The Yandere Came During the Night

Chapter 69


Hearing the exclamation, the standing figure took out a torch from his pocket and lit the candle on the table. The flickering yellow light of the candle illuminated a bearded, bearded and fierce face.

Fang Zhichen gasped, and when he looked at the person sitting again, his pupils shrank sharply, wishing to pass over immediately. This person is not an ugly person, on the contrary, he has a uniquely handsome face, and a pair of extremely powerful narrow phoenix eyes are slightly squinting towards him.

Fang Zhichen was so frightened that he couldn't scream, he knelt heavily as soon as he bent his knees, and finally recovered his voice after knocking his head a few times, "Master Hou, please forgive me, the riots in the capital are not the intention of the grassroots, but were bewitched by others. Please forgive me, Lord Hou!" His father's head was taken off by Yong Lehou himself, how could he not be afraid

"Who instructed you to wait?" Yu Pinyan spoke slowly.

"It's Yu Xiang, the second lady of the mansion. She sent someone to bring five hundred taels of silver notes to my mother and son. She said that she couldn't get used to Yu Siyu's arrogance in front of her, and she would regret it for the rest of her life. She also said that if I could marry Yu Siyu, In addition, give me another thousand taels so that I can take Yu Siyu far away from the capital, and if Yu Siyu is disobedient in the future, I can torture her to death, and the dowry left behind will not be taken back by the Marquis Mansion, and it will be all for my mother and son."

Fang Zhichen collapsed on the ground, and he did not need to force a confession. Seeing Yu Pinyan's eyes became colder, he hurriedly added, "The Caomin family has already encountered a catastrophe, and they would not have agreed to do such immoral things if they hadn't been unable to survive. Ms. Xiang also promised to my mother and son that she would not cause my mother and son to suffer any misfortune, and she firmly said that Master Hou will do everything she can to her, and she only needs to beat the side drums in the mansion, and the matter will be considered. Master Hou , this matter is all Miss Yu Xiang's idea, Cao Min was also bewitched by her, please Lord Hou spare Cao Min's mother and son! If it wasn't for her, Cao Min would not dare to offend you even if you gave Cao Min a hundred courage!" Already tearful, embarrassed.

Yu Pinyan was silent for a moment, then he actually laughed in a low voice, the laughter was thick and full of frost blades that could only be condensed in nine cold winters. Before he came, he thought that the Fang family's mother and son were driven by some political enemy, but he didn't expect that there were internal thieves in the Hou's residence.

"Master Hou, he slanders Miss so much, doesn't he?" The big man with the beard pulled out his saber from his waist.

When Fang Zhichen heard the sound of the blade being unsheathed, he peed in fright on the spot, and an unpleasant stench mixed with the smell of alcohol permeated the room.

"As long as his mother and son disappear in Beijing for no reason, the emperor's desk will be filled with memorials to impeach me tomorrow morning. He can't die, at least not in Beijing." Yu Pinyan shook his head while taking out a pair of gloves as thin as cicada's wings and slowly putting them on On the way, he strolled over and stared at Fang Zhichen, "I'll give you a chance to live, but it depends on whether you know people."

"What, what opportunity?" Fang Zhichen asked quickly.

"Don't worry, Yu Xiang is hanging on her lips one by one, and she dares to splash dirty water on her body. This Marquis will teach you what life is better than death." Yu Pinyan laughed softly, stretched his fingers over, and took them off in an instant. Fang Zhichen lowered his jaw so that he could not scream, and then removed his bones joint by joint...

Half an hour later, Fang Zhichen was as limp as mud, all the movable joints of his body had been removed, his chest rose and fell weakly, and the only thing left was to breathe out.

Yu Pinyan walked around him, then took off his gloves and threw them on the ground casually, and said lightly, "Send someone to Yangzhou to investigate quickly, and find out the person who was connected to the Fang family's mother and child."

The big bearded man took orders in a low voice, sent Lord Hou out of the room, picked up the gloves and burned them, and then pieced back Fang Zhichen's bones and joints one by one. Naturally, it was another torture that was worse than death.

After leaving the room, two guards came out from the shadows and followed silently. Yu Pinyan smoothed the folds of his clothes and sneered, "Yu Miaoqi, dare you!"

He didn't need to be verified to know who the real mastermind behind this was. Except for the duplicitous and vicious Yu Miaoqi, she didn't think of anyone else. Although he knew she was restless, Yu Pinyan never sent Longlin Guard to monitor her day and night. The emperor hated the courtiers' favoritism. Back then, he never even used the Dragon Scale Guard to find relatives, and now he would not use it for a mere house fight. The manpower brought today are all old troops trained during the war. Although they are not as good as the Dragon Scale Guard's ability to go to heaven and earth, they are not much worse. It takes three to five days to find out the truth.

Yu Pinyan stood outside the courtyard for a while to let off the bad smell, and then Shi Shiran left. It was almost Yin's time when we returned to the Hou's mansion, the lanterns everywhere had been extinguished, and it was so dark that we could not see our fingers, but Yu Pinyan seemed to be walking under the light, and after three turns, he came to the west chamber, and gently opened the door to enter.

In the breeze, there is a floral fragrance that is different from the smell of grass outside. It is rich but not smoky. After inhaling the nose, it seems that even the tip of the tongue is tinged with a touch of sweetness.

Yu Pinyan's cold and serious face softened unknowingly, and he quietly walked to the side of the carved bed with the strongest fragrance, and brushed aside the layers of bed curtains.

