The Young Lady of the General’s House

Chapter 123


Buying a well-groomed dead-deed maidservant in Yahang is only two taels of silver at most, Shen Jin said that ten taels is a lot, even this matter has nothing to do with Shen Jin, if it wasn't for seeing him in a coma in the house For the sake of the unconscious child, Shen Jin wouldn't even speak.

Yue Wen glared at the crowd, followed Shen Jin and the others into the room, and then closed the door tightly. The men and women outside the room looked at each other, and the old man on the ground howled a few times. She was helped up when she cried, and the woman who lay on the ground in this weather was too cold to panic, and the woman whose eyes were swollen from crying suddenly said, "What about the child's father?"

"Ten taels of silver." The old woman, who was on the verge of death just now, saw that although she was thin, she was in good spirits, "That's a lot."

The man is also a little bit moved. It is true that the son is sad, but he is already dead, and he will be reborn at that time. Even if the wife cannot give birth, it is okay to buy another daughter-in-law when he has ten taels of silver. The man thought about it and looked at his father. But his father said, "Go back first."

"Okay." The man replied, and the family stopped making trouble and went home.

This village is already poor, and this family is considered poor in this village. It can be said that they are completely destitute. If it wasn't for the birth of a son, they would not be so poor. They even gave birth to seven daughters. The only son was born, but the woman gave birth to so many in a row, and it hurt her body. The son was born weak. In order to raise the son and let the son marry a wife, the old man sold all seven daughters directly. Now The only grandson of their family died, and the old man was also sad.

In fact, before this grandson, there was also a granddaughter, but she was raised and sold when she was five years old, and even sold her directly to that kind of dirty place in order to make more money.

After returning, the man looked at the old man and asked, "Father, what do you think?"

The old man kicked his feet at the door, knocked off the mud on his feet and said, "The old lady is going to cook."

In this family, if you want to talk about serious matters, there is no room for women to intervene. The man's daughter-in-law is silent, and goes into the kitchen with the old woman to cook. Her son's body has not been buried yet, and it is placed at home. In the yard, I found a sackcloth to cover it.

The old man said, "Ten taels is too little."

The man suddenly reacted and said, "Yes, they are so rich, at least they have to give... a hundred taels!"

The old man nodded, "This is the only one in my family. Of course they have to pay for killing their son. Anyway, they are so rich, one hundred taels is nothing at all. You can find more people from the village..."

The more the father and son talked, the more they felt this way, and even felt that if it weren't for them, their baby would not have died.

An Yi gently rubbed Shen Jin's swollen legs, An Ning went to take care of the unconscious child, and then came back and said, "Second Sister and those people have already left."

"En." Shen Jin asked in response, "Is the child still awake?"

An Ning shook her head and said, "Not yet."

"Let Jia Si go down the mountain tomorrow and invite the doctor up in advance." Shen Jin thought for a while and said, they have done everything they can, and it is up to the child whether he can make it through, "The village chief hasn't come back yet?"

"No." It was An Yi who spoke, "The village chief's family is away to visit relatives, and they will return at least ten days later."

Shen Jin nodded and didn't say anything else, An Ning asked, "Second sister, do you think they will take ten taels of silver and let it go?"

"No." Shen Jin lowered his eyes slightly and said, "I'm afraid there will be more trouble tomorrow."

Although An Yi likes children, it is obvious that Shen Jin is more important, and said, "Then it's better to let Jia Si go later, after all, two fists are hard to beat four hands."

"It's okay." Shen Jin said, "Let Yue Wen go out tomorrow, they don't want the ten taels of silver, some people are willing to ask for it."

An Yi was stunned for a moment and reacted and said, "Yeah, these ten taels of silver are not a small amount to these people, and whoever has dealt with these troublemakers so that they won't bother them again will pay them Ten taels of silver is fine."

"En." Shen Jin stopped worrying about the family and said, "An Yi and Yue Wen can go out tomorrow to deal with it."

"Yes." An Yi thought about it carefully, and felt that she still couldn't take out all the money directly, and took out the consistent money first...

An Ning took a look, and went out to pass on a message to Yue Wen. Yue Wen was not feeling well at the moment, obviously he just saved someone, and it wasn't him who pushed the two children into the water. Because he caused Madam to move her fetus instead, how could he still have the face to meet the general? Thinking of this, he felt extremely guilty.

"Second Elder Sister asked Fourth A to invite the doctor's family up the mountain tomorrow in advance to see the child." An Ning said after entering.

Yue Wen frowned and said, "I'm afraid those people will make trouble tomorrow, why don't we wait?"

An Ning said, "Don't worry, Second Sister already has a solution." Then she repeated Shen Jin's words, and Yue Wen felt a little more at ease.

A fourth heard the words and said with a smile, "Madam still has a way. I will go down the mountain early tomorrow morning and try to come back the day after tomorrow."

