The Yandere Came During the Night

Chapter 120


The servants of the Hou's mansion found the Shen family, and only then did they know that Yu Xiang's leg injury had recurred, and he had been staying in Zhenguo Temple for more than a month. Then he set off on the mountain, but was rejected by the monks of Zhenguo Temple, and had to turn around angrily. .

Unable to pick up Yu Xiang, the old lady became more and more uneasy, and tried to find it herself, but she vomited blood and passed out as soon as she walked out of the room. Subconsciously, she still kept a glimmer of hope, hoping that her grandson just fell into the Wujiang River and could not be found, not dead. As long as Yu Xiang came back, he would be safe.

Because of this obsession, even in a coma, she still kept chanting: "Go get Xiang'er back, go quickly, go find Xiang'er..."

Fearing that her condition would worsen, Mama Momo pretended and sent someone to invite a doctor. Wan Qiu and others hurriedly carried her to the couch and put her down, and then brought hot water to wipe her cold body over and over again.

The Hou Mansion was completely in chaos, Yu Siyu hurried to the main courtyard, and met Yu Miaoqi who was sitting by the lotus pond leisurely playing fish and admiring the flowers, her eyes turned red, "Brother's life and death are unknown, and the old ancestor is suffering from a sudden illness, how can you return?" Interested in playing?"

"Why am I not in the mood to play? They never regarded me as Yu's family, so why should I care about them? It's up to them whether they live or die. You can see the flowers, fish, and grass if you can see them." Stop and take a few more glances, I'm afraid I won't have this blessing in the future." She covered her mouth and chuckled, her eyes flickering with startling malice.

"What do you mean by that? What are you implying?" Yu Siyu was not as thoughtless as before, especially when facing Yu Miaoqi, she used the most sinister guesses to figure out her original intention.

"I'm not implying anything, don't think too much. Go see grandma, she may be dying." Yu Miaoqi giggled.

"What nonsense are you talking about? The old ancestor is very good! If your mouth is not clean, I don't mind cleaning it for you!" Yu Siyu stayed in the country for more than half a year, and the others didn't learn it, but they strangled the village woman I have learned ten percent of my skills. She stepped forward quickly, pinched the back of Yu Miaoqi's neck with one hand, and pressed her head into the lotus pond.

The master took Baosheng out, and Baosheng was drugged with dumb drugs and sold. This incident completely chilled the hearts of the girls, so Yu Miaoqi was often unattended. At this time, she was alone, and there was no one asking for help, but Yu Siyu was surrounded by two big girls and two little girls, who rushed up and held her hands and feet, making her unable to move.

"Tell me, who is dying right now? Huh? What do you mean by what you said just now? What do you mean you will not have this blessing in the future? What have you done?" Every time Yu Miaoqi was about to choke to death, Yu Siyu would pull her Come out and ask in a low voice in her ear, if she doesn't answer, she will push him back again, repeated torture like this.

If Yu Siyu is indeed Yu Pinyan's biological sister, the method of torture to extract a confession is no less than that of his elder brother.

Yu Miaoqi drank a stomachful of muddy water, feeling that her lungs were about to explode, and she was too regretful for provoking Yu Siyu. She should have thought earlier that both male and female members of the Yu family were executioners, and a direct confrontation with them would never please them. But before the man made a move, she must not let go, otherwise the success would be in vain.

Yu Siyu couldn't really drown Yu Miaoqi to death, after tossing for a quarter of an hour, seeing that she had passed out, she let go of her bruised neck, waved her hands and said, "Let's go and see our ancestors." It was Yu Miaoqi who was dying like that Throw it on the side of the road.

Walking to the main courtyard, the old lady was already awake, with a square scarf wrapped around her forehead, and many tears in her eyes. Yu Siyu comforted her a little, then truthfully told what Yu Miaoqi had said, and asked, "Old Ancestor, what do you think she means? No blessings? Could it be that we can no longer live in this Yongle Hou Mansion? Is she know what?"

The old lady was terrified, and then spit out another mouthful of blood...

In the imperial palace, the Hall of Mental Cultivation, the dragon robe was placed on Emperor Cheng Kang's desk.

