The Yin Guest

Chapter 105


The overall innovation, so all the help he arranged intentionally or unintentionally is concentrated in the nearest, ready for him before the beginning of next month, and the effects of several sacrificial formations on him will be launched at the beginning of the month, and his spiritual power will reach its peak, and it will be logical Overcoming my restraint on him and escaping from under the ice, in the next hundred years, the advantage will be on his side. But relatively, the beginning of next month is a turning point. After that day, he was at the peak, and before that day, that is, during the recent period, it happened to be his lowest point, but he was a little impatient, and he didn't want to miss any chance to escape. Because my spiritual power came out ahead of time..."

Xie Bai said: "So now is the best time to deal with him?"

"Yes, the closer to the last day, the better the timing." Yin Wushu nodded and said, "That's why he was so quiet after escaping, and there was no movement for three days, and he was also worried."

"So you have a good chance of winning against him?" Xie Bai asked.

Yin Wushu nodded, and smiled: "I chose this time to treat him not because I can't cure him normally, but to treat him thoroughly, so that he can't stand up for a hundred years, so I just start over again, so that he won't be in trouble every day." Make fun of me, bored."

When he said this, the fish scale Xie Bai held in his hand began to shine slightly again, and the edges were slightly reddish, as if bloodlines were about to be revealed again.

Yin Wushu saw it sharply: "..."

He was silent for a few seconds, and could only add: "In this way, he is equivalent to dying once, and the Hundred Ghosts Raising Corpse Formation on your body will no longer need to be restrained by him, and it will not be affected by him because of his state. Suffered."

The purpose was to replenish, and the blood line was finally withdrawn again.

Xie Bai was taken aback, not knowing what to say for a while, after a moment of silence, he said with a complex expression: "Since it's related to me, then it's even more impossible for me to stand by and unlock the locks on my hands and feet."

Yin Wushu glanced at him, but didn't make a sound, apparently he had no such intention.

"How can I barely count as a combat power? Can't two people solve it faster than one?" Xie Bai frowned.

"The closer you are to him, the greater the impact the Hundred Ghosts Raising Corpse Formation will have on you. I heard from Lou Xianyue and the shark that your fingers had already started to frost, and the blood that flowed out would freeze quickly. Already." Yin Wushu shook his head, "Do you know what the consequences will be if this goes on? You face him face to face, and every time you cut him, his pain will be projected on you to the greatest extent. When he dies , you won’t have much vitality left, and then you will be so cold that you won’t even get up, and the blood in your body will freeze directly without bleeding, do you think you still have a way to survive?”

Xie Bai opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Yin Wushu: "Besides, even if you stay away from him, you won't feel any better. It will still get colder and colder, and it may be unbearable. Low, the easier it is for the Hundred Ghosts Raising Corpse Formation to gain the upper hand in your body, the easier it is for him to use you."

Shark scales didn't move at all, which meant that Yin Wushu was telling the truth and didn't deliberately make up a bunch of nonsense to fool him.

If this is really the case, then once he is used by the people under the ice, like on Tianshan Mountain, using his body as a container to absorb Yin Wushu's spiritual power, it will be harmful to Yin Wushu but not beneficial.

"Is there no way to block this connection?" Xie Bai asked.

Yin Wushu simply shook his head: "No."

Suddenly, a line of blood came out from the merman's scales.

Yin Wushu: "..."

Xie Bai handed the merman scales in front of him: "Don't talk nonsense, is there any?"

"... There is a yào called Soul Cleansing Pill, the essence is to separate the connection between the soul and the flesh. It is equivalent to separating the Hundred Ghosts Raising Corpse Formation from your body when used here, but the effect is limited, and it can only be used to some extent. It is impossible to completely cut off the contact with Weimo, otherwise you will not be able to live. But the drug is very dangerous, and if you are not careful, it is easy to hurt people's soul." Yin Wushu's face is not very good-looking, and he was stiff when he said this Yes, I kept staring at the fish scale, as if I was going to smash it and throw it out in the next second.

Xie Bai nodded: "Is there such a medicine in Taixuan Dao?"

Yin Wushu didn't speak, in fact even if he said no, the merman scale on Xie Bai's hand would reveal the truth.

Xie Bai simply rubbed his feet on the floor, and the wooden floor under his feet suddenly rippled like water. He lowered his head and said to the water pattern, "Lidong? Please come up."

Lidong's voice downstairs quickly came through the floor: "Oh! What's the matter, my lord? I'll come right away."

Just as Yin Wushu was about to open his mouth, Xie Bai made a move.