The Yandere Came During the Night

Chapter 61


Yu Miaoqi and Mrs. Lin stayed up all night and another morning and finally read through the ledger, not to mention holes, they couldn't find even the slightest inadequacy.

The account books that Yu Xiang made were too fine, and the error was almost controlled within a millimetre. Not to mention the Lin family, even the old lady who supported the Hou's mansion and raised Dayu Pinyan by herself was not as good.

If her legs were intact, she wouldn't know what an amazing and talented person she would be.

Lin's self-confidence disappeared after reading the account books, and when the old lady came to chase him away, she almost opened her mouth to return the gift. If she lost to a fourteen-year-old girl, she would lose face.

However, Yu Miaoqi held her back, tightly tugging at her hand to imply that she would not regret it. After resigning from the old lady, the two returned to the main room with haggard faces.

Immediately, Lin put three sticks of incense on the tablet placed in the hall, then knelt down and muttered something, not knowing what he was saying, with a very painful expression on his face.

Yu Miaoqi supported her forehead and closed her eyes to rest her mind. After she finished reading, she asked, "Mother, do you want to escape again? Do you not want to be in charge of the house anymore?"

"I, I can't palm. I'm sorry Yan'er, I'm sorry Junjie..." Lin said and began to wipe away tears.

She didn't feel anything when she was crying, but when she saw Lin crying, Yu Miaoqi felt indescribably upset, she suppressed her resentment and comforted her, "Mother, you have a deep relationship with your father, and it is inevitable to fall into grief because of losing him. I feel touched, how can I be harsh on you? If you really feel sorry for him, you should be stronger and take care of this family. I will marry in the future, what will I do without your help? In this Marquis Mansion, I I can only rely on you."

She knelt side by side with Lin, and said seriously, "Mother, don't be afraid, I will help you."

Lin was greatly touched, she nodded while wiping her tears, and then urged her daughter to go back to the house to rest.

Yu Miaoqi said goodbye to her, walked into the wing room, but didn't go to sleep immediately, instead she called Nanny Jin to inquire about the situation of the Hou Mansion, especially about how Yu Xiang ran the family, she refused to let go of any detail.

Nanny Jin brought a thick book of house rules for her to read, and she stood aside to explain in detail. She knew that Mrs. Lin was unreliable, and she could only rely on the strong Second Miss in the future.

"These one hundred and eight family rules are written by the third lady herself. Every servant in the house has to memorize them. Random checks will be made every once in a while, and the moon money will be deducted if you can't remember it. Look, she will also pour Yexiang , Changing, washing clothes, etc., the monthly payment of the subordinates is raised to the third-class girl's share, which is a prodigal! They also organized everyone into teams to elect a team leader, and supervised the team members. Five times, regardless of whether the family gave birth to a child or signed a contract of living, all of them were kicked out of the mansion. Also, the person in charge of purchasing needs to be rotated every two months. Two days off in rotation, when the master needs to serve, isn't there no one..."

As soon as Nanny Jin complained, she went on and on, and finally concluded, "Third Miss, this is not managing the Marquis Mansion. There are so many rules and regulations that cannot be exceeded, but she is managing the barracks, which has caused complaints in the mansion. Second Miss, You can't follow her old path, otherwise you will be scolded to death."

There were indeed people in the mansion who were dissatisfied, but most of them were nuns in charge like Nanny Jin who couldn't make money, and the rest of the servants respected Yu Xiang. Even those nuns who are in charge dare not criticize Yu Xiang in the slightest. You must know that she, like her brother, is also a master who is not recognized by her relatives. It doesn't matter whether you have a child or not, and how hard you have worked. If you make a mistake, you will be punished. If you make a mistake, you will be beaten, and if you don't repent, you will be kicked out. Others can't find any reason.

Four years have passed, and the Hou Mansion has been ruled by her like an iron bucket.

Yu Miaoqi also noticed that Yu Xiang's methods were extremely sophisticated, she insisted on fairness and justice in everything, dealt with according to the rules, never showed mercy, and would never make a wrong judgment. It can be said that she was a very disciplined person.

In addition, the servants she trained are also very well-behaved, they don't slack off, they don't lie to their superiors, and they don't bully their superiors. However, when they behaved properly, it was difficult for Yu Miaoqi to move forward, even if she wanted to cultivate a few cronies. Therefore, even if she knew that Yu Xiang's management charter was a good thing, she had to break it. Because only by breaking the balance and supporting her cronies, can she gain a firm foothold in the Hou Mansion.

Now she is not as naive as when she first came here, thinking that relying on Lin can live a good life. Lin's thinking of escaping at critical moments, this kind of cowardice is really disgusting, no wonder it made mother-in-law and daughter-in-law divorced, and mother and child broke up.

In this way, it is impossible for her to take root in the Hou Mansion by pleasing the old lady and Yu Pinyan. After today, they will only compare her with Lin's, then ignore, alienate, treat her coldly, and send her away when she reaches her age. Her status is even lower than Yu Siyu's.

The situation is very unfavorable for Yu Miaoqi, the only thing she can do is to firmly grasp the power in her hands, make herself strong before she gets married, and then find a husband with a prominent background. When she is extremely rich in the future, she must make the old lady and Yu Pinyan regret it, and make Yu Xiang pay back all that she owes her.

Yu Miaoqi thought about sending Nanny Jin away for more than an hour, and wrote down the new regulations before falling asleep.

