The Yin Guest

Chapter 15


The elevator door opened in response, and Xie Bai walked to the door of the bathroom in a flash. Yin Wushu almost followed his shoulder, and followed without even half a step.

As a result, a few "bang bang" sounds were heard, and the corpses that had been displaced suddenly started burning in front of Xie Bai's eyes. The fire was glowing with a cold green light, which looked very strange.

In the blink of an eye, all the corpses were burnt to pieces, including bones and flesh, leaving only three dull demon pills, rolling on the ground.

"I just want to collect the body parts..." Lidong hastily raised his hands to declare his innocence.

Obviously, without Xie Bai's reminder, they would not have noticed that the placement of the body parts was a bit strange.

This is not something they can easily deal with. The corpses placed in the corpse array will have various unpredictable consequences if they are easily moved, such as the one in front of them.

In this way, all noteworthy traces disappeared completely, what should Xie Bai do with it

"I just want to save you some energy." Yin Wushu also raised his hands and turned his head to look at Xie Bai.

"Your ability to make trouble for me is really like a hundred years." Xie Bai said expressionlessly.

"Forget it, since it's already like this, let's take this side away first." Yin Wushu raised his hand to support Lidong and the others.

In the end, Xie Bai suddenly blocked his hand, walked in and said, "Wait, what's caught in the gap between the floor tiles..."

Chapter 7

Lidong and the others thought they had made a mess, and they didn't dare to stop them any more, they all moved aside silently, and moved a way for Xie Bai.

Xie Bai strode to the door of the cubicle, first put away the three demon pills that had fallen to the ground, and then squatted down next to a crack in the floor with his clothes hem in his hand. Just as he was about to reach out his hand, he heard Yin Wushu say from behind: "Hiss—I'm stepping on blood." The tone was quite heartbroken.

Xie Bai turned a deaf ear and picked out the thing that was almost ignored in the crack of the brick.

It was a dark red bead, a circle smaller than a raw rice grain, and when pinched between the fingers, it was crisp and slightly painful. Xie Bai was afraid of crushing it, so he didn't exert any force with his fingertips.

"What is this?" He got up and walked back, put this little red bead in the palm of his hand, and held it in front of Yin Wushu.

This thing looks quite ordinary at first glance, even if it is said to be a decoration that fell off someone's clothes, some people will believe it. But appearing here, it will not really be that simple. After all, the corpses just now were arranged in an array. If there is more or less in the array, it will affect the key point. It is impossible for the person who arranged the array to be so careless. So this seemingly inconspicuous dark red bead must be useful.

He quickly sorted out the things in his mind that might have an auxiliary effect on the corpse array, but nothing looked like this.

At this time, Xie Bai could only come to ask Yin Wushu, after all, among those present, he had lived the longest and had seen the most things.

Yin Wushu squinted his eyes and moved his face back, with an appearance of "you can send me anything", as if he disliked the things he picked up on the ground. He waved his hands twice, then frowned, covered his nose and said : "A smell of blood."

Said that he seemed to remember that Xie Bai had no sense of smell, so he gave a dry cough, put down his hand, barely endured the smell, and said: "It looks a little strange, I can't think of you smelling me so much, go back and think about it." I'll tell you the result, but don't expect too much, after all, I'm old."

Xie Bai gathered five fingers together, squeezed the beads into his palm, lowered his hand and said: "If you are polite, I will spare you."

"How can you be polite, maybe I will have a clue next time we meet." Yin Wushu raised his eyebrows.

"Next time?" Xie Bai was about to lift his foot to leave, but when he heard this, he couldn't help raising his head, and said calmly, "The next time in a hundred years?"

Yin Wushu was blocked by him, and couldn't find anything to answer for a while, while Xie Bai had already walked out of the bathroom and strode down the stairs when he was speechless. If it weren't for the fact that there are too many people who have been ill for a long time in this building and are afraid of collisions, Xie Bai would have thrown out the yin door and gone back.

Ever since he returned upstairs from the underground garage, he has put a blindfold on his body, and ordinary people can't see him at all, so he naturally has no scruples. Without hesitation, he passed through the glass door of the lobby on the first floor and descended the steps. Just as he was about to leave the gate of the compound, someone patted the top of his head again.

Xie Bai is tall and tall, so he is thin and tall. The people he knew, whether it was Lidong or his colleagues in the Forensic Medicine Center, were almost all shorter than him, and they would never come to pat his head no matter what, even if they had the guts to do such a thing.

Those who dare to call him with this kind of action will go to heaven and earth, and only find a Yin