The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 660: Set foot on the wilderness


In fact, everyone is still a long way from the Great Wilderness Realm, but under the coverage of Jiang Yun's powerful spiritual consciousness, he has already seen the end of the road of no return, and at the end, stands a vast and boundless land. Huge land.

Although this piece of land is surrounded by a thick layer of white mist, Jiang Yun is certain that this is the Great Wilderness!

This piece of land is like a huge mushroom growing out of the boundary sea.

You must know that the height of the entire boundary sea has increased countless times after the catastrophe of mountains and seas.

But even so, the height of this piece of land extending out of the sea is at least hundreds of thousands of feet high.

Obviously, such a height is not formed naturally, but is raised by people with powerful magical powers.

At the edge of the entire land, there is an extremely flat and smooth fault, which stretches endlessly, with no end in sight.

It was as if someone had cut him off from this position with an extremely sharp sword.

And this also reminded Jiang Yun of the secrets Fang Mang told him about the mountains and seas realm and the wilderness realm.

The Mountain and Sea Realm and the Great Wilderness Realm were originally a complete mountain and sea wilderness realm, but a long time ago, a group of mysterious people split the Mountain and Sea Wilderness Realm into two parts. The mountains and sea realms were divided into the Mountain and Sea Realm and the Great Wilderness Realm.

Jiang Yun hadn't thought about it carefully at first, but when he saw the edge of the wilderness today, he suddenly realized that back then, those people might have used sharp blades like swords or knives to cut off the entire mountain and sea. The desolate world was split open in the middle.

The boundary sea and land are all divided into two!

Even if we look back at the Mountain and Sea Realm and Wushan Island now, I am afraid that the edge of Wushan Island and the edge of the Great Wilderness Realm will fit together perfectly.

What kind of cultivation is required to do this

Jiang Yun couldn't imagine it anyway, and he didn't even think about it.

Because he discovered a strange thing, that is, his spiritual consciousness, although he could see this huge land representing the wilderness, could not penetrate the fog and see the situation on the land.

These fogs are like a cover, completely covering this land and blocking the entry of spiritual consciousness.

"Brother Fang said that those people buried something in the wilderness, so the mist should be to prevent the monks' spiritual consciousness."

"In this mist, in this wilderness, there must be some danger."

"After all, although we creatures living on Wushan Island don't know about this wilderness world, it is impossible for the sea people in this sea, especially Hai Changsheng, not to know about it, and may even have been to this wilderness world."

"And he is very interested in things buried in the wilderness, but he has never taken them away. This is enough to show that he should not be able to enter the wilderness!"

Jiang Yun removed his consciousness from the land and looked towards the road of no return. At the end of the road of no return, there was not a single figure.

Jiang Yun didn't believe that his Taoist sect was the first Wushan Island monks to come here. Before the Taoist sect, there must have been other monks arriving.

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Since they are not on the road of no return, they have already set foot on the wilderness.

Even if there were dangers all over the wilderness, he and others had no way out, so Jiang Yun simply stopped thinking about these problems and waited until he entered the wilderness.

Finally, the group of people reached the end of the road of no return, and they all saw the huge piece of land that represented the wilderness.

Everyone seemed to be petrified, standing there quietly, staring blankly at the land, at the land of their hope.

The Great Wilderness is the hope of all of them and the biggest motivation that supports them all the way.

At the beginning, they never thought that one day they would come to this legendary wilderness in their lifetime.

But now they have seen the Great Desolate World and are truly standing on the edge of the Great Desolate World.


Suddenly, someone in the crowd burst out crying, and then, the crying was like ripples, expanding and expanding.

Three hundred thousand people didn't cry when they faced the catastrophe of mountains and seas, they didn't cry when they faced death, and they didn't even cry when Jiang Yun almost died for them.

But now, they finally cried!

Along the way, they experienced countless hardships. It took them nearly eight years to get here from the Taoist Sect in Nanshan Prefecture on Wushan Island.

From the initial 110,000 people to the current 300,000 people.

Thinking about it now, everything is so unreal, some people even think that they are dreaming. They have had a dream for eight years, but when they wake up from the dream, they find that they are still on Wushan Island.

However, if this is really a dream, then they would rather live in the dream forever and never wake up.

Because, in the dream, there are 300,000 companions who fight side by side with me and travel across thousands of mountains and rivers. In the dream, there are thrilling moments of wandering on the edge of life and death. In the dream, I am a disciple of the Taoist Sect!

Even though Jiang Yun was as calm as Jiang Yun, at this moment, when he saw this piece of land with his own eyes, he couldn't help but feel ups and downs in his heart.

Naturally, he did not stop many disciples from crying, but allowed them to cry to release the negative emotions that had been buried in their hearts for nearly eight years.

"Sect Master, I finally brought the Taoist Sect to the Great Wilderness!"

Along with the voice that quietly sounded in his heart, Jiang Yun let out a long breath.

Although he was excited, Jiang Yun did not forget the strangeness of this continent that he had discovered before.

Moreover, no one knew anything about this continent, and they didn't even know if there were other living beings on it. So after everyone's emotions stabilized again, he said: "You guys wait here for me first. I’ll go take a look first.”

Xia Zhongxing nodded and said, "Be careful!"

He did not ask to go with Jiang Yun, because now Jiang Yun does not need the company of others at all. If there is a crisis that cannot be solved by Jiang Yun, then others will only add to his burden.

"I know!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Yun's figure soared into the sky, shooting straight towards the land like an arrow from a string.

The height of hundreds of thousands of feet passed by in the blink of an eye.

As Jiang Yun's feet finally landed on the land of the Great Wilderness, his brows immediately wrinkled, and even the spiritual energy in his body instantly condensed all over his body.

What appeared in front of him was naturally the vast white mist. The strange thing is that this mist is still, like a dead thing.

Even though he was close at hand, Jiang Yun's consciousness still couldn't penetrate the fog, and even when he looked with his eyes, he couldn't see anything.

The fog was obviously extremely thick.

After pondering for a moment, Jiang Yun stepped into the mist.

The moment his body had just submerged into the mist, the still mist suddenly began to roll violently.

Although he couldn't see, and his consciousness had no effect at all, his senses, which were far beyond ordinary people, were keenly aware of the rolling mist, and it seemed that there was a pair of eyes spying on him.

Immediately afterwards, there were two waves of aura approaching him quickly.