The Yin Guest

Chapter 69


Shu glanced at the kitten in his arms, then at the surrounding stalls, and asked Xie Bai, "Can I eat normal food now?"

At the beginning, he estimated for Xie Bai that under the condition of continuous overhaul every day, it should be possible to slowly reverse the physique and adapt to the state of a normal person for about two hundred years. It has been two hundred years since Xie Bai started refining Yin Corpse Qi and overhauling his breathing. He should be able to eat normal food.

Xie Bai let out a "hmm".

Yin Wushu raised his eyebrows: "That's good, just so I can try all the food along the street."

Xie Bai: "..."

On the hundred-mile-long street, there is a food stall almost every ten meters, not counting the restaurants with single buildings...

"Taste all of them, and you should be dead on the street, boss, if you throw it into the sea, it won't be a floating corpse, it will just sink to the bottom!" Lidong emerged from the crowd again, leaned over to Yin Wushu and said something, and then quickly shrank went back.

Xie Bai: "Indeed."

Yin Wushu: "..."

In fact, it can't be blamed that Lidong has him everywhere, after all, he has to do Taixuan Dao's work with Tai Xuan Dao's salary. In case he really wandered far away and something happened, it would be bad if Yin Wushu didn't even have a subordinate around him.

Although Yin Wushu is there, there is no qualitative difference between having subordinates and not having subordinates...

But Lidong still felt that he couldn't go far, so he basically kept walking around these two people, keeping them within his sight range, and eavesdropping on gossip from time to time, what a bargain.

Yin Wushu raised his hand and pointed to a booth on the right, and beckoned to Xie Bai: "Come on, this one is good."

Then he couldn't help but pull Xie Bai over.

This is a dim sum stall. The steamed cakes are white and soft. There are two small pieces on a plate, which is only enough to put a small round plate in the pocket steamer. When you lift it, the hot white air is wrapped in a scent of sweet-scented osmanthus and sesame. come out...

In fact, Xie Baigen couldn't smell the smell, but he could recall the sweet scent with his memory, and the warm and warm air that rushed to his face made him relax a lot when he was used to the cold.

When he was a child, every time he passed by this stall, he would be attracted by the smell and couldn't help but take a second look, but because he couldn't eat it, he would soon turn back, look at other stalls, and then imagine a little bit in his mind What would such a delicious sweet cake taste like

The taste of the sweet-scented osmanthus sesame cake is just as he imagined. It is as thick as a cream, but it is not sticky to the teeth. It melts slowly as soon as you eat it, and it is slightly hot, which makes your whole stomach warm up.

When Xie Bai eats seriously, he eats very slowly, which is also a habit inherited from Yin Wushu. But this cake is very small, one piece per person, even if you chew it slowly, you can't eat a few mouthfuls.

This seems to be exactly what Yin Wushu wanted.

As soon as he ate this plate of white cake, he dragged Xie Bai to the next stall.

"Pay." Xie Bai wanted to withdraw his hand and go back.

As a result, Yin Wushu didn't let go of his strength at all, coaxing him to go forward while saying: "I paid the boy a long time ago."

Xie Bai was puzzled: "When did you pay?"

"Just now, it's about extending your hand." Yin Wushu said perfunctorily, and then said: "Come on, this place is not bad."

Xie Bai: "..."

When he was sat on a chair by Yin Wushu and was eating white jade tofu with crab paste, he still couldn't come backā€”he came to Yaoshi to do business, why did it develop into this in a blink of an eye

There is only a small cup of tofu per person, Xie Bai touched the side of the bowl with both hands, sucking the heat into his body little by little.

Yin Wushu put down the porcelain spoon, raised his hand to touch the back of Xie Bai's hand, then frowned slightly.

When he was a child, Xie Bai's physique was as cold as Shuangxue, but Yin Wushu held him on his lap, wrapped him in fox fur and covered him for a while, and he would feel better. At that time, the first thing Yin Wushu did when he came into the house every day was to bend down and feel the temperature of Xie Bai's hands, and then he would cover Xie Bai's thin, blue and white hands in his palms, pat him on the head after warming them up for a while, and ask him about today's yin practice. How are you doing.

It doesn't matter if you wrap it in a fox fur coat or cover it with your hands, Xie Bai's body at that time will still become a little warmer, unlike now, when he obviously held the bowl to suck up the last bit of heat, his hands were still so cold like ice.

Yin Wushu didn't speak, he let go of his hand and adjusted his expression, wanting to continue pulling Xie Bai to the next house.

In the end, Xie Bai stood up and patted the owner of the food stall, wanting to pay the bill.

This time, he kept a close eye on Yin Wushu's every move the whole time, so he could be sure that he didn't pay the money smoothly.

"The bill has been paid." The boss looked at him in confusion.

Xie Bai was taken aback, pointed at himself and Yin Wushu and said: