The Yin Guest

Chapter 80


The process described above, nodded.

Yin Wushu said unhappily: "Next time, don't hold your image, run faster."

Xie Bai: "..."

Yin Wushu didn't know anything about what he did when he went mad. When he saw Xie Bai's injury, he probably thought it was caused by himself, and he joked half-truthfully: "When I'm unconscious, I like to eat people. Especially you who look clean, thin skin and tender flesh, no kidding Xiaobai, you must run faster next time. Don’t really wake up, you will only have a bunch of bones left in the end, I can’t stand it when I’m old Get this fright."

Xie Bai: "..."

While Yin Wushu was talking and laughing, he pinched two deep mouths for him, and seeing that the blood was no longer bleeding, he said: "Okay, put your claws back and let me get up and drink."

What happened after that was because of the emotional ups and downs that year, he didn't see it or think about it, so he can't remember clearly. I just remember that because Yin Wushu didn't know about this incident, he just revealed it so simply, and it didn't seem to have any impact on his life.

In fact, later on, Xie Bai also occasionally suspected that Yin Wushu was not really unconscious at that time, maybe there was still a little bit left...

Because after that, he didn't know whether it was Xie Bai's own overthinking or what, he always felt that Yin Wushu kept a distance from Yin Wushu intentionally or unintentionally. Return to normal.

As for the retreat that day, he was actually fortunate. If he had really lost his head and kissed him at that time, perhaps the relationship in the future would be extremely awkward. Find an excuse to kick him out...

But fortunately, it was in a rational state. Putting aside these rationalities, there would still be some regrets in the subconscious, otherwise, these mermaids would not have repeatedly dug them out of the depths of their memory and weaved them into bewitching dreams.

This kind of dream may be effective in bewitching others, and it will make people indulge in it and forget to wake up. But for Xie Bai, he has long been used to numbness...

In the more than 130 years since Taixuandao left, he has had too many such dreams about memory, good and bad, complicated and complicated, and he has long learned how to distinguish true from false in dreams, and then break himself free. .

No matter how good a dream is, it's just a dream. Indulging in it will harm others and ourselves.

In the dream, the temperature on Xie Bai's lips suddenly turned cold, and Yin Wushu's figure suddenly sank into the darkness, disappearing without a trace together with the familiar room and the faint scent of bamboo. Xie Bai lowered his eyes, calmly capturing the movements of the mermaids in the Peacock Lake through the fading dreams.

At the moment when their chants faded away, Xie Bai protected the little black cat in his arms and raised his hand to strike hard—the layer of ice formed on the lake burst instantly, catching the unsuspecting merman by surprise.

The merman closest to him flicked his tail violently, and slapped it on the crushed ice that hit him. Then, borrowing the counterforce, he rushed straight at Xie Bai, opened his mouth to reveal sharp shark-like teeth, and bit Xie Bai fiercely. The strength of his shoulders can almost remove a piece of flesh.

Xie Bai had absorbed all the hot air in the Peacock Lake before, and now it was all concentrated in one place, and he suddenly threw out a black mist, which turned into a thin long blade, and sliced straight through the shark's body.

With a flick of his wrist, he twisted the black mist in the air and turned it into a vagina standing out of nowhere. Regardless of the severe pain on his shoulder, he simply pinched the merman's neck with his other hand and squeezed the half-dead merman. The whole thing was dragged into the Yin gate.

Chapter 38

Xie Bai calculated the distance and passed quickly through the Yin Yin Gate. The merman whose neck was clamped by him couldn't even struggle.

The place where they landed was the peak of a mountain group, with cold white snow lines and extremely low temperature, and the startled golden eagle honked a few times and circled in the air. Xie Bai turned over and came out of the Yin Yin Gate, but when his feet stepped on the ground, he was extremely light, and did not disturb the thick snow top.

When he threw the merman in his hand on the ground, he raised his foot to protect it, lest the length and weight of the thing should shake the snow.

It's just that the temperature on his hands was astonishingly low, and it became even colder when he passed the Yin Yin Gate, so that the shark who had two breaths of vitality before fell to the ground felt inexplicably "frozen fish", stiff and stiff Yes, the upper body was covered with frost from Xie Bai's infection, and the fish tail on the lower body was still covered with ice slag from Peacock Lake, even the wound opened by Xie Bai was frozen, leaving not much blood.

Xie Bai put aside his neck and didn't have time to take care of him for the time being, but first lowered his head and rubbed the little black cat in his arms. The former fluffy kitty took a trip into the water, lost a lot of weight, and his hair was all wet and drooping, feeling inexplicably wronged