The Yin Guest

Chapter 18


Even if the body is turned into dust, as long as the demon core is safe, he will be a hero again after eighteen years. The human world has been turned over several times from generation to generation, and their side is still free and endless.

So it is common to not see a single demon corpse for several months or even years, and it is extremely rare to see four in a row in one day. Coupled with this pile of inexplicable and strange round beads... Xie Bai's suspicion was immediately aroused, and he always felt that there was a lot of weirdness in it.

"Really don't know?" Xie Bai asked again, worried.

Yin Wushu put one hand on the stone railing, raised his eyebrows and said, "Being old doesn't mean you have seen everything. But don't worry, there will be a demon market after a while, there are some old demons who specialize in buying and selling rare things , you can go ask, maybe you can find something famous.”

After his reminder, Xie Bai also felt that it was feasible, so he turned around and collected the pile of beads.

The things that should be done have been done, and the two of them don't need to stay on this bridge anymore. After all, after more than a hundred years, the old things that should be talked about have long since expired, and there is nothing to say. Xie Bai whispered "I'm leaving", then turned and walked down the bridge.

After walking a few steps, Yin Wushu suddenly said behind him: "Since we are already at the door..."

Xie Bai was stunned for a moment, then turned to look back at him.

Yin Wushu leaned on the railing, glanced at him, then raised his hand and pointed to the other end of the arch bridge, "Aren't you going to take me in to have a look?"

His whole body was half-shrouded in fog, but when he spoke, his breath was still cloudy, which showed how cold the night was.

Xie Bai pulled up the scarf, then shook his head towards that side, "There's nothing to see, I'm going back." He said, and walked into the darker night without looking back.

The oncoming wind hit with a more humid and heavy chill, it was so cold to the bone, Xie Bailian coughed several times, each cough was stuffed in his chest cavity, he just didn't make any sound.

He didn't need to look back to know that Yin Wushu might stay at the bridge for a few seconds, but he wouldn't stay for long. He has never been a stubborn person. A stubborn person distracts himself from everything, but he has no heart, no scruples, and no burdens. Occasionally, a thought would cross his mind, and he would say it out of the mouth. If it didn't suit him, he smiled and passed it, then turned his head and put it behind him, and couldn't remember it anymore...

When he was a teenager, Xie Bai thought that he just didn't seem to care, and he wouldn't underestimate things and people with feelings.

Later, when it was his turn, he realized that Yin Wushu was really kind when he was kind to people, and he was really ruthless when he was ruthless...

When Xie Bai returned to his residence and opened the door to enter the house, he glanced at the strange-looking wall clock on the wall, only to realize that it was almost 1 o'clock in the morning.

He took off the mist-smeared overcoat, took off his eyes and the black bandages wrapped around his hands, raised his hand and stroked the woolen surface, and all the moisture and dust stained on the material surface were instantly sucked away. clean. He hung his coat on the hanger, changed his slippers, and was about to enter the room to hang the three demon pills on the Ten Thousand Spirit Tree when he heard an extremely aggrieved meow from the bathroom.

Xie Bai: "..."

I almost forgot the black cat I picked up!

He turned his head and changed direction.

As soon as he entered the bathroom, he saw the black kitten drooping its head and squinting its eyes, sticking itself against the sloping wall of the washbasin in an unlovable posture, with its front and rear legs hanging down naturally, looking like a cat. "If you don't care about me anymore, I'll die here for you to see."

The thick foam on its body has almost dissipated naturally, and the hair all over its body is soaked and turned into a bunch of locks, sticking to the flesh in all directions, looking like it has bald hair. Ugly.

Xie Bai glanced at it with a complicated face, then stretched out his hand to hold its slender tail and looked around.

Before, he felt that this black cat was not ordinary, it was either Yin Wushu or someone closely related to him, now that he looked at it this way, he was still more inclined to the latter—Yin Wushu would not be doing business in a well-dressed a few minutes ago, but a few minutes later Just ruin yourself like this and lie here and let him dislike you

That's not digging out the heart, but digging out the brain.

The cat used to be a little cautious when following him, but now it entered the door and was left alive for a long time before it started to play a temper. When Xie Bai picked up its tail, it was unwilling to paw on the back of Xie Bai's hand I patted it for a while, with a look of "take off your claws, don't make trouble"... It's quite similar to Yin Wushu at certain times.

Xie Bai probably never thought in his life that one day he would be confused by a kitten.

never mind…

Xie Bai patted the cat on the head, took it to turn on the hot water, and adjusted to