The Yin Guest

Chapter 16


no books.

"Xiaobai, wait, I remember."

Xie Bai took a step back and turned to look at the person behind him: "What?"

Yin Wushu raised his chin with his left hand: "I have indeed seen that bead, about half a month ago."

"Where?" Xie Bai asked.

Yin Wushu tilted his head: "I'll take you there."

Xie Bai hesitated a little, he just said it was strange, but it took only half a minute to remember it? He has lived with Yin Wushu for a hundred years, and he has a deep understanding of his ability to tell nonsense with his eyes open, and for a moment he can't be sure which of his words is true and which is false. But after all, this is a business matter, so he hesitated for a moment and nodded: "Let's go."

The two drove straight to the northeast of Lin City, and landed in front of a small shop in the neighboring suburb.

There is a square light board on the door of the small shop. I don’t know how long it has been used. It looks very old. It flickers on and off, displaying the name of the small shop—Huaimen Tobacco and Liquor listlessly. The terrible thing is that the light tube behind the word "Huai" is broken, and only half of it is lit. Passers-by at first glance, eight out of ten will recognize it as "Ghost Tobacco and Alcohol".

This road is probably the most deserted street in the downtown area of Linshi. There are only a handful of sold houses in the residential areas on both sides, and it gets very dark at night. typeface. Only this smoking hotel stands alone at the end of this road, like an artificial dividing mark, separating the urban area from the suburbs.

"Here?" Xie Bai must have turned his face and scanned around.

The owner of Huaimenyan Hotel suddenly raised his head from behind the counter, and his glasses slipped from the bridge of his nose to the tip of his nose. He was stunned for a moment, then hastily put away the tablet computer in his hand, got up and saluted Xie Bai and Yin Wushu from a distance, then fished an incense stand from under the counter and brought it up, and smuggled three sticks of incense , respectfully pointed in the direction of the two of them.

Xie Bai: "..."

Yin Wushupi smiled at the trembling boss and nodded to the trembling boss, then changed his face when he turned his head, and dragged Xie Bai further away in frustration.

He has never been able to stand this kind of salutation, according to what he said to Xie Bai before, that is: "I am not old yet, and I will become a fairy immediately if I am teased and worshiped by them like this. .”

Affected by his thinking, every time Xie Bai encountered this kind of worship, he was not very comfortable, and always felt that even his back was hardened into a coffin by reflex.

"Come on, go down this road." Yin Wushu pointed to a descending step by the wall of the Tobacco Hotel, signaling Xie Bai to go first.

After going down these three steps, walking forward is a river that half surrounds the urban area. The river is not wide, only about ten meters, but it is extremely long, meandering with no end in sight. In the past, there was an old housing area built near the river, but it had been demolished two years ago, and the ruins had not been cleaned up completely.

Xie Bai was stunned for a moment before walking down the steps, then walked around the ruins and walked straight to the river.

The winter nights in Linshi are always cloudy and humid, the air is extremely cold, a thin layer of mist covers the surface of the river, and places a little farther away appear a little hazy in the mist.

"Continue, just walk a little further and we will be there." Yin Wushu came up from behind, gently pushed Xie Bai's back, signaling him not to stop.

This riverside road is very narrow, only big enough for one person to pass. Xie Bai did not follow Yin Wushu's words, but turned his body sideways, gestured forward, and said calmly: "You lead the way, I will follow."

Yin Wushu nodded and said: "Alright." He said and turned sideways.

When he walked over sideways, Xie Bai lowered his head slightly, and his upper body moved back slightly to avoid bumping into Yin Wushu.

The two changed positions in a blink of an eye, Yin Wushu was in front, Xie Bai was behind, not far or close, just a step away. Because of the rain before, there is no moonlight or stars, only the light in the city behind, reflecting lightly, makes it not so dark.

Yin Wushu is very tall, even Xie Bai still needs to raise his head slightly, and his shadow is very low, always falling under Xie Bai's footsteps, almost invisible.

The further they walked, the thicker the fog on the river became, until the end, even Yin Wushu's back was not so real.

"The work is done, why are you still blindfolded?" Yin Wushu, who was walking in front, spoke abruptly after walking so far without saying a word. His voice was very low and shallow, as if he could dissipate in the mist just by speaking.

Xie Bai was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't answer right away. After walking a few more steps, he answered calmly, "It doesn't make any difference whether you pick it or not."

Yin Wu