The Yin Guest

Chapter 122


It was a pool of red beads of various sizes...

Xie Bai in the dream was stunned for a moment, he just felt that he seemed to have seen this bead before, but because of memory loss, he couldn't think of it anyway, but when he saw it, he felt a little sad for no reason. Just when he couldn't help but want to touch the ball, the kitten suddenly gave off a faint light, and then in the light, it turned into a fist-sized thing, flesh red, with Covered with a white film coat.

That's a heart...

Volume 3 Epilogue

Chapter 53

Zhifu Lingdong has been in a bit of chaos recently. A group of demon spirits have been acting as demons since the day when the yin and yang were in chaos. They have been crazy for a whole week. If they don't get along, they roll up their sleeves and fight directly. Fortunately, they don't have the concept of dialing Yaoyaoling if something goes wrong in their minds, otherwise Yaoyaoling's phone should be called directly.

At the beginning, Lidong and Fengli were worried about it for two days. They wished they had eight legs and chased them everywhere, lest those demon spirits cause any trouble and affect the order of the Three Realms. In the end, after almost breaking their legs, they realized that those thousand-year-old and eight-thousand-year tortoises are all very good, and they always pick the right place and the right critical point in the fight. It won't affect other realms, and it's just enough to keep you full with raw rice.

"Look, what I said that day, don't pay attention to them at all!" Lou Xianyue, wearing a beautiful cheongsam dress in winter, didn't care about the fork on the side, with Erlang's legs crossed, said while eating melon seeds : "Even after holding back for eight hundred years, I finally had an excuse to loosen my muscles and bones. If I don't fight for nothing, I won't fight. I don't know how to fight. If I can fight, I will make trouble. I directly challenged Yin Wushu. I lost very much. Normally, if I win, I will be famous all over the world."

Just as Luo Zhusheng took a sip of tea, he choked on her words, coughed for a while, and then said: "It's fine to single out Yin Wushu, but I still want to win. If I don't see you for a few days, is it going to turn the world upside down?"

Lou Xianyue fed my starling a melon seed, and said casually, "What if I see a ghost."

Lidong raised his face and thought for a while, then raised his hand and poured her a cup of tea without saying a word.

Lou Xianyue squinted her eyes and turned her head to look at him: "Your expression is like going to my grave in advance. If you look at me like this again, I will really go upstairs to fight him! He just opened his eyes and came out of the formation at noon. It will only take half a day, and you may still be weak in your hands and feet, and I feel that I am 1% sure that I will win if I fight with him at this time."

Lidong and Fengli: "..." What about the future

Luo Zhusheng was speechless: "... I'm so sorry for you."

Lou Xianyue thought about it and added: "If he doesn't fight back, he can increase to 51%. To be honest, I can count him as half a life-saving benefactor. It's too much for the benefactor to beat him for a while? "

Just as Luo Zhusheng was about to reply to her, he heard a voice interjected, answered Lou Xianyue's words, and said: "It's reasonable, not too much."

Yes, the Lord has come.

Lou Xianyue looked up, coughed, then retracted, took a sip of tea to subdue the shock, and said out of breath: "Hey, Cao Cao is here, why are you down here? At least wake up It takes a day and a night of sitting to restore vitality."

Yin Wushu replied: "Come down and lay the pile for you."

He was wearing a pinstriped smoky gray shirt, which made his face a little pale, and his lips were not full of blood, but because of his clear eyes, he looked fine, not at all like a person who was still out of breath yesterday. As he went downstairs, he folded the cuffs up twice, which seemed to be a little homely.

Lou Xianyue scratched his chin, lowered his head awkwardly and continued eating melon seeds, and asked as if thinking of something just after eating one: "We didn't dare to go into your room to see, is Xiaobai awake? You can't tell the accident." Can you open your eyes at night?"

"Just woke up, his voice is a little hoarse, I'll come down and make him some warm water to drink." Yin Wushu replied.

"Awake?!" Everyone sitting around the table was overjoyed, and their hearts that had been hanging for a few days were finally let go.

Lidong hurriedly poured a glass of water in front of Yin Wushu, and handed it to Yin Wushu, but he shook his head, "He can't drink this glass for the time being, find a saucer."

Everyone was a little confused when they heard the words.

Lidong plucked his ears, almost thinking he heard it wrong: "Find a... plate? Why do you need a plate for drinking water? What kind of plate?"

Yin Wushu waved his hand: "I know where it is, it's okay, you go eat your melon seeds." Then he turned on his toes and went around into the first room on the right.

Lidong blinked, looked at the glass of water in his hand, then at the room