The Yin Guest

Chapter 96



In that kind of season, Yin Wushu had already changed into thin clothes, he always didn't like to tie too many things, and his clothes were always loose robes with big sleeves. With Xie Bai's push, his front skirt slid to the side, exposing a piece of skin under Bo's neck near his shoulder.

Xie Bai was stunned after taking a look, and didn't dare to push anymore. Because there were two blood holes in that piece of skin.

He opened his eyes wide, glanced secretly at Yin Wushu who was still awake, then reached out and lifted up the half of the front for a look, and saw that there were more than two blood holes, and there were three holes hidden under the skirt, a total of five blood holes. One, looking at the shape, it looks like it was pulled in by some monster with its sharp claws.

Some young children may not understand such things as wounds, but Xie Bai is very clear, because he has never felt more deeply about wounds and pain in his life than he can count with one slap.

That was the first time he saw wounds on Yin Wushu's body. The strangest thing was that there were no wounds on Yin Wushu's body that night. He kept waking up all night, and Yin Wushu was always there, never going out. With his child's thinking, he couldn't figure out how the injury came about, and felt that those blood holes were weird and terrifying.

He was so frightened that he didn't dare to breathe, and he didn't have any intention to open the window any more. He stared straight at the blood holes, probably because Yin Wushu was lying on his back, the blood didn't even flow out, it seemed that there was a hole in the wound. It's done.

He looked at the blood hole and at Yin Wushu who was still awake, and couldn't help but raised his hand to touch his heart.

At that time, Yin Wushu probably had just dug his heart for a few years, and there was nothing under his flesh and blood, so Xie Bai naturally couldn't feel any heartbeat. His eyes widened in fright, and he pursed his lips and burst into tears.

Because of his young age, Xie Bai at that time was like an ordinary child, prone to panic, so he didn't notice at all that those blood holes were closing his mouth at a slow speed.

Just as he nestled there like a kitten, lowering his head and crying until his eyes were blurred, a warm hand suddenly wiped his tear-filled chin.

Xie Bai choked for a moment, raised his head, and the tears that had just filled his eyes fell down again, but his vision became clearer because of this.

Seeing that Yin Wushu, who had been unable to wake up all this time, had opened his eyes, he was looking at him amusedly, pinched his face with his thin and long fingers, and said, "Whose cat crawled into my room?"

Xie Bai stared at him blankly, and it took him a while to realize that he was really awake. It wasn't just a sense of relief or some other reason, she suddenly pursed her lips, the tears fell even bigger, she grabbed Yin Wushu's sleeves, and buried her whole face on Yin Wushu, motionless, like a cow curled up in a nest cat.

After a while, he murmured on the hem of his clothes with a weeping sound, "Don't die."

Yin Wushu was amused by him, laughed twice, raised his hand and patted the back of his head, and said, "Little cat, are you going to wash my robe?"

Xie Bai was still stuck in the lapel of his clothes.

Yin Wushu let him bury him for a while, then patted his head again: "If you cry again, the robe will rot."

Xie Bai still didn't move.

Yin Wushu: "... little ancestor, don't cry."

In fact, Xie Bai has no tears anymore. Children cry and laugh when they cry. Emotions always come and go quickly. When he saw Yin Wushu opened his eyes and could still talk to him, he didn’t feel so sad. Tears wiped away twice. just stopped. But thinking that I was crying like that just now, I felt a little embarrassed, so I just didn't look up when I was buried.

Hearing Yin Wushu calling his ancestor, he finally felt that he couldn't take it anymore, facing the marks on his face that were not completely dry, he raised his face in silence.

Seeing that he was still a little worried, Yin Wushu pointed to the piece of skin under his shoulder and said, "Are you scared just now? I lied to you with a trick. Do you still have any injuries?"

Xie Bai followed his fingertips to look over, and found that the five blood holes had really disappeared, leaving only a very faint trace. He cried too much just now, and buried his face for a long time, his eyes were a little blurred, after a little relief, and his vision was completely clear, there was not even a trace left on Yin Wushu's body.

Xie Bai blinked, a little dazed.

Yin Wushu said: "See, I'm very well, not hurt at all."

"Your heart is not beating..." Xie Bai was bored for a while, and then retorted blankly.

Yin Wushu waved his hand: "I won't die without my heart beating."

Xie Bai still looked at him blankly, and raised his hand to press his heart in disbelief, as if he couldn't figure it out.

"You won't die if you have a wound, you won't die if your heart stops beating, and you won't die if you don't wake up from sleep." Yin Wushu was probably afraid that he would be frightened again in the future, so he would cry, so he explained everything in one breath.