The Yin Guest

Chapter 64


Er surprised and said: "His urging is just a pure urging, and he doesn't mean to give anyone a ride."

Lidong: "..."

Without the previous restrictions and scruples, their speed was about the same as that of Xie Bai who opened the vagina and reached the finish line.

The three of them didn't delay too much, and took advantage of the six consecutive rushes before dark, and Yin Wushu also collected three hearts along the way. At the beginning, Lidong grinned and looked like "Look! There are perverts here", but later he became normal and numb.

While numb, he was still thinking in his heart: No wonder this nymphet has such a cold personality, with a cold face and no expression all day long, if I want to grow up with such a person, I'm afraid I'll be stimulated into facial paralysis long ago.

When it landed at Ningtupo, Lidong took a look at the map with his mobile phone, and said, "This is close to Beihai, so just turn around."

The "North Sea" where the North Sea Demon City is located is not something anyone can find or go to. To some extent, it is the "hometown" of a large number of demon spirits. Except for them, the entire North Sea There are only traces of them, and they will be seen by chance. Only Yaoshi will open a sea road near the Bohai Sea this day.

Xie Bai and the three of them timed it right, and when they arrived in front of Kaidao, the last ray of sunlight just sank below the sea level, and the sky darkened in an instant.

They familiarly landed on a small boat hidden in the water mist. This boat looked inconspicuous, old in color and simple in style. There is a person standing on the bow of the boat, and beside him is a small flag with words written on both sides, the front is "Temporary Ferry", and the back is "Longhuai".

Seeing Xie Bai and the others, the person standing at the bow raised his hand and made a gesture to the small cabin in the middle, saying: "The seaway has been opened, please—"

Yin Wushu took the lead and walked in the front, tapped three times in front of the closed cabin, and slowly reported to his family, "Yin guest Xie Bai, and Taixuan Dao Yin Wushu, envoy of the twenty-four solar terms, a group of three, please excuse me .”

The person at the bow gave a soft foot.

The door of the cabin squeaked open, and the inside was pitch black, empty, and there was no sign of anything.

The three stepped in, and the hatch behind them closed in response.

They took three straight steps in the dark, when the cabin door directly in front of them opened suddenly, and two red gauze lanterns hung in front of the cabin door, moving slightly with the wind.

There were faint voices and laughter coming from a distance, it sounded very lively, as if the world had changed.

Xie Bai followed Yin Wushu and came out of the cabin. They were still in a vast and boundless sea, but the sea was vast and misty, like a fairyland. On the surface of the sea, it is as long as a hundred miles, as if there is no end to the roots.

They jumped off the bow, stepped on the pumice stones on the sea surface, and set foot on the ground.

There is a tall archway at the end of the long street. On the plaque are written the four big characters "Bei Hai Yao City". There are two doormen under the archway. A wooden sign with numbers engraved on it.

This is a new rule established by the demon market in the past hundred years. Because the seaway in North Kraken City is only open at certain times, it is impossible to keep it open all the time. Therefore, anyone who comes to the North Sea Demon City will receive the room number arranged by the Demon City. After staying overnight, they can only leave when the seaway reopens at nightfall the next day.

Lidong held the wooden sign and muttered, "Boss, what's your number? I'm at 208 in Store A."

He hooked his head and glanced at the wooden signs of Xie Bai and Yin Wushu, and read: "204 and 206 are all next door, but they are on the side with double numbers on the street. Not bad. Is the first floor full so quickly?"

The doorman glanced at Xie Bai, and explained: "No, adults come early, and when the room is plentiful, they will try their best to follow the guest's preference." He pointed to Xie Bai and said: "When 204 is free, this adult usually If you live in this room, those who come with you can arrange it next door. If you want to change to the first floor, you can change it now."

"Oh, no, the second floor has a good view, so let's go to the second floor." Lidong waved his hands again and again, and said, "I'll just ask casually."

The three of them walked through the archway and walked a few more steps. Xie Bai heard Yin Wushu beside him asking in a low voice: "Never come to Yaoshi?"

Xie Bai: "..."

When he dismissed Yin Wushu casually before, he never thought that he would be dismantled by the doorman at the entrance.

The lodgings in the entire Yaoshi are all under Long Huai's banner. They are divided into ten buildings, A, B, C, D, Wu, Ji, Geng, Xin, Rengui, and stand along the street. The shop A they lived in was at the beginning of the long street, and they arrived within a few steps.

Xie Bai and the others are at the front desk of Store A