The Yandere Came During the Night

Chapter 124


Yu Siyu had practiced in the countryside for more than half a year, and her hand strength was not comparable to that of an ordinary girl, and it made Yu Miaoqi's neck bone crack. If it continued for a few more breaths, she might kill Yu Miaoqi on the spot.

Yu Miaoqi's face turned purple, and veins popped out on her forehead due to desperate breathing, she looked hideous and embarrassed. She felt that her head was slowly being emptied, and her chest was expanding rapidly, as if her ribs would burst open in the next second. She was about to die, so she could only scratch the ground helplessly, and her broken nails fell into the straw pile mixed with blood.

"What are you doing? Killing someone! Someone is killing someone here!" Yu Siyu loosened his grip slightly with a scream.

Yu Miaoqi drew a long breath in her throat, and hurriedly pulled on her belt to breathe hard.

"Mother, save me! They're going to kill me!" She turned her head to look at Mrs. Lin who was outside the prison door with a horrified expression.

Lin rushed over, scolded Yu Siyu loudly, and then begged her to show mercy. The old lady closed her eyes and remained unmoved. She heard the footsteps of the official running towards her and said slowly, "Let her go. No matter who drives her, without the Yongle Hou Mansion, she will be useless. If she is discarded like a shoe, she will die. I will wait and see what happens to her."

Yu Siyu gave up and quickly fastened her belt. Yu Miaoqi quickly crawled to Lin's side clutching her neck, and hugged her thin arms tightly. All these women in the Yongle Hou Mansion are like wolves and tigers, and even dare to kill people when they get angry. No wonder they can raise a living king like Yu Pinyan.

Shen Yuanqi also came with the official messenger. He was wearing an official robe, but he had taken off his official hat and was holding it in his hands, looking very tired.

In the imperial court, the official hat must never be taken off casually, such an action like Shen Yuanqi has only two meanings: one, he has been demoted; two, he intends to resign his old age and return home. Shen Yuanqi is only in his early twenties this year, no matter what, it is impossible to resign his old age and return to his hometown, so there is only one possibility, he was implicated by the Yongle Houfu.

The old lady felt sad, and hurried to the cell door and asked urgently, "Lord Shen, what is this?"

"Old Madam, you don't need to blame yourself. Shen is only temporarily suspended, but not dismissed. Shen has asked the emperor for his will, so let you go out, please." Shen Yuanqi waved his hand at the yamen servant, and the man immediately opened the prison door, Respectfully invite the old lady to come out. As the saying goes, a centipede is dead but not stiff. Although the Hou Mansion is in danger, the emperor still misses his old love. This alone makes no one dare to touch the old lady and others easily.

The prince has now been imprisoned, causing violent shock inside and outside the court. At the court meeting this morning, many officials came forward to intercede for the prince, and the generals also tried to express Yu Dutong's loyalty. However, given the solid evidence, Emperor Chengkang would not listen at all. He severely reprimanded all those who begged for mercy, and several officials who had been on good terms with the prince and Yu Pinyan on weekdays were suspended for investigation. Shen Yuanqi is one of them.

The old lady felt ashamed and looked behind him expectantly.

Shen Yuanqi glanced lightly at Yu Miaoqi, who was hugged with Mrs. Lin, and said in a gentle voice, "The old matriarch will leave with Shen first, and we can discuss other matters after you settle down. It's bad luck here, so it's not suitable to stay for a long time."

The old lady nodded, and walked out slowly with Yu Siyu's support. Unexpectedly, at such a critical time, it was Shen Yuanqi who came to help. It can be seen that the Shen family is a kind and righteous generation. She was really wrong, she shouldn't have hindered Xiang'er for the sake of so-called moral shame. As long as everyone is doing well and being together safely and happily, that is more important than anything else.

Thinking of the granddaughter who had separated from her, and the grandson whose life and death were unknown, the old lady wept bitterly after boarding the carriage.

Naturally, Yu Miaoqi didn't dare to touch the old lady's side, so she followed Mrs. Lin into another carriage. Shen Yuanqi was suspended for investigation? Well, it really kills two birds with one stone. She lowered her eyes and smiled secretly, and when she passed the sealed Yongle Hou Mansion, she raised the curtains and looked at it for a long time.

The two returned to Lin's house, broke down the brazier and swept it with grapefruit leaves, and then sat down to talk.

"Tell me honestly, did that person ask you to release those criminal evidences? Do you know what you are doing? Your surname is Yu. After the Yu Mansion collapsed, you will be a prisoner. Not to mention the prince and grandson, even ordinary people don't know what to do." Will marry you! How could you plant blame on your brother, he is still your brother!" This is the first time Lin has spoken so harshly to her daughter.

Yu Miaoqi refused to admit it until she died, and only said that she asked the man to find Sun Mingjie to marry Yu Xiang, and she didn't know anything else.

Mrs. Lin repeatedly questioned her several times, and seeing her firm expression and grievances, she actually believed it, and then she returned to her usual gentle appearance, and let her go back to her room to sleep. As a mother, who would want to think badly about their children

Yu Miaoqi bowed to leave, and lay down on the bed with a sneer after returning to her room. What about after the prisoner? She didn't tell Lin that when Yu Siyu pushed her into the water to drown, she saw many wonderful scenes.

