The Yin Guest

Chapter 32


Fortunately, Fengli and Lidong greeted them at this time, and entered the backyard one after the other, temporarily interrupting the conversation between them. Lidong was holding a small celadon bowl, stirring it clockwise with a round-headed wooden pestle, walked to Lou Xianyue and bent down to yào on her wrist.

The medicine to deal with her injury is hard to find elsewhere, but Taixuan Dao needs as much as possible. Back then, Yin Wushu was afraid that Xie Bai would inadvertently hurt someone, so he collected all the raw materials and boiled it for three days and three nights, filling two large porcelain bottles for later use. But in fact, even though Xie Bai was young at that time, he had already paid attention to it. The yào of these two large porcelain vases did not come in handy for a few times in the next hundred and eighty years, and they have been kept until now, locked in Taixuan Dao Er Lou's yào Curry.

Fengli hurriedly picked up some fallen leaves in the four corners of the yard, and took the prepared paper talisman. Those leaves immediately turned into five capable men and women, and followed Fengli in a row to deal with them. The follow-up of the Yueyue Restaurant. Probably because he was frightened by Xie Bai's half-truth before, Feng Li silently bypassed Xie Bai when he entered and exited, and took a big turn.

Lou Xianyue helped Lidong wrap a bandage on his wrist, and said: "I don't understand, Tangtang is too mysterious, you can have as many people as you want, why don't you accept people behind closed doors and play all day long?" Is the trick of Sprinkling Beans and Soldiers interesting?"

Yin Wushu glanced at Fengli and the others, and said calmly: "There are too many people, and the three of them are already too much."

As one of the two who were rejected, Lidong coughed lightly to show his existence.

Thinking about it, Lou Xianyue has never heard of anything Taixuan Dao couldn't handle, and felt that he really worried too much, so he didn't care about it anymore: "All the things I used for divination are in the ruins of the restaurant. What can you use here? Speaking of which, Xiaobai's situation is very strange... "

"I don't use divination very much. After all, I don't need it. You can choose one." Yin Wushu said, flicked his wrist and sprinkled it forward, and two things appeared out of thin air and fell on the table. The same is six ancient copper coins strung together with red threads. The same is a lottery container, which is full of a large number of wooden sticks.

Lou Xianyue: "..."

She looked at these two things, and said inexplicably, "Are you coaxing the children?"

Hearing this, Xie Bai's expression was also a bit indescribable, after all, Yin Wushu used these two things to tease him a lot in the past.

"Still shaking the lottery..." Lou Xianyue bent down and touched the ground twice with her uninjured hand while feeling disgusted, picked up a wooden stick and shook it: "Look, take it out and take it properly, still shaking Let me see what kind of lot it is - standing alone and looking at each other."

She hissed, and the smile on her face slowly disappeared, as if she had discovered something very confusing.

Yin Wushu raised his eyelids and glanced at her, raised his hand to take the wooden stick, and said, "It's your fault, you just said that Xiaobai's situation is strange, how is it so strange?" As he spoke, he threw the wooden stick casually Put it into the lottery tube and shake it.

Xie Bai's eyes followed those wooden sticks and stopped for a while.

Seeing that he was unwilling to carry the wooden stick, Lou Xianyue also changed the subject, and repeated what he said to Xie Bai in the small attic to Yin Wushu, and finally rubbed the goose bumps on his arms and said: "In that case How could it appear on Xiaobai, but in the end he still smiled at me and said that's right, damn it!"

Yin Wushu said "Oh", and there was no surprise on his face, he nodded: "That's true."

Chapter 16

There are only three people in this world who know what Xie Bai looked like in the beginning, and two of them are Yin Wushu and Xie Bai himself.

As far as Lou Xianyue and Taowu's pawn Luo Zhusheng heard about it, Yin Wushu picked up a discarded doll in the nearby red plum forest when he was full and strolling to Yunrao Lake. At that time, half his life had been frozen, and his body was turning blue. Yin Wushu searched around, but he didn't find any people living nearby, so he brought the little baby back.

For Lou Xianyue and Boss Luo, they only saw that the door of Yin Wushu was closed and no one was allowed to enter, and it was locked for a whole year. After one year, Yin Wushu, who used to be a loner, was surrounded by a little guy.

The little baby looked thin and small, only three or four years old, and he was born with a strong personality, except for Yin Wushu, he ignored everyone who spoke. When he was in a hurry, he grabbed Yin Wushu's clothes and hid behind Yin Wushu, refusing to come out again. For people like Lou Xianyue and Boss Luo who don't know how old they are, it is very rare to raise a baby, even if the baby turns a blind eye to them.

They almost used the greatest patience in their life, one day