The Yin Guest

Chapter 85


Gossiping nonsense.

It's not enough to talk far away, so I have to talk to Xie Bai.

He stared at Xie Bai for a long time, coughed and asked, "Can I ask some gossip?"

Xie Bai raised his eyelids to look at him, really wondering why someone would gossip with him.

The merman scratched the wound on his back that was starting to scar, and said, "My elder sister told me a rumor, I don't know where she heard it from, and I haven't heard it from others..."

He laid the groundwork for a long time, and Xie Bai was confused when he heard it, he frowned and said: "Let's get to the point."

The shark tentatively held back a sentence: "I heard that you have something to do with that Wushu lord?"

Xie Bai: "..." Which pot is not open and which pot to lift.

However, it is not a secret that he and Yin Wushu have not seen each other for a hundred years. It is normal for outsiders to have ties, but this cannot be regarded as gossip, right

The merman scratched his ear again, and squeezed like toothpaste: "My sister said that there is no hatred for no reason in the world, only hatred born of love, so you must have had a relationship with that Wushu lord, is it true or not? ?”

Xie Bai: "..."

He raised his hand and threw a piece of black mist to directly seal the merman's mouth, completely cleansing the roots of his ears, and then returned him coldly: "You can raise fish in your mind."

Merman: "Oh."

The mermaid's devilish voice finally disappeared, and Xie Bai felt a little refreshed in his head. He was not idle while sitting on the futon, he was still fiddling with the compass, calculating the direction here.

As a result, I fiddled with it twice, but found something was wrong.

He clearly remembered that the book he had read said that the stone platform and the hut were on the Yin side of the mountain, and the windows of the house were all facing north.

But now he is sitting in the house, facing the window, and looking at the compass in his hand, there is obviously a problem with the direction. The compass does not point to true north, but to northwest at a large angle.

The cabin is different? !

This was Xie Bai's first reaction, but soon another idea flashed through his mind that shocked him—

If it's not that there's something wrong with the hut, but the direction of the compass is never right...

Chapter 40

If the direction of the compass was wrong from the beginning, then he was doomed to take a wrong route from the beginning. No matter how accurate Aunt Lou's calculations were, he would never meet the person he was looking for here.

And if the direction of the compass is wrong, then the only one who can tamper with the compass is Yin Wushu who gave him the compass.

Yin Wushu again...

At the moment when this thought flashed across, Xie Bai felt the rush of anxiety for the first time, but as soon as this anger rushed to his head, a boundless daze evaporated in his mind.

Why did Yin Wushu leave him alone and go on the road...

Why did Yin Wushu want to touch the "Xichuang Suoyu"...

Why did Yin Wushu take him to eat all the things he wanted to eat in one go in the demon market, as if he might not see each other again for a long time...

Even why Yin Wushu always walked with him in the first place...

It seems that some things can be linked together all of a sudden - when Lou Xianyue was calculating the direction and Xie Bai was planning to go on the road, Yin Wushu's attitude was almost abnormal in his understatement. Thinking about it now, he wasn't understating it, he had planned it since then, to send people to a completely wrong destination in one go.

Xie Bai was a little dazed.

He was at a loss not because he didn't know what Yin Wushu was going to do, on the contrary, he could guess Yin Wushu's purpose almost without thinking. No matter whether Yin Wushu is affectionate or not, whether he has a heart or not, he will not be harmed, it is impossible and unnecessary.

The purpose of Yin Wushu's doing this is either to forcibly prevent him from looking for that person, or to find that person for him, both of which lead to the same goal, both to protect him.

Xie Bai is neither stupid nor a white-eyed wolf, he will not completely deny Yin Wushu's goodness in the past hundred years just because Yin Wushu kicked him out. In fact, it is precisely because I always remember that I still can't let go after a hundred years.

He was just at a loss for the repetition of Yin Wushu's attitude.

Since I have already spent nine days and nine nights behind closed doors and a long time of one hundred and thirty-two years to prove that I am indifferent and careless, why should I treat him well now...

Is it because of renewed compassion for the kittens and puppies that have been discarded for too long, or is there something else hidden in it

Xie Bai frowned, stood up abruptly, and strode towards the door of the hut.

He wanted to see Yin Wushu.

Whether it's the former or the latter, he wants to see Yin Wushu right now!

The merman on the side hasn't discovered his love yet.