The Yandere Came During the Night

Chapter 45


Yu Pinyan first entered the palace, and informed the emperor that Shen Miaoqi had been a maidservant in the Zhao family for four years, and then said that he needed to take care of the Zhao family to cover up the family scandal.

The emperor was not interested in his family affairs, but his frankness was very useful. After sighing for a while, he waved his hand and transferred Zhao Anshun to the most affluent Yangzhou. Soon many people will die in Yangzhou, and most of the vacancies in Yangzhou's officialdom will be vacant. As an official, Zhao Anshun is upright, impartial and selfless, so he is available.

Yu Pinyan got the emperor's approval, and then went to Zhao's house.

Zhao Anshun has always had the reputation of Zhao Qingtian in Yunzhou, after hearing his explanation of his intentions, he took the initiative to say that he would help the Hou Mansion keep the secret, and would never easily ruin a child's future. As for the transfer to Yangzhou, he refused immediately, and was very angry about it, feeling that his character had been insulted.

Yu Pinyan had a good impression of Zhao Anshun's family, and he knew that Shen Miaoqi had never been wronged in his family. Thinking about it, although Shen Miaoqi's luck was not good, but the people she met were sincere and sincere towards her. First, it was the Shen family's obedience, and then the Zhao family's life-saving grace. Miss Zhao never regarded her as a real person, but called her a sister. She was given the same treatment as her in terms of food, clothing, housing and transportation, as if she was treated like a deputy lady.

Because Shen Miaoqi knew that she was an extraordinary person, she was unwilling to sign a death contract with the Zhao family, but signed a living contract once a year. It stands to reason that it is difficult for such a servant to be reused by the master. But Shen's father is really indulgent to her, and he is willing to take her with him even in business, so at a young age, she knows how to read words and gestures, and win over people's hearts.

That Miss Zhao family was coaxed by her within a few days, and treated her like a close friend. After hearing that she was born, she came to the front hall in person, and promised that she would never tell the secret of Caiqi (Shen Miaoqi) in this life, otherwise the sky would be thunderous. It can't be a good death.

Yu Pinyan was very satisfied with the understanding of the Zhao family, and since Shen Miaoqi did not sign the death contract, she was not enslaved, so she did not need to go to the household registration, so she left and went home. As for Zhao Anshun's promotion, he didn't mention it again. When the imperial decree came down, Zhao Anshun couldn't refuse even if he wanted to. I only hope that he will not be squinted by the glitz of Lianghuai, and keep this peaceful and prosperous world for the emperor and the prince.

The old lady learned from her grandson that Zhao's house was in order, and that the marks on Lin's neck had disappeared. These days, she was always clamoring to see her daughter. She thought it would be better for them to meet first, so as not to worry about each other. Make trouble again.

Mrs. Lin changed out of the plain clothes she had worn for fourteen years, and put on a floral dress with gold silk and a hundred butterflies, and went to see her daughter in full vigor.

As soon as they stepped out of the mansion, someone reported the news to Yu Xiang.

"Oh, the face is beaming, you read that right?" Yu Xiang was building a pot of fiery red roses.

"That's right, I don't even wear plain clothes anymore, I'm wearing a red floral dress inlaid with gold, and I'm still saying 'I want to die, my daughter' and so on." The very unremarkable little girl vowed.

Accidentally cut off a blooming rose, Yu Xiang held up the stem, waved and said, "It's all right, you go down." She knew what she should know, and she knew what she shouldn't know, so she didn't Putting people around Lin Shi, he only bought a few rough envoys to prevent Lin Shi from acting as a demon. However, after today, I am afraid that a few more nails will have to be added, and this Yu Mansion may change.

Liu Lu stuffed the little girl with two taels of silver, and ordered her to go out quietly through the corner door. When she came back, she asked curiously, "Miss, madam has not smiled or left the house for fourteen years. What do you think is going on with her today?" Is it? Is it possible that the last hang can also open the brain?"

"It's not that she has an open mind, but she has a backbone. Once a person has a backbone, his mental outlook will naturally be different." Yu Xiang tore rose petals into the bowl one by one. Although she had a smile on her face, her eyes were very cold.

Liu Lu quietly looked at her expression, not daring to ask any more questions.

Four years have passed in a blink of an eye, and Yu Xiang had a premonition that the Lord is coming back, and the indifferent attitude at first was now replaced by anxiety. She doesn't covet anything from the Yu family, she just wants to stay by Yu Pinyan's side. She was just a ghost, if it wasn't for Yu Pinyan, she wouldn't be able to take root in another world with peace of mind. If the real master returned and she left, it would be tantamount to digging out her roots and cutting them off, and sooner or later she would die slowly.

She is not weak, but she likes to live by Yu Pinyan, she feels at ease and happy. At the beginning, she was so open-minded and said that everyone should return to everyone, but in the end, she found that if anyone dared to rob her of her brother, she would dare to fight with her life.

Although the Shen family were her relatives by blood, they had never raised her, so why did she willingly leave with them as soon as they came? Did she have half affection for them

Crush the petals with a small hammer, pour the bright red flower juice into the mixture of beeswax, lard, and spices, and stir carefully. She sticks a finger to the copper mirror and spreads it evenly on her lips. The fierce red lips bloom quietly with a touch of sweetness. There was a gloomy smile in the middle: Except for my brother, I can do anything I want, and my brother can only be hers in this life. As for the Shen family, they can go where they came from. Although she doesn't care about the great power and unparalleled wealth of the Marquis Mansion, she does care about her brother. As long as she can be with her brother, even if the future is dangerous, even if the fate is unpredictable, and even if she ends up in the end of stealing all the birds and stealing the house, she will be happy. willing.

