The Yin Guest

Chapter 129


The appearance of time. It's just that he took away the books on the square table, and took away the All Souls tree that grew in one of the bedrooms, and the whole house seemed empty, and the little popularity that was originally not much disappeared, as if It's like no one has ever lived here.

But it does have to be empty.

Xie Bai thought about it, so he went into the room to sweep around, put all the odds and ends that he brought back, such as cinnabar talisman paper, into a small cloth bag in his hand, and put the books in the entire bookcase Sweep them all in.

He took one last look at this ordinary house where he had lived alone for more than ten years, and walked out the door.

For things like recuperation, it is more appropriate to honestly go back to the place where the Yin guest should stay, after all, it is more suitable for the growth and restoration of the Wanling tree.

What's more, he moved out because he didn't want to see those scenes inside, but now, those scenes no longer make him sad, so he naturally doesn't mind moving back.

At the end of the outskirts, the signboard of Huaimen Tobacco and Liquor is still only half lit, the broken lamp has never been repaired, and a wooden letter is missing, no matter how you look at it, it looks like Guimen Tobacco and Liquor.

When Xie Bai passed by there, the middle-aged man sitting in the store still hurriedly put down the tablet computer he was playing in his hand, pulled out the censer, and bowed to Xie Bai's chā incense, making Xie Bai's steps even faster. big.

The last time he came here with Yin Wushu, there were ruins all over the river at that time, and it looked barren and messy. But now, obviously not too long ago, most of those ruins have been cleaned up, exposing a piece of untreated wasteland, and it is not known what it will be used for in the future, whether it is to build a new residential area or build a business.

But no matter how the bank changes, it can't hinder the deep and long river, the two bridges arching on the river, and the misty fog on the opposite bank.

Xie Bai walked across the arch bridge familiarly, his tall and thin figure was hidden in the thick fog. This arch bridge is actually only half, and the other end is not directly connected to the shore, but to a few boulders in the water.

He fell from the bridge to the boulder, and walked to the opposite bank by stepping on that boulder in a complicated sequence.

A door stood out of nowhere in the fog on the opposite bank, and a paper lantern hung beside the door, shaking slightly in the fog. Xie Bai raised his hand and clicked three times on different positions on the door, and the door lock opened in response. He looked at this long-lost residence, took a light breath, then pushed the door and walked in.

He glanced at the scene in the door, shook his wrist calmly, and a black kitten appeared in his arms. It's just that the kitten curled up with its eyes closed, motionless, and could hardly tell whether it was alive or dead. But Xie Bai knew that it still had a little vitality left.

This is the little black cat that he has haunted for three days, and it is Yin Wushu's heart.

Even though there was only a little bit of vitality left, Xie Bai still wanted to try to see if he could feed it again.

Chapter 56

Xie Bai's previous words had some effect, Yin Wushu really stayed in Taixuan Dao to continue his overhaul, and didn't show up for several days. After resting and recuperating in his long-lost residence for a few days, Xie Bai picked a sunny morning and calmly went to the Linshi Forensic Center.

The office where Xie Bai only stayed for a week was filled with a dead atmosphere again. Jiang Haoran and Lao Chen were lying on the desks, their eyelids drooping and clattering on the keyboard. With half of his face covered, it looked like he was working overtime again, and he was probably rushing for some report right now.

When they saw Xie Bai who was stepping on the spot, they greeted in a hoarse voice: "Good morning, little Xie."

Said, then turned his eyes back to the computer screen, without a trace of surprise, as if this is just a very ordinary day and Xie Bai has never been absent from work.

Xie Bai nodded to them, and also said "Morning", then walked to his own desk, collected the stack of printouts on the desk, and sat down.

Just as he was turning on the computer, Jiang Haoran suddenly remembered something and turned his head, frowning slightly and staring at him with a puzzled expression for a long while, as if he wanted to say something, but because he was too tired after staying up all night , I can't turn my head around.

Xie Bai raised his head and looked at him quietly for a moment, then said lightly, "What's wrong?"

Jiang Haoran opened his mouth, then shook his head and said, "No, I haven't slept all night, and I'm a little dazed. I suddenly feel as if I haven't seen you for a long time. In fact, you haven't asked for sick leave for a few days." He said After a few dry laughs, he retracted and continued to wrestle with the report.

"Well, I haven't come for a few days, and you guys are working overtime again?" Xie Bai stacked up all kinds of folders one by one, got up and said, "I'm going to pour some coffee, I want to help you