Yue Wen patted A Si on the shoulder and said, "Safety comes first."

A Si nodded, An Ning bit her lips and asked, "A Si, is there no news from An Tao and the others?"

Hearing An Ning's words, Fourth A shook his head, "I'll go and inquire again this time."

In the border town, all the doctors have been invited to treat Chu Xiuyao, but the results are the same as the last doctor, but an old military doctor said, "Actually, this kind of thing can't be rushed, the first thing to do is to get your body in order. The loss is severe, and the human head is the most mysterious, maybe he will slowly remember it in a familiar place."

Chu Xiuming also felt that what the old military doctor said made sense, so he took Chu Xiuyao with him when they were in the general's mansion. At this time, they were in the room specially arranged by Mother Zhao. The floor of this room was covered with thick mattresses. There is fluffy leather on it, Dongdong is playing with the little one, and Chu Chenbo looks at Chu Xiuyao cautiously, Chu Xiuming has already told him that this person is his father, but he gave birth to a serious illness He is sick, and now he can’t recognize anyone. Chu Chenbo’s last bit of resentment towards his father disappeared when he saw Chu Xiuyao. He, his father doesn't even know his uncle now.

Chu Chenbo was also playing Jiulianhuan, but he was sitting close to Chu Xiuyao, looking up at him from time to time, even if he was playing with Dongdong, he would turn his head to look at Chu Xiuyao after a while, Chu Xiuyao Although Xiuming was looking at the official documents, he also noticed their situation. After playing for a while, Dongdong crawled to Chu Xiuming's side, and then sat in his arms.

Dongdong already knows how to walk, but when he was just learning to walk, he obviously couldn't walk steadily, but Dongdong liked to walk by himself, and even kicked his legs and wanted to run. When he could walk steadily, he became disliked walking , but like to crawl around, so that everyone didn't know what to say, Chu Xiuming simply beckoned Chu Chenbo to sit together, Chu Xiuyao was beside Chu Xiuming, and Chu Chenbo chose to sit between the two of them , the small hand secretly touched Chu Xiuyao's hand, only to feel that Chu Xiuyao was very thin.

But Chu Xiuyao was still dumbfounded and didn't move. Chu Chenbo felt a little relieved, but also a little lost. Chu Xiuming reached out and rubbed Chu Chenbo's head, because the environment in which Chu Chenbo grew up, His hair is very bad, and there are lice and the like. Finally, after asking him, he simply shaved off his hair. Now Zhao Nanny often makes some cakes like black sesame and walnut kernels for him. He still needs to drink goat milk every morning and evening, and his hair has grown back. Although it is still short, it looks good.

Chu Xiuming didn't say anything, just hugged Dongdong, and then took the official document and read it word by word. Chu Chenbo was also attracted to him. He had always envied those children from rich families who could read. Naturally, he didn't want to let go of the opportunity.

The "Three Character Classic" is used by other people's children for enlightenment, but Chu Xiuming directly uses official documents for them, especially Dongdong is not yet two years old. Two words, and Chu Chenbo was also struggling, trying to compare the pronunciation with the words on the official document. Although Chu Xiuming slowed down, he didn't intend to stop.

The little one's big head rested on his paws, he yawned, his ears moved, and his tail wagged once and for all. He missed his mistress a little bit, and there are always good things to eat with the mistress, Zhao Mammy hadn't made jerky for a long time, and the little one sighed with his mouth wide open.

In the court hall, it has been a long time since proclaiming the emperor. Many courtiers are already uneasy and have their own plans. Now most of the things are handled by the prime minister and several important ministers in the court. This is the will of Emperor Cheng. I personally called these people to the bedside, and explained many things carefully, but after they finished processing, I still have to send them to Emperor Cheng for the purpose, and Cheng Engong is among them, but the current Cheng Engong is no longer the original prime minister. Therefore, even if Emperor Cheng asked him to handle the government affairs with several other ministers, not many people would like to see him, let alone listen to him.

At that time, a few people who were promoted by Emperor Cheng will join Cheng Engong at this time.

Today's prime minister is an old minister in the court, a well-recognized old man, a Jinshi during the late emperor's time. At that time, the son of the British king led troops into Beijing and killed a group of ministers. Emperor Cheng dealt with a group of ministers when he ascended the throne, leaving the court empty. He promoted many ministers who were dispatched abroad at the beginning, and the current prime minister is one of them. He never had any opinions of his own. No matter what Emperor Cheng said, he would go down and do it. Later, Emperor Cheng also needed a prime minister, but he didn't want to find someone to oppose him, and the person he promoted was not qualified enough, so he raised this good old man to the position of prime minister.

At this time, the good man kept silent and watched the crowd arguing. There had been arguing for several days about whether to send troops, and the good man who had been silent all this time finally said, "Even if you want to send troops, who will lead them?" He swept Glancing at the crowd below, "Who has the ability to capture and defeat the King's son alive?"