The sky was fine today, the already bright sun shone on the dragon robe as if it was about to burn, and the bright yellow flame made Cheng Kangdi's face even more gloomy and frightening.

"Even the dragon robe was made, and it was sent to the prince's mansion without anyone noticing it. It's really a good trick." He praised in his mouth, but murderous intent loomed in his eyes. No matter who the person behind it is, the power he secretly controls has already touched the bottom line that he cannot tolerate the most.

The prince was silent, he knew that it was the right choice for him not to say anything at this time. Because if he doesn't say anything, the emperor will naturally fill in everything he can think of, or what he can't think of. In this way, it becomes more and more obvious that this person has committed a heinous crime, and ten thousand deaths are minor.

"They also put something in Yifeng's study? What is it?" Cheng Kangdi said in a cold tone.

"I don't know, I just asked a few words, and then he bit his tongue and killed himself. I didn't do my job well, so I ask my father to punish me." The prince bowed his head, showing shame. It is not difficult to find a corpse that bit its tongue and committed suicide. This matter was done before the prince entered the palace, and the person lurking in the dark was not alarmed.

"It doesn't matter," Cheng Kangdi waved his hand, "Of course someone will report this matter to the imperial court. You go back and take this dragon robe back and put it where it was. In the next few months, we father and son will probably have a big show. "

The prince understood, and secretly left the palace with the dragon robe. As soon as he left, Ao Ping led a scarred dragon scale guard into the palace to ask for an audience. Emperor Cheng Kang called people to the imperial court to have a look, but it turned out that Fu Fanxing, a fellow acquaintance who often followed Yu Pinyan, was also Yu Pinyan's confidant.

Fu Fanxing knelt down with a plop, and opened his mouth and said, "Report to the emperor, Yu Dutong is collaborating with the enemy and treason, and intends to rebel..." He detailed how he found clues by accident, and how he escaped from pursuit and came to report to the imperial court. The process is indeed extremely dangerous.

Emperor Chengkang sat on the throne without saying a word, and there was no expression of joy or anger on his face. There was a dead silence in the hall. When Ao Ping and Fu Fanxing couldn't hold back anymore, Emperor Cheng Kang said slowly, "Ao Ping, lead someone to conduct a thorough investigation of the Yongle Hou Mansion, and report any discrepancies immediately."

Ao Ping pretended to hesitate, but was swept away by Emperor Cheng Kang's cold gaze, and then led Fu Fanxing to bow and leave.

Emperor Chengkang sent all the palace people away, leaving only the most trusted servant, then took out a handkerchief to cover his mouth and coughed, and after coughing, he spread it out and saw that the bright yellow cloth was covered with red blood. It turned out that Emperor Chengkang was already terminally ill and his time was running out, so he drastically reformed the government, eradicated the aristocratic family, supported young talents, and only paved the way for the crown prince to ascend the throne.

Only a few people such as the servants and imperial physicians knew about this matter, and even the prince and queen were kept in the dark. Emperor Chengkang felt that his condition was getting worse. Since the beginning of the new year, he has handed over government affairs to the prince frequently, and even allocated half of the memorials for the prince to review. Although the crown prince is currently the crown prince, he has already stepped onto the throne with one foot.

The people behind this scene probably can't wait.

Cheng Kangdi looked at the servant with cold eyes, and was so startled that the servant dropped the medicine bottle he had just taken out of his sleeve pocket, and knelt down to express his loyalty.

"Get up, you grew up with me, and I believe in you." Emperor Chengkang said in a deep voice, "If they hadn't known about my illness, the people behind the scenes wouldn't be so anxious, using so many dark chess and connections to set up such a murderous situation The fourth, the fifth, the sixth... Who actually hides it so deeply that even my confidant, the beloved general and the crown prince are included in it."

Cheng Kangdi closed his eyes and thought for a moment, and when he opened his eyes again, he was full of murderous intent, "Send someone to investigate Xu Yuanzheng, don't disturb him, just monitor him."

A dragon scale guard suddenly appeared in the hall, but the official robe was not the usual crimson red, but black. He bowed his hands to accept the order, as if appearing suddenly and then disappearing.

