The Young Lady of the General’s House

Chapter 108


Princess Rui suddenly found that King Rui was a little restless recently, and she was unwilling to tell King Rui when she asked her. Princess Rui simply ignored him, and Princess Rui entrusted Shen Xi to Zhao Duan to enlighten him. If so, but for a while, he couldn't turn the corner, so Princess Rui didn't let him come back, and Shen Qi had a better temper with Baozhu's company, and sometimes he would go out for a walk with Princess Rui.

In fact, in the final analysis, King Rui has stayed in the capital for so long. No matter how confused he is, he still finds that the situation seems to be different from what he imagined on the road. He didn't regard him as the future king. King Rui didn't want to hide it from Princess Rui, but thought of the promises he made to Princess Rui along the way. At this moment, he didn't know what to say. King Rui was always in Princess Rui's room at night. After all, he didn't bring any of those concubines. Unless King Rui went to sleep in the study, there was really no other place to go.

Princess Rui was falling asleep, King Rui sat up abruptly, and said, "I remembered!"

"What's wrong?" Princess Rui yawned, opened her eyes and looked at the emotional King Rui.

King Rui turned his head to look at Princess Rui and asked, "Is Dongdong really the child of Chu Xiuming and Girl Jin?"

"Of course." Princess Rui looked at King Rui suspiciously and said, "Have you forgotten? Girl Jin was born in the capital."

King Rui was stunned for a moment, "But that child didn't grow up beside us!"

Princess Rui got up and looked at King Rui suspiciously and said, "What does your lord mean?"

King Rui didn't know whether it was excitement or something else, but he said with a distorted expression, "I'm afraid Dongdong is not the child of my daughter and son-in-law."

The corners of Princess Rui's eyes twitched, she looked at King Rui and didn't know what to say, "My lord, you can't talk nonsense."

King Rui said with a serious face, "It's not nonsense, I always think Dongdong looks familiar... I just suddenly thought why I think Dongdong looks familiar."

Princess Rui looked at King Rui suspiciously, King Rui swallowed his saliva and said, "Dongdong looks like a young prince! He is not my grandson but my nephew!"

"My lord... Even if the young prince is alive, he is still in his mid-twenties." Princess Rui didn't know how to say it.

King Rui frowned and said, "That is the son of the prince's youngest son."

Seeing that King Rui was serious, Princess Rui asked, "Why did the lord say that?"

"The youngest son of the prince... looks the most like the prince." King Rui thought for a while and said, "Because of this, the father also liked this grandson very much at the beginning, and even hugged him personally..."

Zhao Duan actually told Princess Rui that Dongdong looks like a prince, but Dongdong is indeed the child of Chu Xiuming and Shen Jin, so there was no surprise on his face at this time, but he slightly lowered his eyes and said, "My lord, if If there is really a grandson of the crown prince, I am afraid that the throne will not fall to you."

King Rui pursed his lips, and finally said, "Actually, I don't think... neither the son-in-law nor the younger brother wants me to be the emperor."

Princess Rui looked at King Rui and said nothing, but King Rui said, "I think they have other plans."

"En." Princess Rui thought of what Chu Xiuming said before leaving, and said, "Because there is indeed a prince's grandson."

"What?" King Rui looked at it in surprise.

Princess Rui said, "It's not Dongdong, but someone else."

"How do you know?" King Rui asked in a deep voice.

Princess Rui opened the mouth and said, "After I came, Zhao Duan told me." Princess Rui is not stupid, it is impossible to tell King Rui that she has always known about this, so it is difficult to share, "I don't know how to tell the prince .”

Although King Rui suspected that Dongdong was the grandson of the crown prince, he was only suspicious. When he really knew that there was such a person, he was stunned, "The son-in-law lied to me?"

"My lord, my son-in-law just came to the border city to comfort me." Princess Rui said softly, "Did you promise anything else?"

King Rui shook his head, and Princess Rui said, "Neither my brother nor my son-in-law know how to speak, so they told me quietly, let me tell the prince, but... I don't know what to say either."

"Let me think about it..." King Rui said a little at a loss.

Princess Rui nodded, and she didn't say anything more. In fact, she didn't know whether it was right or wrong to tell King Rui at this time, but it was arranged by Chu Xiuming to prepare King Rui step by step, so that she wouldn't be too excited when the time came, Princess Rui glanced at King Rui's expression, He also agreed with Chu Xiuming's arrangement in his heart.

King Rui was in a very complicated mood. He had a feeling of being deceived, and he was relieved, as if those responsibilities were finally no longer placed on him. Lost again...

Princess Rui didn't persuade her any more, she just lay down and rested, and when she woke up the next day, she found that King Rui was still a little distracted, and she didn't care, so she let him think about it, but someone sent a message to Zhao Duan .

In the capital, since the queen mother said that she didn't need Shen Jin to greet her in the morning, Shen Jin didn't mean to get up early and wait, but she didn't sleep until the sun was high like when she was in Prince Rui's Mansion, more like she was in the capital Chu Xiuming didn't look around when he was there.

After Shen Jin finished his breakfast, he took An Ning and An Yi to the Queen Mother's side. The Queen Mother was already in the Buddhist hall. After being reported, Shen Jin went in by herself. Buddha Beads asked Shen Jin gently, "Why don't you sleep more?"

