The Yin Guest

Chapter 33


It took two years of work for Tiandi to grind around Yin Wushu, and finally got acquainted with Xie Bai, so that Xie Bai didn't continue to treat them as air.

In Lou Xianyue's perception, Xie Bai's life experience is just like this, nothing more special.

But the fact is not the case.

Yin Wushu's trip to Yunrao Lake was not because he was full and full of food and wandered in a panic, but because he felt that his time as a prostitute was running out, so he went out to find his next one.

Since he took over the Zhifu Spiritual Realm, he has found every yin guest by following the hexagrams and going to a specific place at a specific time, but that's all. Apart from looking for someone, he has nothing more to do with previous prostitutes, and sometimes they only see each other a couple of times in a hundred years.

The days when he went to Yunrao Lake coincided with heavy snowfall, which fell continuously for three days and three nights. The Yunrao area is wet and cold, and it is even more bone-chilling in this kind of weather. Everywhere you look is white. Because the red plum grove was once a mass grave, it has been rarely populated, and it has been covered with a thick layer of snow. Only scattered red plums have been knocked down by the wind and snow. Scattered like blood on the ground.

Back then, Xie Bai curled up under the tree with the most red plums, his body wrapped in the snow, like a slightly raised bag. Only one hand and jet-black hair emerged from the snow.

That hair was extremely black, contrasting sharply with the white snow all over the ground, so that Yin Wushu, who was passing by, saw him at a glance.

Contrary to the rumors, when Yin Wushu walked under the tree and raised his hand to sweep away the snow covering it, he found that the skinny baby under the tree was dead.

He thought it was a child who could not support him and discarded it. He was unlucky to encounter Hanxue, so he didn't resist and froze to death in the mountain forest. But when he got up to leave, thick black blood suddenly flowed from the dead baby's mouth, nose and exposed ears.

Yin Wushu frowned, stopped the steps to leave, squatted down again, and raised his hand to lift off the frozen blouse on the little baby, revealing the pale and stiff skin inside, where there were some bumps, and there were even fine and tight spots. Terrible bruises...

Strangely, he found that there were three copper nails inserted into the baby's heart. Every time his finger slid over a copper nail, he could see the complicated incantations floating on it. Looking at the incantations carried on the three copper nails, Yin Wushu's face sank—

These three copper nails are not ordinary nails, they are engraved with the yin characters of hundreds of nameless ghosts, and they have been tempered for nearly a hundred days in the heart and blood of abundant yang energy. It is used to gather souls and raise corpses. However, in this formation, not all souls can be gathered and any corpse can be raised. It only gathers newborn souls and only raises fetal corpses.

That is to say, the little baby curled up in the snow was not frozen to death by the snow, but died just after birth, but the soul of life had not left the body at that time.

Somebody, out of unknown motives, nailed these three copper nails into the heart of the stillborn child, cast a spell on it, and set up this array of hundreds of ghosts to raise corpses. And the stillborns that were placed in the formation will grow up with the years, and they will be raised for four full years, and they will be considered alive when they open their eyes in the late winter and early spring of the fifth year. The price is that for the previous four years, every day and every night, I had to endure the pain of swords and fires and seas of boiling oil for those hundred ghosts, and I couldn't break free for a moment.

The gathering of souls and raising corpses is not only about ghosts raising people, but also about people raising ghosts, they are all interdependent.

At that time, the six copper coins hanging by Yin Wushu's waist suddenly trembled, humming without wind, making a buzzing sound.

He would only use these six copper coins seriously once every hundred years, and they would use them every time to find the next prostitute, and only in front of the destined prostitute, would these six copper coins have such a movement.

Yin Wushu has lived for so many years, and this is the first time he has encountered the situation that the prostitute he found was stillborn. What is even more bizarre is that the prostitute who has become stillborn has been set up in this extremely evil corpse formation. It seems that he will be able to recover soon live. The hundreds of ghosts who pull out the copper nails will inevitably cause disaster, but if they continue to raise this dead ghost, who knows who will come back to life

It's still ruined.

At that time, Yin Wushu decided to pull out the copper nail without any hesitation. It's just that the three copper nails must be pulled out at the same time, neither too early nor too late. He brushed off the snow that fell from his clothes, got up, and was about to raise his hand to suck out the three copper nails together, when the already stiff little doll suddenly moved his fingers and caught Yin Wushu's robe.

Those fingers were thin and small, pale and bluish complexion, after hooking the edge of the robe, they squeezed tightly, and were still trembling slightly, it was unknown whether it was from cold, fear or pain.

Yin Wushu looked at the two streams of black blood flowing from his closed eyes, suddenly changed his mind, squatted down and carried the little doll out of the snow, took off the burqa and wrapped it several times, and brought it back up