She saw that she had become the fourth prince's concubine, and the fourth prince had a deep affection for her, and Jiao Fang was the only one who favored her. She also saw that she assassinated Yu Pinyan on the battlefield by paying a spy, and charged him with colluding with internal and external enemies, which brought down the crown prince. In the end, the fourth prince came to the throne, and she was the empress. With the overwhelming power in her hands, she turned to rehabilitate the Yu family, and brought down the fifth prince who was already a noble prince at that time with the accusation of framing.

The five princes were sentenced to be beheaded at the Meridian Gate, and the Yongle Hou Mansion was wronged. But because Yu Pinyan was not married and had no heirs, she chose a young child from a side branch and gave it to the old lady to raise him, so as to inherit the title and continue the glory of Yu Mansion.

In that scene after scene, the huge Yongle Hou Mansion was played by her in the palm of her hand, and it would be destroyed as soon as it was said, and it would be erected immediately, but it was just a light touch of the upper and lower lips. And everyone, including the old lady, worshiped her like a god and dared not show any disrespect.

Turning one's hand into cloud and turning one's hand into rain, this is the taste of power, so real and close at hand. She believed it almost instantly, that was her future destiny. The fourth prince looked at her with gentle and affectionate eyes, just like Yu Pinyan's eyes when he looked at Yu Xiang. So even after she was a prisoner, she was not in a hurry.

She believed that the fourth prince would not abandon herself.

While thinking wildly, Mrs. Lin came in with a brocade box in her hand, and said in a low voice, "That man sent someone to deliver it just now, and he also brought you a message, asking you to be patient for now, he will find a way to get you a new one." identity."

Lin always thought that the other party and her daughter were friends because of the power in Yu Pinyan's hands. Now that he is so persistent, she is completely relieved.

Yu Miaoqi held the brocade box and smiled sweetly—

Shen Yuanqi placed the old lady and others in the village in the outskirts, everything was properly arranged, and even the servants of the Yu Mansion took him in. The younger sister has already chased to Xijiang, and when she comes back, she may have to marry Yu Pinyan, and there is no other way out. In order for his younger sister to live comfortably in her in-law's house in the future, he can only try his best to please the old lady.

The old lady swept the clothes with grapefruit leaves, and asked anxiously before she sat down, "Where is Xiang'er? Why don't you see her here? Are you still blaming me?"

The younger sister even gave up her life for Yu Pinyan, so Shen Yuanqi naturally wouldn't hide it. It's time for the old lady to see what a loving and righteous granddaughter-in-law she has found.

Thinking of this, Shen Yuanqi told him bluntly, "Xiang'er had a dream one night that Master Hou fell into the Wujiang River after being hit by a stray arrow, so she went to Xijiang to look for someone without telling her. I don't know where she is now, it's almost two There is no news in the month." In fact, it is not the case, Yu Pinyan has already sent a pigeon to report that he is safe. He just said this to make the old lady realize the value of his sister.

The old lady was really moved when she heard this remark, and the tears she had just wiped away began to flow down again. She shouted the name of her precious granddaughter, beat her chest and scolded herself, bluntly saying that she was so wrong.

Seeing that she was so excited, Shen Yuanqi had no choice but to comfort her with kind words, and hurriedly ordered someone to boil ginseng tea.

The old lady drank the ginseng tea, then wiped away her tears, and said word by word, "Master Shen, I am too narrow-minded. They are in love with each other, so they should be together. What can others say? If they can come back safely, I will definitely hold a splendid and lively wedding for them, and the dowry and dowry will all be paid by me. Xiang'er is a good child, there is no better child than her." The words fell. There was another sob.

Yu Siyu wiped her tears in a hurry, and started to cry as well.

Shen Yuanqi originally wanted to reveal the news of the safety of the two of them, but he was afraid that too many people here would ruin the emperor's plan, so he had no choice but to restrain himself—

In the western border, Yu Pinyan dispatched Fang Da's 50,000 troops to Chabu City from Xingluo Road overnight. Fifty thousand horses lined up and drove side by side, with smoke rising high behind them, and the soldiers charged forward with their swords gleaming coldly, roaring in their mouths. The momentum is so great that it seems that thousands of troops are attacking, and it seems that the billowing tide wants to swallow people.

The second Xiyi prince's siege of Chabu City was just a show, and he only sent a column of cavalry to yell at the gate of the city every day, and the rest stayed in the camp, drinking, having fun, and playing with military prostitutes. Therefore, when Yu Pinyan attacked, he didn't even wear pants, only put on a battle robe, and hurriedly climbed onto the horse's back with his bare legs.

Seeing the sky full of smoke and dust, he became timid at first, and seeing the huge team quickly gather into one and charge towards the Chinese army, he turned his horse's head and was about to run away. The coach was in a mess, and the soldiers were in a panic. There was no need for the Han army to do anything for a while, and tens of thousands of people were trampled to death by their own people.

Seeing this, the generals in the city hurriedly opened the city gates and rushed to help. They killed the 200,000 troops without leaving any behind, and then chased the second prince and continued to march towards Wulanchabu and Fengxing City, intending to take back the two cities in one go.

The vanguard general Xu Mao had no choice but to gallop along with the army, and when he rode his horse to the side of the revived coach, his murderous eyes pierced his bones with chills. Yu Pinyan is back, he is afraid that he will have no way out, and if he kills again, the opponent will be on guard again, what should he do? Suddenly thinking of the 50,000 troops dispatched by the other party privately, he quickly calmed down and smiled coldly!