The servant knelt on the ground and kowtowed heavily, knowing that although Emperor Chengkang said he believed it, he already had murderous intentions in his heart. But anyone who knows about his illness may not even think about living if this happens.

The old lady spat out a mouthful of blood, but refused to let Mama Ma go to ask for a doctor, and kept shouting, "Go and open the door of the Yan'er Courtyard, search all the rooms, especially the study, go quickly!"

The grandson suffered a defeat, and the officials would impeach him wantonly. However, he was also considered a heroic martyr. The emperor would only pick it up heavily and put it down lightly because of the fact that the Hou family is a family of three heroes. At this time, if anyone wants to completely bring down the Hou Mansion, he will definitely plant his grandson on trumped-up charges. Since it is planted, there will definitely be evidence of guilt. Where is the evidence? How did you get in

After contacting Yu Miaoqi's words, the old lady suddenly became enlightened and enlightened.

Yu Pinyan controlled the Hou's mansion like a military camp, even if the mansion was short of people, it would never buy from Ren Yazi, and all the people hired were family-born children. If servants who have committed crimes want to be kicked out, they will all be sold by the whole family without leaving any room. Even if Yu Miaoqi broke the rules when she was a housekeeper, and the Hou Mansion seemed to be in a mess, it was still impossible for people to take advantage of it. As for the poisoned jujube incident, it can only be said that Yu Miaoqi's greed has reached a certain level, and even Yu Pinyan can't control it.

Every time Yu Pinyan went on an expedition, he would order the old lady to seal his courtyard door and study room, and send someone to check the seals every day, and if there was anything unusual, he would investigate thoroughly immediately. In this way, the Marquis Mansion is governed like a railroad.

The Jingfu Courtyard where Yu Xiang lived was only separated from his study by a wall. For convenience, another corner door was set up, which was never locked. Yu Miaoqi told herself about her grandson and granddaughter, and asked herself to marry off her granddaughter as soon as possible, which then attracted Shen Yuanqi to come to recognize her relatives, and also caused a riot between herself and her granddaughter in Jingfu courtyard, even the guards and servants were alarmed.

Where was Yu Miaoqi when everyone was trying to persuade herself and her granddaughter? Did she open the corner door and sneak into the grandson's study

The more the old lady thought about it, the more frightened she felt, and she was about to fall to the ground with a cane. However, it was too late for her to wake up, and she hadn't even left the room when she heard the commotion outside, and someone yelled vaguely, "No, the Dragon Scale Guards are here to arrest you, go find the old lady!"

The old lady rushed to the door of her grandson's study, and saw Ao Ping coming out of the door surrounded by a group of dragon scale guards, holding a small box full of letters in his hand, and shouted sharply, "The guilty minister Yu Pinyan colluded with the West The barbarian plotted to usurp the throne, and now the evidence is conclusive! Come on, arrest everyone!"

The Dragon Scale Guards agreed in unison, tied up all the servants with their hands behind their backs, and took them away one by one. The old lady was a first-rank imperial order, she gained a little face, and was escorted into the bullock cart by two guards with their knives on her back. Yu Siyu and Yu Miaoqi were also turned over, one was overwhelmed and at a loss; the other was expressionless, but his eyes were shining with joy—this Yonglehou Mansion was finally destroyed by her alone, so happy.

Even if fate changes, some places are always surprisingly similar. In her previous life, Yu Miaoqi had become the concubine of the fourth prince, but she still used the same method to destroy the Yongle Hou Mansion, just because after Yu Pinyan gained power, she declared that Emperor Kang wanted to take the prince who guarded the imperial mausoleum back to Beijing. Emperor Chengkang always loved the crown prince, if it wasn't for the destiny, he would never be willing to send the crown prince out of Beijing. As soon as Yu Pinyan handed over the memorial, Cheng Kangdi readily agreed.

The prince has Yu Pinyan's support behind him, and he has regained the favor of Emperor Cheng Kang. In this way, for the sake of the fourth prince's great cause and her own bright future, Yu Miaoqi finally laid her hands on Yonglehou's mansion.

The difference is that in the previous life, Yu Pinyan died in battle in Xijiang, but in this life, Yu Pinyan will come back alive.