Compared with the sparsely populated main house, the small courtyard in the west wing was very lively, and the nuns in charge came to the door one after another, asking what should be done if the third lady's house has changed to a new master? They had already heard the rumor that the Second Miss and the Third Miss were extremely at odds, and they fought several times right after they came back; Mrs. Lin hated the Third Miss even more. If the two of them are in charge, the situation will be very unfavorable for Miss San.

But Miss San stood behind Master Hou, and no one could bully her if he was in charge or not. On the contrary, as long as she showed some intentions, the nuns in charge would be more than happy to make things difficult for Miss Er and Mrs. Lin, and help her regain the power to run the house.

Although at the beginning they were really dissatisfied with Yu Xiang because they had no money to earn, but as long as they did a good job, Yu Xiang would subsidize them with money every month, and they would also give out generous bonuses during festivals. There is a little less oil and water from the digging, but the money is held with peace of mind, held aboveboard, and held without biting hands, and life is more comfortable than before.

If they suddenly changed their person, changed their regulations, they would be at a loss, and they ran to the third lady to make up their minds.

Yu Xiang was lazily lying on the couch, holding a miscellaneous book in her hand, and waved, "Don't ask me for advice, I will not take care of these things in the future. Don't forget the rules in the house, just concentrate on doing it well." Errands, it’s right not to be caught wrong. Let’s go, I’m going to sleep.” While talking, he covered his mouth and yawned.

To prevent people from being caught wrong? That's right, the new official takes office three fires, who knows what the second lady is thinking. She is not like the third lady, she is fair and just in everything and acts according to the rules. If she doesn't like anyone, she might find a reason to take you down and replace you with someone else. I'm afraid the days to come will be sad!

The nuns in charge were taught to leave the room lightly after being charged with the crime. Before meeting Yu Miaoqi face to face, the impression was a little bit bad, and they became more vigilant.

When Yu Pinyan returned home, her younger sister had already fallen asleep, her small mouth was slightly opened, revealing a lilac tongue, muttering a few words in her sleep from time to time, her appearance was indescribably cute. He sat on the side of the couch and watched for a long while, until the old lady sent someone to invite him, and then quietly left. When he left, he did not forget to move his sister's exposed arms into the quilt, and gently rubbed her bright red and full lips.

In the main courtyard, the old lady was waiting in awe, and she didn't smile when she saw her grandson coming, and said bluntly, "Yan'er, I didn't take back your mother's housekeeping rights, but I expected her to make a big mistake so that she could be divorced from the Marquis Mansion. I have endured it for fourteen years, and I have had enough. Disobedience to my parents means it is against morality; jealousy means it ruins the family; talking too much means it divorces relatives. Look, she has committed three out of seven. Well, if she sincerely repents this time and can work hard to manage the family well, I will spare her. If she refuses to repent and stir up trouble, I will have to send a letter of divorce. Yaner, what do you think?"

Yu Pinyan sat down and sipped tea slowly, and said nonchalantly, "If she is not wrong, no one can do anything to her. If she makes a mistake, she will deal with it according to the rules, and my grandson will be no different."

What is Lin's, it doesn't matter if she is in the house or not.

The old lady nodded, speaking wearily, "Okay, it's good if you can think about it. You haven't received any love from her since you were a child, and you don't need to protect her now. You don't owe her anything. Just wait, Yu Miaoqi is a With a big heart, but fate is thinner than paper, sooner or later something will happen."

"I'm not afraid of accidents, but I can't let her harm Xiang'er. I often go out on business, so please ask my ancestors to take care of me." Yu Pinyan earnestly pleaded.

The old lady didn't feel anything strange at all, she put down her worries and smiled, waved her hands and said, "Look at what you said, in my heart Xiang'er is no different from my own granddaughter. I don't need you to say that I will protect her. But you I think too much, although Yu Miaoqi has a bit of scheming, she is still far behind Xianger's little tigress. It's okay if she doesn't think about it, but if she thinks she shouldn't, Xianger will definitely swell her buttocks. face."

Thinking of her younger sister's petite appearance, Yu Pinyan lowered her eyes and smiled.

When Yu Miaoqi woke up, it was Shen's time, she didn't care to rub her painful temples, she immediately got up to look for Mrs Lin, and asked her to quickly call all the nuns in charge.

"Wait a few more days. You have just offended your grandmother and are eager to take power. What will your grandmother think of us?" Mrs. Lin hesitated.

Yu Miaoqi sneered, "No matter how long we wait, grandma and elder brother will not change their views on us, so we should support our family and use actions to make them change their views on us. Mother, cheer up, father is still in heaven Looking at you!"

Hearing the last sentence, Mrs. Lin immediately agreed and sent people to inform the mothers.

Yu Miaoqi secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Lin Shi is a very controlled person, this is the luck among the many misfortunes after she returned home, with Lin Shi in the front blocking her, it is easier for her to move behind.

She has always been a person with super mobility, no matter how hard she is hit, she can recover quickly. The old lady and Yu Pinyan are tired of her, and she will definitely not complain about herself like Lin, and shrink her hands, but it will arouse her ambition and fighting spirit even more. If others are unreliable, she will work hard to make herself stronger.

No matter what, she refused to believe that she couldn't even compare to a bitch, and that bitch was a cripple with a broken leg.