The Yandere Came During the Night

Chapter 23


Yu Pinyan exchanged all the servants in the yard, except for the peach red, willow and green, and handed over the contract of sale to Yu Xiang for her to take care of.

Yu Xiang clings to Yu Pinyan more than before. I have to see people for three meals a day, and if I don't see them, I can't eat well and sleep well, and my temper becomes more and more surly. Yu Pinyan tried his best to meet all the requirements of his sister, and just send any good things to her room.

He opened his mind early and experienced ups and downs. His heart was refined into a thousand-year-old cold iron under repeated conspiracy and power struggles. There are so many people in the mansion. In the past, he only valued an old lady, but now he has added Yu Xiang. Yu Siyu, Lin's family, and his sister living outside are all outsiders.

The outside world's evaluation of Yu Pinyan's denial, cruelty and cold-bloodedness is also based on facts.

But no matter how the outside world criticizes, Yu Xiang likes this kind of Yu Pinyan, and he likes it very much. If there is nothing to do, he will take out the horsewhip he gave him, wave it lightly, and squint and smile.

It was past noon that day and Yu Pinyan hadn't come back yet. She was really flustered by waiting, so she whipped the table with a whip and shouted, "Tao Hong, go to the front yard to see if my brother is back."

"Hey, servant girl, let's go now."

Tao Hong agreed outside the courtyard, and just walked a few steps, she saw Mama running over anxiously, panting heavily, "Tao Hong, Liu Lu, quickly push your master to the main courtyard, the old lady is in a hurry! Hurry up! "

Mama Mama has always been steady, and it was the first time Tao Hong saw such an eager look, she agreed while rushing into the house, and pushed the impatient master out.

"What's the matter?" Yu Xiang felt more and more flustered.

"Miss, you have to persuade Master Hou!" Mother Ma felt that Liu Lu was weak, so she brushed her away to push the wheelchair by herself, explaining in a low voice, "I don't know what kind of magic Master Hou has, saying that he wants to join the army. Tonight, I will pack up my things and go to the hussar camp. That is the hussar camp, the hussar battalion that always rushes to the forefront in every battle! The old Hou Ye was the general of the hussars back then, but he died on the battlefield and ended up with The fate of a horse shrouded in leather. I heard that the emperor will conquer Prince Yu in the spring of next year, and Lord Hou is planning to go to the northwest! Miss, Lord Hou listens to you the most, you must stop him!"

Yu Xiang's face darkened when she heard this, she didn't answer, she didn't nod her head, she just held on tightly to her horsewhip all the way.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw the old lady covering her chest with one hand and pointing at Yu Pinyan who was expressionless with the other, her lips were trembling. This is too angry to speak. Seeing Yu Xiang, she immediately yelled, "Xiang'er came just in time, please persuade your brother! What's wrong with you, but you want to join the army, do you think fighting is fun!"

Yu Pinyan couldn't hold back anymore, and frowned, "Old Ancestor, why did you call Xiang'er here? She's still young, so there's no need to know these things!"

"Why don't you let me know!" Yu Xiang asked Mama Mama to push herself to Yu Pinyan's side, and hugged his arm tightly, "Don't go! What will I do with my ancestors after you go?" Before the words fell, tears burst into tears poured out.

Yu Pinyan hated seeing her cry the most, so he took her out of the wheelchair, sat on his lap, wiped her tears carefully, and waited for her excitement to calm down before saying softly, "If I become an official as a servant of the Imperial Academy In three years, he was promoted to be a counselor of the General Administration Department, in five years he was promoted to a bachelor's degree in the cabinet, in ten years he was promoted to be a deputy envoy of the General Administration Department, and in three years he was promoted to be an envoy of the General Administration Department. It takes two years to climb to the position of the third rank. Twenty-one years later, you will be thirty-one years old, but I still can't protect you, and I can't make the Hou Mansion regain the glory it was when my grandfather was there. I don't want to be reconciled!"

The old lady stopped shaking her hands and twirled the beads with her eyes closed. She paused for a moment when she heard the last sentence.

"But you are now the Marquis of Yongle." Yu Xiang sniffled.

"Silly girl, a title is different from an official position. No matter how high the title is, you will be trampled if you have no real power." Yu Pinyan blew her nose for her and continued, "The goal that I can't achieve in 21 years, I just need to do it. A few battles are enough. Xiang'er, I want you and your ancestors to have a better life than now." A mere princess Qinghe can be bullied, this is not the life he wants.

Turning hands into clouds and hands into rain, so that no one can trample on themselves or their family members at will. The humiliation and humiliation in childhood and the startling step by step are just to stand on a higher top and look at the farther scenery. Twenty-one years, how many twenty-one years can there be in one's life? He can't wait, the ancestor can't wait, and Xiang'er can't wait.

Thinking of this, his soft eyes slowly became firm.

The old lady opened her eyes and glanced at him, then closed them again, and the beads in her hand were spinning rapidly. A good man has ambitions everywhere, and she has always known that her grandson is a man among men, better than his brave and warlike grandfather. If he makes up his mind, no one can stop him.

Yu Xiang's understanding of Yu Pinyan was no less than that of the old lady. She saw the ambition in the young man's dark eyes, and felt a burst of frustration. This man is an eagle wishing to soar, not a parrot tied to a tinsel for pleasure. If she tried to dissuade him, he would only be disappointed and disgusted.

