to the outside, were clearly seen by those eyes.

And in this weird feeling, Jiang Yun even noticed that his body was undergoing a change.

A change from solidity to illusion, a change from human beings to ghosts.