He is so skilled in martial arts that he can see clearly even in the dark. The bright red brocade quilt was bulged, a sweet and pretty face was resting on the pillow, the red lips were slightly parted, exhaling the fragrance like a lotus.

Yu Pinyan stared at the girl's pink lips, her face moved closer and closer until the tips of her noses touched and her breath intertwined. Just at this time, there was a rustling sound outside, and a candle was lit tremblingly, and it was being approached gradually by someone holding it.

Yu Pinyan didn't move anymore, but he didn't distance himself either. He rested his hands on the girl's cheeks and stared deeply at her.

"Hou, Lord Hou?" Liu Lu exclaimed holding an oil lamp, and immediately rubbed her eyes vigorously. Master Hou, what are you doing, are you kissing Miss? She wanted to get closer and take a closer look, but she saw Master Hou slightly tilting his head and making a silent gesture.

Liu Lu didn't dare to move, and stood stiffly on the spot.

At this moment, Yu Xiang half-raised her eyelids, and muttered, "Brother? You're back?" She was still half asleep, but her snow-white arms with a strong fragrance of flowers naturally wrapped around her elder brother's neck, and she raised her head slightly to dawdle The elder brother let go of his cheeks for a while, hugged the quilt and squirmed inside, leaving a bed free.

The girl's voice was already delicate, but now it was a little hoarse in sleep, and it also had a sweet taste that couldn't be melted away. Yu Pinyan's ears were numb, and his heart seemed to be soaked in honey water, moving up and down Ups and downs, no stability. He slowly pursed his lips, took off his coat and boots under Liu Lu's incredulous gaze, and lay down beside the girl.

Before the age of twelve, the siblings often rested on the same couch, so their movements were very familiar. As soon as one raised his neck, the other tucked his arm in, gently hugged the person in his arms and patted him.

The girl was already petite, but now she curled up like a cat and burrowed into her brother's arms, making her look even smaller and soft, very cute. Yu Pinyan couldn't help but chuckled after just one glance, inserted five fingers into her hair and stroked it gently, then sighed in satisfaction.

Yu Xiang was so comfortable being caressed, her eyelids sank little by little, but suddenly opened again, and asked, "Brother, is he going to take care of Yu Siyu's affairs?"

"Well, it's done." Yu Pinyan nodded casually.

Yu Xiang groaned, her eyelids drooped twice, and she gradually fell into a dark and sweet dreamland, her little hand tightly clutching her brother's collar.

Liu Lu went out with the oil lamp for a while, and when she came back, the master was already asleep, but Master Hou was still lying on her side, wrapping her around her, with one hand under his neck and the other wrapped around the master's hair Playing around, half of the extremely handsome face was exposed in the candlelight, and the other half was hidden in the darkness. It was hard to see what the expression was, but the pair of long and narrow eyes were surprisingly bright.

Liu Lu swallowed secretly, and waited for a while before daring to speak in a low voice, "Master Hou, I have just notified the front yard, and they have prepared hot water washing utensils for you to go back. You have to go to court tomorrow, please Go to bed early, it’s good that the young lady has servants to take care of her here.”

Yu Pinyan didn't answer, he combed his sister's hair strand by strand with five fingers to make it smooth, and carefully tied the quilt for her. Then he slowly pulled out his arm, but was pulled back when he was about to stand up, only then did he realize that his sister was still holding him The collar, even in the dream, never relaxed the slightest strength, and the attachment was beyond words.

Yu Pinyan put his hands on his sister's side and smiled happily, and kissed her gently like a butterfly's wings on her forehead and nose respectively. Then he pulled out the dagger at his waist and cut off the collar. He stayed in the bed and left. Definitely took a look at her.

The tall figure disappeared into the night, and Liu Lu let go of her breath, walked to the bedside with vain steps, and found that the master was sleeping very soundly while dragging a piece of fabric, and smacked his lips and muttered 'Brother', It's heartless to the extreme.

Liu Lu wiped her face, sat on the pedals for a long while, and then rubbed her aching temples and left.

Romantic affairs always spread very fast. When Yu Siyu was still ordering people to arrest Xue Xue, the affairs between her and Fang Zhichen had already become the talk of the people in the capital. Some people also said that the Yongle Hou Mansion really had a bad family education, one Yu Xiang was arrogant and domineering, and the other Yu Siyu was extremely lewd, but the second young lady who just came back was not stained with mud, she was not only gentle and gentle, but also had a noble character. disciple.

Although Liao Kong Shitai has given up the title of royal princess, she is a royal after all. With her standing behind her, no one dared to criticize Yu Miaoqi.

It took three full days before Yu Siyu caught Xuexue back, and hurriedly brought it to the old lady without asking a single question, saying that she wanted to clear up her grievances, and invited Lin's mother and daughter, Yu Pinyan, and Yu Xiang all over. , There is a posture of opening a public trial.

The old lady was sitting on the couch, and Yu Xiang on the other side was lying in his brother's arms, gnawing a piece of gherkin with gusto. Lin Shi and Yu Miaoqi sat next to the old lady, one looked slightly tense; the other seemed angry but full of expectation.

"Tell me, who ordered you to harm me?" Yu Siyu angrily pointed at Xue Xue who was kneeling under the hall.

Jiang Xue trembled at first, then timidly looked at Yu Xiang who was on the main seat, and shouted loudly, "Miss San, you must save the slave! You promised the slave earlier that you would never implicate the slave. Otherwise, how dare the servants do such immoral things!"