The Yin Guest

Chapter 128


It was enough for his hands and feet to regain strength, so at this time, he took big and steady steps. After a few steps, he reached the window, raised his hand and opened the curtain, looked outside, and said without turning his head while watching: "So You haven't answered who you are and where this is."

Luo Zhusheng said "Oh" outside the door, and muttered solemnly: "Has the candle shaker worked?"

The corner of Lou Xianyue's mouth twitched: "It's really a good day to pick with your fingers."

Yin Wushu: "..."

That's right, how come I don't remember it well, it can only be because I was drugged. Why did yào commit such crimes? Shake the candle and let it go. Who poured it? me.

For the first time, Yin Wushu felt what it means to lift a rock to shoot himself in the foot, what it means to suffer by oneself.

Seeing Xie Bai's appearance like this, it's not like he's really forgotten. If he really doesn't remember who he is or where he is, with Xie Bai's guarded and repulsive personality, he should directly attack when he opens his eyes. , and it is impossible to run on him here in a leisurely manner.

Pure run.

He didn't even bother to pretend, just put on a look of "remember everything at a glance", and said "Who are you, I don't know you", which made him speechless. It seems that he is brooding over the matter of shaking the candles, and this energy cannot be dissipated for a while.

Xie Baichong glanced out the window, as if he was hesitating whether to open the window and jump down to leave, or go out of the room and go down the stairs normally. He glanced at the lights outside the window, and then pushed open the window glass decisively.

The window frame made the sound of rolling wheels in the chute. Yin Wushu wanted to get up from the armchair when he heard it. Just as he was about to remove the gold coil and suspend the overhaul, Xie Bai turned his head again, staring at Yin Wushu with his black eyes , said: "Although I can't remember many things, but I don't know what's going on. I saw someone acting bravely when their injuries were not healed, and pretending that nothing happened. I was very angry. Seeing your face especially in this way."

Yin Wushu: "..."

He knew that Xie Bai was trying to change the way to let him continue the overhaul honestly and not to move around, but...

Xie Bai glanced at the armrest sofa behind him, and said indifferently: "When I got angry, it seemed that I couldn't remember anything."

Yin Wushu: "..."

After teasing the cat for three days, it finally got its karma.

He nodded, then sat back on the armrest sofa, and said amusedly: "Then I will repair it honestly, young hero, will you be able to get rid of your anger?"

"Although I don't know you, my intuition tells me that the word 'honesty' has nothing to do with you." Xie Bai folded his arms, and seemed not in a hurry to leave, leaning against the open window, looking at Yin Wushu.

When Yin Wushu wanted to put on a show, he had almost no flaws. Before that, he had been wandering around Xie Bai who had turned into a cat. He looked calm all day long, and he couldn't see his recovery and his truest state at all. Only during the overhaul, his actual state will be relatively obvious.

Xie Bai's eyes swept over Yin Wushu's face and hands calmly, and paused for a while on his wrists and fingertips. He saw that the blue-white lifelessness on his fingertips was about to disappear, and there was more blood color of a normal person, so he retracted. looked away.

Yin Wushu was still answering his words: "Oh? How about an intuitive method?"

Xie Bai replied succinctly: "Face."

The implication is that you look dishonest, only ghosts will believe you.

Yin Wushu: "..."

Lou Xianyue opened her mouth to add confusion: "This is too reasonable."

The few people at the door were a little confused at first, but after a few sentences, they could see that Xie Bai was trying to run Yin Wushu. It is a great blessing to see Yin Wushu so devastated in his lifetime. So each one of them tried to rekindle the fire with the mentality that watching the excitement is not a big deal.

It's a pity that Xie Bai didn't really walk Yin Wushu for them to play with. He saw Yin Wushu's recovery status, blocked Yin Wushu a few more words, and his goal was achieved. So he nodded to Lou Xianyue and the others at the door as a greeting, and then said to Yin Wushu: "I won't stay in places I don't know." Said, the whole person took advantage of the trend and turned backwards neatly, and disappeared into the night inside.

A few minutes later, a tall and thin figure appeared at the entrance of Yanghua Lane, striding towards the residential buildings inside.

Xie Bai was wearing a set of clean shirt and trousers, but it didn't fit him well and was a little too big. This was changed by Yin Wushu for him when his body was still asleep. At that time, he could only look at the side with a blank face when he was nestled in the little black cat's body, empatheticly stiffening the thin cat's tail, very uneasy.

The wind and cold at night were very heavy, Xie Bai avoided the wind and hurried upstairs to return to his residence.

Nothing in the house has changed, keep him away