The Yin Guest

Chapter 106


It was another black mist that directly sealed Yin Wushu's mouth.

When Lidong came up and opened the door, what he saw was such a bundled situation.

"... What weird things are you playing with?" Lidong's eyeballs almost popped out.

Yin Wushu couldn't speak, so he could only look at him with squinted eyes, as if "if you dare to move, I will break your leg". Xie Bai glanced at him, then opened his mouth lightly: "It is said that you have a medicine here called Soul Cleansing Pill."

The beginning of winter is like facing the enemy: "My lord, our boss is fine except that he likes to fool people a little bit. Don't be like this—"

"I didn't intend to use it for him." Xie Bai interrupted him angrily.

"Oh, then I'll get it for you." Lidong replied and hurried away.

A moment later, he was at the door holding a small porcelain pot the size of a palm.

Seeing him dawdling at the door but not stepping in, Xie Bai remembered that Yin Wushu seemed to not allow anyone to enter his room. He raised his chin at Lidong and said, "Throw it in."

Lidong let out an "oh", and gently threw the porcelain pot into Xie Bai's arms, and it landed just right.

Xie Bai pulled out the cork and took a look, and found that there was only one pill the size of an ordinary yào tablet left in it, so he simply poured it into the palm of his hand and swallowed it with his head raised before Yin Wushu could make a move.

This pill is not the same as other medicines, it melts like water as soon as it is swallowed, and soon flows down the throat, steaming a little heat in the body. This kind of enthusiasm quickly melted into the blood, went upstream, and transpired into the brain.

Xie Bai's eyes began to blur for no reason, and even Yin Wushu became less clear...

He heard Yin Wushu sighed softly, and then he put the top-heavy him on the bed and covered him with the quilt. Immediately afterwards, he tapped his wrist twice, and the black mist that had wrapped him tightly before suddenly became very obedient, and dispersed by himself.


When Xie Bai just realized something was wrong, Yin Wushu had already leaned over beside his bed.

"I taught you how to refine Yin Corpse Qi. How could I be locked up by it and cannot move..." He said in a warm voice, raised his hand to touch Xie Bai's forehead, and probed his neck veins, saying: " It's normal to feel a little sleepy just after eating, and it will be fine after a night of sleep."

In his increasingly blurred voice, Xie Bai suddenly remembered that the candle shake powder, which is said to be able to modify people's memory, looks like a mud pill, turns into water when it enters the mouth, and tastes like fine wine...

Chapter 49

Shake the candle? ! Modify memory? !

Thinking of this moment, Xie Bai, who was in a daze, suddenly became agitated, and unexpectedly broke away from his vague consciousness a little bit.

He saw Yin Wushu leaning over suddenly through his half-opened narrow eyes, a familiar and warm warmth enveloped him, it was so long that he was back to five or six years old, his body was so cold that he crawled into Yin Wushu The time of sitting in my arms.

Yin Wushu leaned close to his ear almost in a hugging posture, and softly said in a low and gentle voice: "Xiaobai..."

Xie Bai's fingertips hanging by the bed suddenly moved, and his eyelids trembled slightly. He struggled to separate himself from the rapidly dissipating drug effect of candle shaker, and prevented Yin Wushu from continuing.

Because he knew that once Yin Wushu opened his mouth to speak, the Candle Shaker would really play a role. No matter what, he doesn't want to have his memories changed, good or sad, but he doesn't want to lose anything related to Yin Wushu...

Xie Bai only felt that there were two forces in his body tugging at each other, one wanted to pull him into a deeper and darker place, and the other wanted to pull him out of the muddy chaos, and he almost cut his body and soul apart in this way. In the confrontation between two halves, he raised his index finger with difficulty.

It was obviously only the weight of one finger, but it seemed like a heavy weight was falling, and it took all his strength to hook Yin Wushu's clothes.

Yin Wushu's voice paused, as if he was surprised that someone could maintain the last trace of consciousness under the pressure of shaking the candle.

Xie Bai heard Yin Wushu sigh, and said in a low voice, "It's as stubborn as ever...", and then his finger that hooked the corner of his clothes was held in his palm.

Just when he couldn't even grasp Yin Wushu's hand, and was extremely powerless, the bed lying under him suddenly shook.

Then he realized that it wasn't the bed that was shaking, more precisely, the whole building was shaking, or the ground of the entire Guyang Street was shaking.

It is not unusual for a slight earthquake to occur suddenly in other places, except for this Guyang Street. The reason why Yin Wushu's Taixuan Dao has been on this long street for thousands of years and has never moved its position is because the location of this street is very special, which is equivalent to the entire street.