"Imperial Grandmother." Shen Jin greeted the Queen Mother with a smile, and said, "I don't really want to sleep anymore."

The Queen Mother beckoned, asked Shen Jin to help her stand up, and then said, "How is your father?"

Shen Jin looked at the queen mother suspiciously, and then looked at those serving people in the Buddhist hall, but the queen mother smiled, stretched out her hand and patted Shen Jin's arm, "Don't worry."

"Oh." Shen Jin then smiled and said in a low voice, "Father and concubine should have arrived at the border town, but I haven't seen them."

The queen mother estimated the time in her mind, nodded, sat down with Shen Jin and said, "That's fine, I've wronged you too."

"I'm not wronged." Shen Jin looked at the Queen Mother and said.

The Empress Dowager looked at Shen Jin and said, "You are a good boy." The Empress Dowager also knew why Shen Jin came here, and in her heart, it was for the sake of King Rui, so it was inevitable that she would be a little more tolerant to Shen Jin, "I will decide in the future It is blessed."

Shen Jin pursed her lips and smiled a bit shyly, but she didn't mean to explain, "Grandmother, I need to trouble Grandmother with something."

"What's the matter?" asked the Queen Mother, "but what's missing?"

Shen Jin shook her head, "I'm pregnant."

The queen mother frowned and looked at Shen Jin, and she saw Shen Jin's expression as usual and said, "I found out just after I left the city, but... if I don't come, I'm afraid the father will be in danger." Said for a month.

Shen Jin stroked her stomach lightly, "I kept this matter from my husband, and only kept the maid beside me. After I arrived in the capital, I asked the maid to go back to the border city to tell my husband."

The queen mother narrowed her eyes and said, "You child, you are still taking risks when you are pregnant."

Shen Jin shook his head, "Father is so kind to me, I can't see him in danger." After a pause, he said, "What's more, father is really... good for me."

If Shen Jin hadn't asked the maid to tell Chu Xiuming about this, the queen mother would have chosen the easiest way to persuade Shen Jin to let go of the child, but now she can't, and the queen mother has no doubt that what Shen Jin said is a lie Well, if King Rui ascends the throne, then Shen Jin will change from a princess to a princess, not to mention, because this time he came to Beijing as a hostage, King Rui will probably remember this daughter well.

If Shen Jin said that Chu Xiuming knew she was pregnant and let her come, the Queen Mother would not believe it, "This matter..." The Queen Mother looked at Shen Jin's belly, "You child, since this is the case, this is also my past. Grandson, no matter what, I have to keep it." King Rui's life and future are in Chu Xiuming's mind, if he really can't keep this child, there may be another twists and turns on King Rui's side, so it is impossible for the queen mother to let Shen Something happened to Kam.

Shen Jin heard the words and said, "Then I will trouble the emperor's grandmother."

The queen mother shook her head, "You are resting in the house these days, just say that the road is bumpy and your body is weak. I will call the imperial doctor to show you."

Shen Jin smiled and nodded, "Okay."

The Queen Mother said, "On this journey... go back and rest first."

"Yes." Only then did Shen Jin leave with a smile, An Ning and An Yi were waiting for her outside.

After Shen Jin left, the Empress Dowager's face darkened, and the nanny who had been standing in the corner said, "Empress Dowager, do you need this old slave..."

"No." The Empress Dowager understood what Mammy meant, let alone being pregnant, even if she was born, as long as the Empress Dowager didn't want to see the child, there were countless ways to make the child disappear. It wasn't that she didn't want to, but she couldn't, because Shen Jin One step ahead, if Shen Jin has been on the guard against telling her without telling her, then after she knows it, it will be fine to use some small tricks, but now Shen Jin has said it openly, and has added a layer of protection to herself and her children , Chu Xiuming and King Rui from the border town, which made it necessary for the Queen Mother to keep the child and also Shen Jin.

Letting out a breath slowly, I don't know if Shen Jin thought of this method or who told her, the Queen Mother twirled the beads and said, "Go and arrange it, let Doctor Lin..."

After returning to the house, An Ning asked in a low voice, "Madam, is it really okay to tell the Queen Mother like this?"

"Even if we want to keep it a secret, how long can we keep it a secret?" Shen Jin leaned on the soft couch, holding a cup of anti-birth tea and said slowly, "In this harem, only the Queen Mother doesn't want to know, there is nothing she can't know, let alone What's more, we still live in the queen mother's palace, so we won't be able to hide our feelings when the time comes."

An Ning also understood, "Will the Empress Dowager..."

Shen Jin stroked her stomach, lowered her eyes slightly and said, "At least not in a short time, and..." Shen Jin suspected that the Queen Mother might find a way to take her out of the palace. The relationship between them is a bit subtle, but what is certain is that these two don't care much about Emperor Cheng now.

Is everyone betrayed? Shen Jin pursed her lips, forget it, these things have nothing to do with her, and it is not easy to communicate with outsiders in the palace now, after leaving the palace, some things have to be arranged, so that all hopes can be entrusted to the Queen Mother In terms of body, the queen mother can even give up her own son, let alone a granddaughter like her.