Hearing that Shen Miaoqi lived in Shuiyue Nunnery temporarily, the old lady sent a confidant nun to teach her various etiquettes.

At this moment, there is rain as thin as a cow's hair in the sky, and the air is very humid. After inhaling the nasal cavity, it brings a sticky feeling of suffocation. Shen Miaoqi had already knelt down for the forty-seventh time, but her kneeling was still not standard, and she had to come for the forty-eighth time. The knees, the heels of the legs, and the fibula were in severe pain, and she wanted to find a soft couch to lie down immediately, but Shen Miaoqi didn't see any complaints on her face, she just obediently apologized to the nanny and started all over again.

The nanny is very satisfied with her, and there is a little bit of joy on her strict face. She really is the concubine daughter of the Hou family. Her arrogance and elegance have already been integrated into her blood. She is not bad compared to Miss Xiang'er, only a little less majestic. tolerance. But for all ladies, what's the use of being majestic? That's enough for now.

Shen Miaoqi knelt down slowly according to the rules, and this time her posture was really perfect. Hearing Mammy's praise, her tense face relaxed slightly, she picked up a chair and sat down to rest.

She is not afraid of suffering or tiredness, and she can even endure ten times and a hundred times the hardship. She was afraid that the Yu family would leave her in the nunnery and ignore her. Now that the Yu family has sent a nanny to teach the rules, she feels at ease. This means that the Yu family has no intention of abandoning her.

Since she was a child, she heard Shen's father and Shen's mother keep mentioning that she was a noble person. She thought she was talking about her future destiny, so she had an unusual yearning for prosperity and wealth early on. However, she didn't know until that day that she was originally a noble person! It was the Shen family who stole her noble status and sent their daughter to enjoy the blessing instead. All the unwillingness turned into hatred, and she left that house for the capital without hesitation.

Regardless of what happened in the past fourteen years, if possible, she will do everything possible to erase all the stains she once had. Fortunately, Shen's father has passed away, and Shen's mother can't survive for a few days like this. Shen Yuanqi is still staying in Lingnan as a servant, and most of the pressure on her has disappeared in an instant, leaving only the Zhao family and that bastard who stayed in the Hou's mansion.

She had to take care of that bastard herself, but the Zhao family was a bit difficult to deal with. But the arm can't twist the thigh, and with the power of the Yu family, it shouldn't be a big deal to take care of a Zhao family with no foundation, right

Thinking about this, she looked at the old nanny and asked, "Qin nanny, what does my brother do?"

Nanny Qin was taking out a few plasters to apply on her legs, and said in a low voice, "Your brother is the commander of the capital, and the whole Han Dynasty only listens to the emperor's orders, not to mention the first and second-rank officials, they are super-rank officials." Your prince will be three points shorter when he sees him, it's this one..." After saying that, he gave a thumbs up.

Shen Miaoqi's heart was beating wildly, she had no idea that Yu Pinyan was so powerful. Although the Shen family is rich, but compared with the aristocratic family, it has a lot of background, which also caused Shen Miaoqi's narrow vision and low knowledge. She couldn't figure out what the Commander Du did, but she grasped the most important piece of information. She is now one of the most noble daughters in the Han Dynasty, and she finally got the high life she dreamed of!

Although there are many haze and flaws in this life, it doesn't matter, she believes that she will remove them one by one by her own means.

Pulling the veil out of her neckline, she covered the sneer on her lips with an extremely elegant posture.

At that time, a nun said outside the door, "Benefactor Shen, someone saw you coming, please move to the main hall."

Mother Qin was very happy when she heard that, and said with a smile, "Miss, change your clothes quickly, the old lady and the lady must have seen you coming."

Shen Miaoqi was a little at a loss for a while, she quickly straightened her forehead and hair, and then found the most suitable skirt in the cage and hurriedly changed it on.

"Miaoqi has met grandmother and mother." As soon as she entered the hall, she bowed gracefully, bringing into full play the elegant manners she had learned from Nanny Qin.

Fourteen years old was the most youthful age, and in addition, her appearance followed Lin's. Although she was not peerless in appearance, she was as gentle as water, with light eyebrows and eyes, and looked really clean.

Lin's eyes lit up, and she ran over to pull her into her arms, and cried, "My poor daughter, mother finally sees you! You have been away for fourteen years, and mother misses you so much that she almost misses you. I can't survive..."

"Mother, my daughter misses you too!" Shen Miaoqi threw herself into the arms of this luxuriously dressed woman, without any trace of restraint and embarrassment, as if the fourteen years of separation were just an illusion.

The old lady thanked the teacher who led the way, went to the upper seat and sat down, and looked at the weeping mother and daughter with dark and unpredictable eyes. The mother and daughter are eighty-nine points similar in appearance, manner and demeanor. If an outsider were to see it, they would definitely praise the weak Liu Fufeng and be pitiful, but in the eyes of the old lady, it became the word 'annoying'. One mournful face in the family is enough, but now another one came.

Perhaps she had admired such a woman when she was young, and felt that gentleness and restraint were more moving, otherwise she would not have chosen Lin for her son. However, with the passage of time and the changes in the world, she gradually felt that a hot, bright and flamboyant woman like Xiang'er was more likable. With her, no matter how hard it is, I don't feel tired.

Unlike these two, it is obviously a great happy event, why do they look like their parents are dead? Thinking of this, the old lady gave a quick pooh, and secretly confessed her sin of slipping to the Buddha.

In fact, it is no wonder that the old lady is eccentric. Anyone who is tortured by a mournful face for fourteen years will become quite fragile.