The Yandere Came During the Night

Chapter 132


Mr. Sun has been studying farmland and water conservancy all his life, and he didn't have any great ambitions of being a great minister, but he unexpectedly married a stupid and greedy first wife, and gave birth to an ambitious and tyrannical first son, and a second son who wanted to be rich and powerful. The younger sister who wants to drill into the forbidden palace. The Qingming of the five generations of the Sun family was destroyed like this, but he still has no power to recover, so he can only continue to make mistakes.

Usually, Lord Sun just stood among the ministers and listened to the training, and his mind was very calm, but today even the hand holding the wat board was shaking, and a lot of cold sweat oozed from the brim of the official hat, dripping down his temples and earlobes. He didn't dare to wipe it, so he could only move a little and hide behind the Minister of the Ministry of Industry. When he raised his eyes, he looked at the fourth prince who was walking slowly, and was restrained on the spot by the burning ambition in his pupils.

"Master Sun is unwell?" The fourth prince looked back and smiled, as personable, benevolent and generous as the rumors said.

"Thank you, the fourth prince, for your concern. This minister is a little bit cold, but it's not a serious problem." Lord Sun lowered his head, and no longer dared to look directly at the other party.

"The weather is very cold, you should wear more clothes when you go out." The fourth prince said a few words of concern and then went to the front hall, which is where the princes can stand.

The fifth prince and the sixth prince also came one after another. Although they had a smile on their faces when they saw each other, countless swords and swords flashed in their eyes. Some of the courtiers were staring intently, some were absent-minded, and some were frantic and ready to move. In short, today's court is still undercurrent as in the past, and there seems to be an ominous smell of a storm in the air.

The arrival of Emperor Cheng Kang made the already stagnant atmosphere even more heavy. He said expressionlessly, "If there is something to do, let's go back to the court if there is nothing to do."

The fifth prince and the sixth prince still refused to give up, and once again instigated the courtiers to ask for the abolition of the crown prince, but they had been fighting for several months, but the crown prince was still firmly seated on the position of crown prince. But pardon should be punished, and the two young grandsons should also be demoted to ordinary people.

"Kill the prince?" Cheng Kangdi repeated the courtier's request word by word, with a dark and inexplicable expression on his face.

Master Sun only felt that the already cold air had condensed into grains of frost and snow, and the inhalation brought a piercing pain to his nostrils. He raised his eyes to look at the fourth prince, but only saw his straight back and his hands clenched into fists in his sleeves.

He withdrew his gaze, buried his head which was already hanging low, and vaguely heard the sound of soldiers stepping and knives colliding with each other, and felt that it might be his own illusion.

Cheng Kangdi sat in the upper position and didn't speak for a long time. He only looked at the grown-up sons who were in power with a strange and creepy gaze. The five princes and six princes who were still speaking impassionedly were gradually silenced, and they dared not speak. Emperor Chengkang suddenly hooked his lips into a smile, and slowly turned his head to look at the fourth prince. He saw that he was neither humble nor overbearing, standing indifferently, the smile on his lips deepened, and the coldness in his eyes became more terrifying.

The fourth prince's clenched fist made a clicking sound, and was about to lift it up slowly, but saw a guard rushing into the hall, shouting as he ran, "Report to the emperor, the great victory in Western Xinjiang, the victorious soldiers have already arrived!" Hui Chao is waiting at the gate of the city, dare to ask when the emperor can enter the city?"

"Okay, I'm back at last!" Emperor Chengkang looked back and laughed loudly, shaking his sleeves, "Let's stop the court for now, my lovers will follow me to the gate of the palace to welcome the heroes of the big man!" Meet at the gate of the city.

"Victorious? The class teacher returned to the court? Didn't Xijiang lose the battle and seek peace? Why did it win again?" The courtiers talked a lot. There was a battle report a month ago, saying that the Han army had lost two cities in a row, and the people of Xiyi had sent a message to the Han to discuss peace. At that time, there was a lot of turmoil about the abolition of the crown prince, and most of the courtiers advocated for peace. The emperor also sent the head of the Lifan Academy to the western border to discuss the contract.

How did it take only a few months to overcome? Moreover, hundreds of thousands of troops marched back to Beijing, and there was no news leaked along the way. This is because someone deliberately blocked the eyes and ears of everyone in Beijing. Looking at the whole big man, who has such a powerful control? Who can play the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, including the princes, in the palm of his hand? And what is his purpose

The courtiers raised their heads and looked at Emperor Chengkang on the throne, some with horror, some with joy, and some with despair.

Cheng Kangdi took everyone's expressions into his eyes one by one, and then stepped on the imperial gate and went to the gate of the palace. All the ministers filed to keep up, some of them fell down because their legs were weak, and couldn't get up for a long time.

Master Sun's face was ashen, his heart was haggard, and he looked at the fourth prince reflexively, but saw that he was still so mature and calm, as if the army was still in his expectation.

Hundreds of thousands of troops are waiting in the suburbs of Beijing, forcing the palace, forcing what palace? I'm afraid that just as soon as something happens one moment, the next moment the imperial city will be trampled down by the bloody army. Is it a coincidence that the emperor arranged this way? Apparently not! In fact, he sees everything in his eyes, but he doesn't say anything.

Either dormant and wait, or kill with one blow, this has always been the emperor's style of conduct. The courtiers who were still arguing in the hall just now were like a gourd with its mouth sawn, and dared not say a word.

Yu Pinyan was riding a horse and standing at the majestic gate of the city. Behind him was a mass of soldiers who could not see the edge. Everyone had a solemn expression, holding a cold sword and halberd tightly in their hands. The blood-stained killing spirit made the guards of the city almost unable to breathe.

