The Yin Guest

Chapter 120


Wrap them inside.

For a moment, the world was afraid of the dark, and no light could penetrate, and the surroundings were full of lifelessness and danger. If you move even if you move, you may fall into a more serious danger.

Just when everyone's eyes were completely dark and they were panicked for a moment, a sharp cry suddenly pierced the sky, and it was extremely clear. The impenetrable black cage was suddenly cut open with a tens of feet long opening, and the sky that had been blocked for a long time was suddenly reflected.

"Bi Fang?!" The man under the ice suddenly tightened his voice and said in surprise.

Xie Bai raised his head in response, and saw a huge flying bird flying across the sky. There was no trace of flesh on its body, only a pair of empty skeletons were left, glowing white, but every time it flapped its wings, , A stream of fire will be brought up on the bones, wrapping Senbai's bones in it, like a shell cast by fire.

It has a long and pointed beak, and a foot with sharp fingers and claws is half curled up under its body. It used its sharp beak and claws to open the gap just now.

"When did you summon Bi Fang?! Its flesh and bones are rotten to ashes, how could it be summoned again!" The man under the ice frowned and retreated tens of feet, raising his hand to barely restrain the Kuroshio. The strength of the 100,000 ghost army here is really good, and it can indeed be a great help for him when the strength is evenly matched. Because of the large number, it can distract Yin Wushu's attention as much as possible. But the 100,000 ghost army belonged to Bi Fang from the very beginning, and only after Bi Fang died, they were suppressed under this ice field to prevent harm to the world.

Now that Bi Fang has been summoned by Yin Wushu again, even though there are only bones left, it still has a great influence on the ghost army.

"If I show everything and spread it out and arrange it, wouldn't it be all for you?" Yin Wushu sneered, raised his hand to hook, and Bi Fang's skeleton flapped its wings and circled around him.

That's right, Bi Fang belongs to fire and yang, so he can naturally be driven by Yin Wushu.

With Bi Fang in his hand, he didn't intend to give the man under the ice another chance to rally, so he raised his hand and attacked.

The 100,000 ghost army that had been completely controlled by the people under the ice began to gradually lose control, wandering around between the sky and the earth, in extreme chaos.

At this time, it was too late for the man under the ice to stop. The situation was directly reversed, and it was completely out of his control. He has been trying to make Yin Wushu's mood unstable, more flaws and weaknesses appear, but in the end, at this time, he is the first to lose his footing.

When Bi Fang roared loudly again, Yin Wushu raised his hand, and all the black tides suddenly changed direction, overwhelmingly rushing towards the man under the ice, completely enveloping him in it instantly, and countless golden threads flowed from Yin Wushu's wrist Scattered, like a thousand arrows fired at the same time, directly hitting the Kuroshio.

Xie Bai seemed to be able to hear the sound of those golden threads directly piercing flesh, tendons and bones.

A few seconds later, all the Kuroshio suddenly dispersed, and fell back to the ground like rain, turning into a vast ocean again.

I saw above the sky, the man under the ice was pierced by countless gold threads, and there was hardly any good flesh. At the beginning, he gasped twice, trying to maintain the sneer at the corner of his mouth. After a while, he suddenly started to splatter blood.

Xie Bai heard Lou Xianyue who was blocked behind him heaved a sigh of relief: "It's okay, it's okay, let me just say, how could Yin Wushu die casually..."

As a result, just as he finished speaking, something dripped from the hem of Yin Wushu who was standing there stepping on the void.

The sound of drizzling echoes with the people under the ice bleeding more and more.

Xie Bai had known Yin Wushu for more than two hundred years and had seen many wounds on him, but this was the first time he saw him bleeding.

For a moment, he could hardly believe his eyes. He flung out the black mist in a daze, took a handful in the palm of his hand, spread it out, and found that it was a handful of dark red beads, different in size, and the texture became brittle and hard as soon as it touched his hand, the same as before. The ones he picked up were exactly the same...

This is the blood of the people under the ice, and it is also the blood of Yin Wushu.

Once the blood is opened, it is too late to stop.

Xie Bai only felt that his whole body began to feel cold, that familiar feeling of chilling to the marrow and heart-wrenching pain was coming again.

It is always easy for people to suddenly think of something at the moment of pain stimulation.

Seeing that Xie Bai was enduring the pain, he tilted his head to Lou Yueyue and said, "Draw an array."

Lou Xianyue was taken aback by Yin Wushu's blood, and was also worried by Xie Bai's faintly visible soul state that seemed to be about to disappear, so he panicked for a moment: "But the spirit is not—"

"That's enough, you just go to draw." Xie Bai said in a low voice. When he said this, the pain had already swept through his body. He felt that something was pulling him and pulling him away from this place. he straight