The Yin Guest

Chapter 44


If you accidentally touch the skin with a hook, you will be scratched with several blood marks.

But now, these miscellaneous vines and tall trees are twisted and twisted, and they have been assembled into an airtight network wall, which firmly blocks in front of the three of them. Those vines are like whips, waving in all directions, and lashing at the people who came. , a posture of not letting everyone go up to the top of the mountain.

Seeing this battle, Xie Bai and Yin Wushu were taken aback for a moment, then Lidong laughed for them, and sneered, "Is this the only way to stop us?"

Xie Bai raised his hand and released a cloud of black mist, tightly entwining a vine that was drawn toward him, and expressionlessly clenched his five fingers and pulled it, the whole vine was uprooted by him, twisting The deep roots that snaked for several meters dug out of the ground, bringing up a layer of mud.

"It's not against us." Xie Bai said calmly, throwing the vine that couldn't be a demon aside.

Yin Wushu said "hmm": "This should be set up in advance to prevent people from disturbing."

This tree wall is more than enough to block ordinary people who stray in. Even if they are good demon spirits, these tree walls can entangle them for a while when they go crazy. It’s just that the people who erected the wall probably never thought that Yin Wushu and Xie Bai would happen to be going up the mountain.

Yin Wushu let out a smile of unknown meaning, then raised his foot and stomped in front of him. The force of his kick seemed to be about the same as that of a normal walk, and it was so light that there was almost no sound, but the whole mountain shook violently. Just this one, the mud at the foot of the tree wall in front of him turned over on the spot. On the body, Luo exposed the roots several meters deep, and the fine cracks quickly spread from the roots to the branches.

Xie Bai swung the black mist at the right time, entangled the few trees with the thickest branches and leaves in the tree wall, flipped his hands, and heard the sound of countless wooden branches cracking, and the endless tree wall was pulled by the black mist The strength that was absorbed was completely defeated, and it collapsed into countless broken branches.

The ends of those branches were extremely sharp, and at the moment of collapse, they spontaneously ignited without fire, and the fire suddenly rose several feet high. And those branches with fire, like arrows leaving the string, shot at the three of them overwhelmingly.

Xie Bai sneered, the black mist shook, and the 100-meter barrier spread like a black wave, encircling all the branches, and then flicked violently. The fire-like wooden branch instantly changed its direction and shot towards the top of the mountain.

Those fiery branches and floods of fluorescent light fell to the same spot on the top of the mountain.

It's just that no matter whether it was fire or fluorescence, after falling into that place, they suddenly disappeared. In the blink of an eye, the flames and fluorescent lights were all sucked out, and there was nothing left. The entire mountaintop was lit up for a few seconds before returning to darkness and silence.

The barrier was cleared without much effort, Xie Bai and the others raised their feet to the top of the mountain without any hesitation.

As they thought, there were already people guarding the top of the mountain—

Lidong nodded his head and counted around, a total of thirty-two black figures, with their backs arched and legs bent, sitting cross-legged on the ground, shoulders brushing shoulders, forming a crowded circle.

They seemed to be unaware of the three people who went up to the top of the mountain. To be precise, they seemed to be unaware of everything in the outside world, as if they were dead.

Xie Bai walked to the figure closest to him, bent down to look carefully without any fear—

These sitting figures are not human at all, with unremoved hair on their faces, and the facial features exposed in the middle are small and crowded, as if the facial features of a baby were forced onto the faces of adults, which is against harmony and weird. No matter how you look at it, it looks like the "dwarf mandrill" at the foot of the mountain.

The weirdest thing is that the seven orifices of this "dwarf mandrill" are bleeding. The dark blood in the night seeped out continuously, snaked down the neck and body, and finally fell to the ground.

Xie Bai got up, bowed his head and walked a few steps along the circle they were sitting around, and found that every "dwarf mandrill" sitting here looked bleeding from seven orifices, and all the blood that fell to the ground along the body did not go anywhere. Turbulence. Those blood stains are winding and snaking along the pre-set ravines.

He took a few steps back, trying to see the shape of those blood-filled gullies from a distance, but he heard Yin Wushu beside him had already spoken, saying: "This is a sacrifice."

Chapter 23

When he mentioned this, Xie Bai remembered it. The pattern of blood flowing out of the circle surrounded by these "dwarf mandrills" is indeed very similar to the sacrificial blood array he has seen in books. And the reason why he didn't recognize it at a glance is because in the public's perception, this array only exists in theory, and it only exists in theory, and few people try it in reality...

After all, this is a big evil formation where lives are exchanged for lives. When the formation is really completed, it means that all the people who set up the formation are dead.