The Yin Guest

Chapter 24


The thick skin was engraved with a curse, which made the whole willow square nail sink straight into the water, and was directly nailed to the bottom of the river.

Contacting the three grave willows before, Xie Bai immediately understood the purpose of the willow square nails. If he guessed correctly, it must have the same effect as the grave willows, and it is also for nailing the soul.

However, what exactly was nailed this time, Xie Bai was a little uncertain-the yin fish demon was the one nailed? Or is it somehow related to the one who was crucified

The fine snow on the river got heavier again. This kind of snow cannot be accumulated, because it is too fine, and it will completely melt when it encounters a little heat, so it cannot be rooted on ordinary people, and it will turn into tiny water droplets when it touches clothes. Clothes were damp.

But what fell on Xie Bai's body melted very slowly, and finally covered his shoulders with a thin layer.

The little black cat with a tiger face was somehow attracted by the thin snow on the shoulders, and stared at it silently for a long time. It wasn't until Xie Bai moved again, with a little heat on his body again, that the thin layer of snow gradually melted away, and the little black cat turned his eyes away.

"Why don't you eat it?" Xie Bai had just put away the willow wooden nail, when he turned his head and saw the little black cat rolling its eyes compared to the two nymphs, it had no intention of eating them at all.

Xie Bai glanced back and forth between Maozizi and Yinyu, and asked lightly, "Aren't you hungry?"

Little black cat: "..."

Xie Bai asked again: "Do you not eat raw fish?"

The little black cat flicked its tail twice, and finally got some reaction.

Xie Bai stared at it condescendingly, and didn't speak for a long time. After a while, he asked again blankly: "You don't eat raw fish, either?" He also added an accent on the word "also".

Little black cat: "..."

One person and one cat confronted each other silently for a while, then Xie Bai narrowed his eyes, raised his hand to put away the two yin fishes, and said with a smile on his face: "Okay, take them first, how about making ink dots and white jade for you when I go back?" ?”

Little black cat: "..."

Cats can't talk, at least they don't seem to, so it's really hard to tell whether it's just pretending to be stupid or really stupid when it just stares and yells without making a sound.

Xie Bai let it dry for a while, collected everything that should be collected, then picked it up, put on a spiritual bond, and then lifted his feet to leave the mound in the middle of the river.

As a result, just as he was holding the cat and stepping into the black mist with one foot, another big wave rolled out of the shore, and a piece of white foam wrapped in something hit the mound.

Xie Bai: "..."

He probably didn't think there was anything else, and he didn't know if it was a follow-up to the reed stick fishing, or if the machine was stuck before and was too slow to respond.

He stopped his pace and retracted his feet, walked over to take a look, and saw that the thing that had been hit on the shore looked like a piece of silk, extremely thin and penetrating on the withered grass on the ground.

What is this? Clothes

Xie Bai stretched out his hand to pick it up carefully, but as soon as his fingertips touched the thing, he felt as if his heart had been hammered hard by something. It was stuffy and painful, and his brain almost disappeared. A moment of bewilderment.

Then he realized that it wasn't just his heart that had been hammered, the entire mound and even the entire river center suddenly shook twice. The large wave of ripples was centered on the mound and quickly pushed away in all directions, including Xie Bai's body. Both feet were numb from the shock.

He shook his head violently, shaking out the constant "humming" voice in his head.

As a result, as soon as he was freed from the momentary dizziness, he felt the solid ground under his feet loosen suddenly, and spread out in the river in a collapsed state, completely collapsed in the blink of an eye.

The collapse seemed as if someone had dragged the entire mound to the bottom of the river abruptly.

As soon as the soil under his feet crumbled, Xie Bai felt his ankles were locked by a huge force, and then he pulled with a thousand-ton force, and he smashed into the river.

The place where the original mound was located has turned into a magnificent yellow soup. With Xie Bai as the center, a huge vortex rose up, and the white waves swirled and turned quickly.

Xie Bai choked on a big mouthful of water, then raised his hand and waved out a huge black mist, turned his hand under him, and the entire river surface seemed to be cut horizontally by a sharp knife. Taking advantage of the moment when he was separated from the whirlpool, Xie Bai jumped into the black mist.

After a while, he appeared in the residence with a dripping body and the cat in his arms.

There is a tree of all souls in the house, so he should not open the Yin door frequently in the house, because every time he opens it, he will endanger the tree of all souls, and thus indirectly endanger himself. But at this time, he couldn't care less about it...

If placed over a year