The Yin Guest

Chapter 14


Xie Bai lowered his head and walked behind Old Chen and Jiang Haoran. As soon as he got out of the bathroom, he calmly adjusted his appearance. His eyebrows became thicker and darker, and his eyes narrowed a bit. It seems that the movement is not too big, and from the side, it seems that he has completely changed. No matter how familiar he is, it is impossible to recognize him at a glance, not to mention that when he appears in front of Lidong and the others on weekdays, he is always blindfolded. of.

He really didn't want Yin Wushu to see his current appearance among ordinary people, and he didn't want Yin Wushu to know that he still remembered a casual sentence a hundred years ago, and he couldn't tell what his psychology was.

Yin Wushu was next to the nurse, with his left elbow resting on the table, holding a piece of oily yellow paper with faint words written on it. While watching the people filing out, he casually rolled up the piece of paper, held it between his fingers, and twirled it around.

Xie Bai can imagine this kind of appearance even with his eyes closed. He has always been like this since a long time ago. He seems to have a little smile when he talks to everyone, but somehow he seems unattainable and not easy to get close to. The biggest reason is his eyes, those eyes look extremely deep when staring at someone, but when they roughly sweep over the person, it will give people a feeling that everything is out of mind.

In fact, he really doesn't care...

Because he has no heart at all.

Lidong greeted the people in the police force one by one there, and there were seven or eight unfamiliar faces behind him, who were probably recruited from the backyard of Taixuan Dao to support the scene.

When Xie Bai passed by him and Yin Wushu, out of the corner of his eye, he saw that neither of them had changed in color, it seemed that they really did not recognize him.

The people in the forensic medicine center were more or less stained with blood from the body parts. Naturally, it was impossible for them to have the thought to greet Lidong, so several people followed old Chen Chong and nodded to Lidong, and hurried into the stairs.

It was only when he went down to the first floor that Xie Bai realized that he was pinching his fingers unconsciously.

A few people took off their blouses and other weapons near the garage, and Xie Bai had already returned to his original appearance. He frowned and patted his clothes, and said to Lao Chen and the others, "I won't go back to the center." It's over, there's something else at home."

"How did you come here? Did you take a taxi? We don't know if there is any smell on our body, and I can't smell it now. The taxi driver may not take you." Jiang Haoran said.

"Didn't you eat at the opposite side before? A friend is here and he has a car." Xie Bai answered casually, then waved his hands and entered the elevator.

At this point, there was no one in the elevator. Xie Bai was alone in the middle, without leaning against the four corners, silently watching the elevator doors slowly close.

"Since they all have to turn back, what are you doing down with them?" A voice suddenly sounded from behind him on the left.

Xie Bai was startled, quickly adjusted his expression, raised his hand to shake out the black mist, covered his eyes, turned his head and said, "How did you recognize it?"

Yin Wushu raised his hand to touch the black cloth over his eyes, but Xie Bai stepped aside.

"I raised you with my own hands. From being so small to being so big now, I know what every bone in your body looks like. You can't get away with it just by changing your eyebrows." Yin Wushu wanted to smile. , seems to feel that his behavior is too stupid to evaluate.

Xie Bai didn't speak, but carefully looked at Yin Wushu's face through the black cloth, seeing every change in his expression, and then lowered his head, sneered "heh", and said, "Well, you Always know everything, I just need to do it."

He didn't even talk to him anymore, he lowered his head and wrapped his hands with a black cloth.

"Should those corpses be sent to Taixuan Dao for registration first, or should they be sent directly to you? Lidong and the others are already cleaning them up." Yin Wushu asked, seemingly not taking his cold face seriously.

After hearing this, Xie Bai paused, raised his head and said, "You let them move the corpse now?!"

Yin Wushu looked surprised: "Can't you move?"

"You let them move without going in and taking a look? The position of the corpses is like a corpse array, and each corpse corresponds to a star direction, so I came down and went up blindfolded. Take a look at each demon pill Only by the specific location can we know which kind it is." Xie Bai said with a frown, raised his hand and slapped the crack of the door impolitely, "Release this door! You closed it for nearly an hour in two floors. Minutes, you really take me for a fool."

"Corpse array?" Yin Wushu frowned, "There is blood all over the ground, I just changed the shoes, I really didn't go in and look."

He let out a "tsk", as if he also felt that he was careless, while loosening the elevator door, he said, "But it's too late now—"