The Yin Guest

Chapter 111


After being blocked by the snow for a while, the black dragon disappeared into a fog formed by clouds and snow, and suddenly disappeared.

The fog was like a dividing line, separating Gaolan Mountain from the world further north. Although it was only a few steps away, Xie Bai could feel a huge thrust that no one could resist. He couldn't go any further.

This thrust was so strong that it seemed as if the entire Gaolan Mountain had been directly piled on the person, and the pressure made the person almost breathless. It firmly prevented Xie Bai from walking through the snow fog.

Just when Xie Bai was trying to force his way through with this strength, a figure about two meters high suddenly flashed out of the fog.

The figure looked burly and strong, and the shoulders and arms looked so thick that it was jaw-droppingly thick, looming in the fog. The arm it swung past was almost thicker than Xie Bai's entire body, and the proportions were extremely weird.

However, such a strong arm seems to have been pulled out of the bone, and it is more flexible than a whip when it is swung, and it even makes the sound of howling wind. Anyone who is swung by him like this will be slapped on the solid mountain wall and become a puddle. Bloody flesh.

The moment this figure appeared in the fog, Xie Bai realized what it was, it was Ao Yin who guarded the fog gate.

It's just that he looked at it for a while and found that Ao Yin seemed to be affected, and his temperament was unstable. He originally thought that Ao Yin appeared because he wanted to force his way in, but now he felt that it was not aimed at him at all, but was just attacking indiscriminately...

But Xie Bai couldn't be happy at all, because Ao Yin's indiscriminate sweep was even scarier than his purposeful attack.

Because in the attacks that are so fast that people can hardly dodge, there is also ruthless madness, every attack is fatal, and there is no seriousness.

Ao Yin let out a roar, and spread his arms out flat. His thick upper arms suddenly grew, like a willow branch that suddenly twitched. The palms of both hands are extremely sharp like tiger claws, even in the mist, there is a cold blade shining, sharper than a knife, as if it can scratch off a whole piece of flesh or cut off a person's head casually.

The outrageous height and tens of meters long arms are enough to keep a group of people out of the boundary, not to mention that Xie Bai is alone.

Ao Yin likes to eat people's brains, especially those who are alone. Now even though the yin and yang fluctuate back and forth due to the erratic temperament, which is almost crazy, I still haven't forgotten this ability. It was half hidden in the mist, and besides the fierce and unpredictable attack of its arm, it even stuck out its tongue that was several feet long.

Its tongue is long and thick, with clear grooves and muscles, and the dark tongue is full of hooks, and it can tuck the skin and flesh clean, leaving only the yellow and white bones.

These three things came with the sound of howling wind, Xie Bai turned sideways and then turned over one by one, jumped to the top of a small peak behind him, and landed lightly on a high rock tip on the top of the mountain.

As soon as he settled down, Ao Yin's arms had landed on the small peak, and there was a bang, and the entire mountain peak was shattered by two thick and terrifying arms. The claw blade that shone coldly passed by Xie Bai's feet, and when it slashed across the hard rock, it directly split the whole stone, as if what it scratched was not a hard rock, but a piece of soft tofu .

The little black cat in Xie Bai's arms barked a few times, as if to remind him of the danger.

At the moment when the mountain peak collapsed, he made another light leap, stroked the cat's head and comforted the cat who was also a little anxious, and at the same time took advantage of the wind brought by Ao Yin to cross the direction of the thrust, and moved closer to the fog took a step.

Ao Yin sensed his movement, before his arm was retracted, his tongue had already swung towards Xie Bai, and the hooks all over his tongue almost touched Xie Bai's feet.

"What's the point of being entangled with me, who is neither human nor ghost..." Xie Bai clicked his tongue and said with a cold face.

As he spoke, he raised his foot and tapped Ao Yin's tongue. The sole of his foot almost touched the tip of the thorn, he borrowed the strength, jumped into the air, and then raised his hand to cast a black mist, like the last Like a firm silk, it wrapped around Ao Yin's face in an instant.

That part wrapped around Ao Yin's face several times. On the one hand, it covered Ao Yin's eyes, and on the other hand, it seemed to be tied to a stake that was the strongest and not easy to break. Xie Bai held the other end tightly, waiting for Ao Yin to become angry from embarrassment.

Sure enough, Ao Yin, who was so crazy, was blindfolded, and was even more irritable. He roared, and the snow on Gaolan Mountain slid down half of it. Then he waved his arms and long tongue indiscriminately and attacked around, each blow was astonishingly powerful, almost as powerful as the mist.