The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 656: Not a single transaction has been completed


There are five more brush hairs under Ni Yao Qiao's pen body, which means that this demon refining pen made by Jiang Yun himself has been completed!

Ever since Jiang Yun learned about the existence of the Boundary Sea Spirit from Fang Mang, he had been thinking about ways to deal with the Boundary Sea Spirit.

If you rely solely on strength, even if you can do five or even six sacrifices to heaven and reach the realm of God's Blessing, you may not be his opponent.

Therefore, if you want to deal with the spirit of the boundary sea, you must have other means.

And this method is due to Jiang Yun's identity as a demon refining master!

Be it the spirit of the world sea, be it the Hundred Thousand Mountains, or even the way of heaven, they are all monsters!

Since it is a demon, it will naturally be suppressed by the demon refining master. When the strength is not enough, the demon can only be dealt with through the demon refining master's methods.

Maybe it's still not possible to deal with the spirit of the sea, but at least it's a little more possible!

As early as a few months ago, Xiaofu and other five monsters in the Demon-Reverse Bridge woke up one after another after sleeping for more than three years.

And after receiving the seal of the Demonic Monument, their respective strengths have been greatly improved.

Xiaofu, like Jiang Yun, has reached the peak of the Cave Heaven Realm, and the other four monsters have also entered the Cave Heaven Realm.

The higher their strength increases, the more powerful the seal drawn by the demon refining pen will be.

Therefore, although Jiang Yun used almost all his strength when he first came up, in fact, his real trump card was the demon refining pen!

As for the technique that temporarily immobilized Hai Changsheng and Jie Hai, it was naturally left by Dao Tianyou, the previous sect leader of the Taoist Sect.

Jiang Yun has worked hard to practice this technique in the past three years.

However, he has no way to perform it at will like Dao Tianyou. If he wants to perform this technique, he must stay close to the object being immobilized, so Jiang Yun has been looking for suitable opportunities.

It wasn't until his words inadvertently angered Hai Changsheng that he walked in front of him. Only then did Jiang Yun seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to anchor the sea and anchor Hai Changsheng.

But even so, Jiang Yun did not dare to delay at all. He himself speculated that his Ding Cang Hai could only hold Hai Changsheng for three breaths at most.

Therefore, while taking out the demon refining pen, Jiang Yun had already spurted out a mouthful of blood. Then, he dipped his own blood into the demon refining pen and drew a demon sealing style directly on Hai Changsheng's face as fast as the wind. print!


In just one breath, the demon seal was successfully completed.

Like a brand, it suddenly poured into Hai Changsheng's wide eyes, causing two demonic patterns to appear in his eyes.

Especially the powerful aura emanating from his body dissipated a lot in an instant.

This is the function of the demon seal. It not only seals Hai Changsheng's twin orifices, but also seals part of his cultivation.

If Jiang Yun can display a complete demon-sealing seal, then with this demon-refining pen, he can at least seal Hai Changsheng's five orifices and more cultivation levels.

If Jiang Yun could seal Hai Changsheng's nine orifices, then Hai Changsheng would be unable to move at all, and even if he had the ability to reach the sky, he would not be able to use it at all.

It's a pity that sealing the two orifices is the best Jiang Yun can do!

However, as the demon seal was completed, the demon refining pen in Jiang Yun's hand did not stay, but instead spurted out another mouthful of blood.

Jiang Yun suddenly used blood as ink again and drew a stroke like the word "一" on Hai Changsheng's chest!

This is also a seal, but it is an incomplete seal!

The Demon Seal of Life and Death!

The last technique among the nine techniques of refining demons is also the most powerful one.

This technique can not only kill demons, but it can also help demons.

If you kill the demon, you will die, but if you help the demon, you will live!

As early as in the Qingzhuo Desolate Realm, Jiang Yun began to think about this demon seal of life and death, but his strength was too weak, so he was never able to use it.

In the past three years, Jiang Yun has worked hard on this demon seal of life and death, and even split it apart according to the method of sealing the demon seal.

Now with the help of the Demon Refining Brush, after four sacrifices to heaven, Jiang Yun was finally able to successfully draw the first stroke of this seal.

Although Jiang Yun had not completely finished this first stroke, there was a sudden turmoil between heaven and earth, especially in the world sea, which was boiling and rolling.

A large amount of demonic energy suddenly rushed towards this stroke!

If this stroke can be completed, Hai Changsheng's strength will be weakened again.

According to Jiang Yun's original speculation, one breath was enough to complete the demon seal, two breaths was enough to complete the life and death demon seal, and the three breaths were just right.

Unfortunately, he still underestimated Hai Changsheng's strength.

Before the first stroke of his demon seal of life and death was completely finished, Hai Changsheng, who was immobilized, suddenly let out a long breath!

The art of fixing the sea only trapped the sea for two breaths of time!


Hai Changsheng's long breath directly hit Jiang Yun's chest, which was very close at hand. The speed was so fast that he could not dodge at all.

And this long breath, to Jiang Yun, was like the water of the endless world sea condensed together, hitting him hard.

It can be imagined that the power of this blow was so strong that Jiang Yun was sent flying backwards.

Although the blood could not stop pouring out of his mouth, Jiang Yun showed a wry smile on his face, only one breath away, only half a stroke away!

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If he is allowed to complete this Death Demon Seal, then both seals will be imprinted on Hai Changsheng's body. Even if he cannot kill him, he can at least suppress his cultivation by a few points.

But now, he obviously no longer has this opportunity.

He was flying backwards in the air quickly, but Jiang Yun sent his voice into the ears of the three hundred thousand Taoist disciples on the road of no return.

"You leave as quickly as possible. Those who don't leave will be regarded as a judge!"

Everyone in the Taoist sect was nervously watching the battle between Jiang Yun and Hai Changsheng. Although they were not afraid of death, they all wanted to step forward to help Jiang Yun.

But they also knew that not even Xia Zhongxing, let alone themselves, could get involved in this battle.

Even if Jiang Yun didn't have the Hidden Dao Sword, didn't have nine different powers, and Hai Changsheng didn't want to kill Jiang Yun at the beginning, I'm afraid Jiang Yun would have died long ago.

But now, when they heard Jiang Yun's order, they knew very clearly that Jiang Yun was going to fight with all his strength!

Their leader wanted to use his own life in exchange for their lives.

Of course they didn't want to leave, and would rather stay and fight to the death with their sect master.

But if they stay, it will be a crime against the family;

If they leave, their hearts will never be at peace for the rest of their lives!


At this time, Xia Zhongxing made a quick decision, spoke suddenly, and took the lead and rushed out.

Jiang Yun has already begun to think of fighting for his life, so no matter whether everyone leaves or stays, he will fight for his life, so instead of staying here and letting them die in vain, it is better to listen to him and leave!


Some disciples were still reluctant to give up and shouted these two words to Jiang Yun. However, as soon as he finished speaking, Xia Zhongxing roared again: "Whoever doesn't leave will be killed without mercy!"

With helplessness, unwillingness, anger, and reluctance, the three hundred thousand Taoist disciples held back the tears in their eyes and ran on the road of no return one by one as if they were crazy.

They can only walk, they can only escape from here, they can only let their sect master sacrifice his life!

All this is just because they are too weak!

"Lan Huazhao, from now on, you are the thirty-seventh head of the Taoist Sect!"

In Jiang Yun's voice, the sect master's seal and sect master's ring had been separated from his hands and flew straight towards Lan Huazhao.