With pale faces, they stood on tiptoes frequently to look in the direction of the imperial city, hoping that the eunuch who delivered the order would come over quickly. Especially the official standing under Yu Pinyan's horse, it seemed that the cold weather had been poured with a ladle of water, and cold sweat dripped down the tip of his hair.

After several battles, the killing intent on Yu Dutong's body became more and more serious, his eyes were dark and devoid of any emotion that a human being should have, but more like a Rakshasa, or a walking weapon. When he looked down, his indifferent and cold gaze seemed to be looking at a dead object.

"Why hasn't the imperial decree come yet? Send someone to report to the palace again!" The official couldn't stand it anymore, and grabbed someone casually and shouted.

Yu Pinyan was as immovable as a mountain, but the horse under his crotch let out a breath of white air, as if a little impatient. At this moment, several figures suddenly appeared on the city wall, waving handkerchiefs in their hands.

"Who is on top? Who allowed you to let people up? Hurry up and drive them out!" Seeing this, the officials wanted to drag those people down. This is the army's return to court, not a monkey trick for people to watch at will.

But seeing Yu Dutong who was expressionless, he suddenly said, "That's the family of the Marquis, please be accommodating."

The yamen servants who were about to drive them away were petrified, and the official who gave the order was almost scared to pee, and immediately knelt down and kowtowed to apologize. Yu Pinyan waved his hands lightly, his cold eyes softened when they touched the much older face of the ancestor, then looked at Yu Siyu, Mama Ma and the others beside him, and finally stopped on that delicate and bright face.

It can be seen that she has deliberately dressed up today, her cloud-like hair is combed into a delicate cross bun, and a blooming peony flower is dotted in the middle of the cross temple, but her face is more eye-catching than that peony . She was leaning out half of her body at the moment, holding a small handkerchief and waving it non-stop, the smile on her lips was brighter than the winter day in the sky.

Yu Pinyan frowned and waved her hands, she immediately retracted her body and obediently lay down on the stone railing, as if feeling that there was nowhere to express the joy in her heart, she suddenly kissed her palm, and then made a push gesture.

Yu Pinyan has extraordinary eyesight, and he can see the bright red lip print on her palm. There was a sudden warmth on her lips, it felt as if she was kissing her through the air, and at the same time it brought a lot of love. The corners of Yu Pinyan's tight lips finally rose, revealing a smile that could fascinate all women in the world. His already handsome face shone brightly in the winter light.

The official watched helplessly as a peerless weapon turned into a flesh and blood person in an instant, and the pressure on his heart suddenly eased. Just at this moment, the eunuch who delivered the order arrived, and Yu Pinyan dismounted to receive the order, and immediately led five thousand soldiers into Beijing, while the rest remained stationed outside the city.

When the old lady came down from the city wall, her waist was no longer sore and her legs were no longer hurting. She saw her grandson intact and free from all illnesses. Yu Xiang supported her and was about to go back to Shen's house, when she saw a row of soldiers running over quickly, the leader half-kneeled and said, "I want to report to the old lady, the commander ordered me to take you back to Yonglehou's mansion." Get in the carriage.

"Hasn't the Hou Mansion been seized?" The old lady's eyes shone with surprise.

"The emperor has already issued an imperial decree, and the Marquis Mansion will be unsealed only after the commander-in-chief returns to Beijing."

"Okay, okay, let's go, I can finally go home!" The old lady wept with joy, and couldn't wait to get on the carriage.

Because Emperor Chengkang blocked the news, no one in Beijing knew that the army was about to return to the court. At this moment, the Sanfang family was welcoming their guests happily. Zhuo was sitting in the hall wearing a bright red brocade robe, holding Chang Yafu's hand and kept looking at her, "I haven't seen you for a few years, Fu'er really bloomed like a hibiscus flower." Average."

Chang Yafu bowed her head shyly, but Yu Pinhong's wife Lu Shi sneered, "This is also called good-looking, don't you have lame eyes? Have you never met Miss Shen? That's what it means to be as beautiful as a peach or plum." The country is so beautiful, I just looked at her on the street that day, and I wouldn't even go on the road. Miss Chang is just mediocre, and she lost her virginity before marriage."

Although Lu's father was only a small village chief, without his care, the third householder of the Yu family, who could not lift their shoulders or hands, would have starved to death in Shu. Unexpectedly, once they gained power, they planned to marry another flat wife for Yu Pinhong, and they simply took Lu Shi as a fool. Letting Chang Yafu in, Lu felt that sooner or later he would be beaten to death by the other party, so it would be better to strike first.

As soon as this remark came out, the whole room was silent, until Chang Yafu's sobs came, and Mrs. Yasukuni burst into laughter and asked, "Where did you hear this? It's simply nonsense!"

"Where is the need to ask deliberately? Miss Chang has a cinnabar mole on her chest. No one in Beijing knows about it? Didn't she take off her clothes for men to see? I don’t know how it was watered and nourished. It is said that she returned to her hometown, and God knows which adulterer’s house she hid in.” Lu Shi was originally a village woman in the mountains, and she would open her mouth to speak rudely.

Mrs. Jingguo was so angry that she wanted to vomit blood, and cursed sharply, "You bitch, how dare you slander my son like this, see if I don't tear your mouth off..."

Lu Shi hurriedly hid behind Zhuo Shi who looked gloomy. Zhuo was thinking about calling a nanny to examine Chang Yafu, but she heard someone shouting outside the door, "Ma'am, the Yongle Hou Mansion has been unsealed, and the old lady has returned to the Hou Mansion!"