She closed her eyes, knowing that the matter was a foregone conclusion, and said word by word, "Brother, if you had an accident on the battlefield, have you ever thought about what will happen to me and my ancestors? Although those uncles were scared by you , but there is hatred in my heart, and the swarm will devour us alive by then. The ancestors are old and can't stand stimulation, and I have inconvenient legs and feet, so I can't do anything. You are our backbone. Without you, we will have no way to survive."

The old lady felt something in her heart, and the corners of her eyes were slightly moist. When she thought that her granddaughter was planning to show affection and reason to her grandson, she changed the subject and said firmly, "So you must come back alive. If something happens to you, I will die with you! Anyway I'm a useless person, and it's meaningless to live in this world."

As she spoke, she actually laughed, but more tears welled up in her eyes.

Yu Pinyan pushed her into his arms, and after a long silence, he said in a hoarse voice, "Don't worry, brother will come back safely. What is life and death, don't mention it in the future!"

"Okay, I won't talk anymore." Yu Xiang smeared all the tears on his clothes, then backed away a little, whipped his arm lightly with a horsewhip, and said angrily, "I've made a decision before you come to tell me and the old ancestor. You make up your own mind and make you disobedient!" After twitching twice, she threw herself into his arms to wipe away tears, the meaning of revenge was very obvious.

The whip was not drawn on the body, but on the tip of his heart, leaving behind indelible marks, some pain, some touch, and a lot of joy. The sadness that Yu Pinyan was full of disappeared in an instant. He hugged his sister and rubbed her well. He didn't think it was dirty. He wiped away her tears and nose with his fingertips, then took off the horsewhip in her hand, and handed it to the old lady, "Old ancestor, you also whip A few times, grandson. If I can't accompany you, it's because my grandson is unfilial."

The old lady had softened her heart a long time ago, but she didn't show it on her face. She took the horsewhip and really whipped it a few times. It sounded very loud, but in fact it was all on the surface of the clothes, as if scratching an itch. Seeing her grandson frowning, she pretended to It looked like it was in pain, so he gave up, and said angrily, "Okay, don't pretend, go back and pack your things quickly. Remember, you must come back safely!"

Yu Pinyan nodded, picked up Yu Xiang in his arms, and was about to leave. Just as he stepped out of the threshold, he heard the old lady add reluctantly, "Go and see your mother. Hold on to the conversation."

Yu Pinyan nodded silently, walked to the fork in the road, and looked at the younger sister in his arms, "Xiang'er, are you going to see your mother?"

"She doesn't want to see me, and I don't want to see her either. It's better to have nothing to do with each other. Brother, you can go by yourself." Yu Xiang refused without hesitation. In her previous life, she did not expect maternal love, and in this life she will not even think about it. Lin is nothing more than a stranger to her, even if she finds the parents of this body in the future, it may not be possible to have a kinship.

It was a bit rebellious to say it, and it seemed extremely cold, but Yu Pinyan seemed to have heard something interesting, laughed lowly, put her in the wheelchair, rubbed her head again, stood in the same place and watched her go away before walking towards the main room. How could Yu Xiang not be his biological sister? This temperament is exactly the same as his, the same crisp and sharp, the same clear love and hate, and the same denial of relatives.

No, it's not that the six relatives don't recognize her, it's just that there are too few people who can get her approval. Apart from herself, she probably didn't even care about the old lady in the whole house, she was too cold-tempered.

Even though he thought so, Yu Pinyan didn't feel inappropriate at all, instead he felt a subtle sense of satisfaction.

Because Nanny Ma burned a lot of things last time, Lin's house looked much more spacious, but the light was still so dim, and there was a smell of candles and sesame oil mixed in the air. It was not unpleasant, but it was unreasonable feel oppressed.

On the table in the middle of the hall is the memorial tablet of the late Yongle Hou Yujunjie. Because it has been rubbed by people all the year round, it looks very smooth.

Yu Pinyan just glanced at it and turned away, staring at the ground.

Mrs. Lin was concentrating on flipping through a stack of flower notes, the smile on the corner of her mouth was a little tranced, presumably she was immersed in the sweet memories of the past and couldn't extricate herself. After Yu Pinyan's words fell for a while, she woke up like a dream, and waved her hands lightly, "Go, so you can take care of yourself."

Sure enough, it was this kind of reaction. Yu Pinyan's eyes were slightly cold, thinking of Xiang'er's little face crying like a cat and his ancestor's anxious and furious expression, he smiled indifferently. Forget it, he just needs to protect the people he cares about, but he can't control the other miscellaneous things so much.

There was nothing more to say, Yu Pinyan got up and left, but was unexpectedly stopped by Mrs. Lin, "Has your sister been found? How come half a year has passed and I haven't heard anything? Are you paying attention?"

Facing Lin's back, Yu Pinyan's handsome face was covered with a layer of frost, and he said in a deep voice, "Of course my son puts his heart into it, but the sea of people is so vast, how can it be so easy to overturn the land of the Han Dynasty in a few months! Mother Wanmo Be impatient, as long as you are alive, you will find it one day.”

Before the words fell, he had already flung his sleeves and left.