The Yin Guest

Chapter 51


The young man's aura is gone, his facial features and height have completely grown, he looks better, and his temperament is colder.

So much so that Yin Wushu would occasionally pretend to regret it, saying that he shouldn't have given Xie Bai such a name in response to Luoxue, and if he had been called "Xie Hong" or "Xie Huo", maybe he wouldn't have been so cold.

Every time Xie Bai heard such nonsense, he would look at him blankly, and then suddenly grabbed the bamboo couch he was sitting on with his fingers.

But this day, Yin Wushu didn't lie on the bamboo couch at all, so Xie Bai had nothing to smoke.

So he glanced at the lamps hanging outside the courtyard, and opened his mouth to suggest to Yin Wushu: "It's custom to eat Fuyuanzi on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, I'll make you a bowl."

Fuyuanzi is Yuanxiao, but Yin Wushu is used to calling it the earliest folk name, and he still hasn't changed his name. Xie Bai is naturally more accustomed to this name. He still couldn't eat normal food at that time, and all his understanding of Yuanxiao still came from Yin Wushu, including the recipe.

In the past during the Lantern Festival, Xie Bai would take the initiative to make a small bowl when he was in the mood. He would choose a kind of stuffing, sometimes jujube paste, sometimes sugar mixed with dried osmanthus, and sometimes sesame.

But today Xie Bai changed his mind.

When he was mixing powder and stuffing in the house, Yin Wushu tried to wander in and take a look twice, but Xie Bai blocked them out, and finally sealed the door tightly, and took Yin Wushu out of the door .

He has always been quick in making things, and it didn't take long for him to cook a bowl of Lantern Festival and bring it to Yin Wushu.

Six Lantern Festivals the size of copper coins floated in the bowl, white and round, exuding a unique glutinous smell in the hot mist, which was very tempting.

Yin Wushu pinched the handle of the spoon and stirred it lightly twice, then scooped one up and ate it.

He chewed it twice and then froze, then "Gudu" swallowed and said to Xie Bai: "Young man... how many things did you put in it?"

Xie Bai bent his fingers and counted for him: "Lotus seeds, star anise, dried plum blossoms, marinated salt, sugar, wild ginseng, winter yào celery."

Yin Wushu's face turned green: "..."

But after he was green for a while, he picked up the handle of the spoon and scooped up the rest one by one.

"Once you get used to it, it's quite tasty." Yin Wushu comforted himself as if having fun in bitterness, and then he poked open the glutinous white skin of the last Lantern Festival with a spoon, and grinded it in the filling that was about to flow out through the opening. Moshao noodles.

"Little Bai." Yin Wushu called out suddenly.

Xie Bai subconsciously asked "Huh?"

As a result, the moment he opened his mouth, Yin Wushu tapped the tip of his tongue with a spoon very quickly, and then smiled and scooped out the last Lantern Festival that he poked in the bowl and ate it, saying: "It's okay if you can't eat it." , you can have a taste."

The tip of Xie Bai's tongue is sick: "..."

In fact, whether it was Xie Bai in the dream or Xie Bai back then, they could feel that Yin Wushu was really spoiled by him at that time, knowing that it was his Lantern Festival, but he still ate up nothing left in the end.

Yin Wushu put away the bowl and took Xie Bai out the door.

Every year during the Lantern Festival there is an extremely lively lantern festival. Yin Wushu is afraid that Xie Bai will be bored if he does not have contact with outsiders all year round, so he especially likes to take Xie Bai to the small streets and lantern fairs at this time.

The area where they live is close to the south of the Yangtze River, the streets and alleys are criss-crossed, winding with the river, it is easy to get lost.

When Yin Wushu led Xie Bai to Denghuichang Street to the east, he sighed "tsk" when he saw the bustling people in the street.

Seeing him stop, Xie Bai, who walked behind him and took half a step, also stopped, turned around and asked him, "Why don't you go in?"

Yin Wushu looked at Xie Bai worriedly, then at the darkened head, and said, "Turn around twice in this kind of place, and you should be lost."

Xie Bai: "..."

Seeing that his face was paralyzed again, Yin Wushu sighed "Hey", pretending to be helpless, stretched out a little finger to Xie Bai, and said, "Well, old rules, I will lend you a finger."

Xie Bai remained expressionless: "The old rules from fifteen years ago."

Yin Wushu gave a "tsk" and retorted: "Why was it fifteen years ago? You were led from five to eight years old like this."

Xie Bai looked at him with an expression of "Okay, you are shameless and you have the final say".

"Excuse me for only holding one?" Yin Wushu waved his little finger in front of Xie Bai, seeing that Xie Bai didn't change his mind at all, he withdrew his finger regretfully.

He continued to walk towards the street, and the lights were reflected in his eyes in panic, and they became bright.

Xie Bai followed for a few steps, when he suddenly saw Yin Wushu's hand stretched out again.