The Young Lady of the General’s House

Chapter 129


Jia Yi didn't dare to delay at all. He had seen the village before, so he naturally knew where the village chief lived. There were no secrets in the village. They also knew who came from the village, so they went directly to the place where the village head lived. What's more, there was so much movement in the courtyard, even the courtyard wall was collapsed by the trees.

What happened in that yard, the villagers all knew, but the village chief was not there at the time, they would do more than do less, no one would take the risk of standing out for strangers, and the villagers also moved their things more or less, Nowadays, no family in the village has brought many things from the yard, not to mention the big ones, but there are a lot of bowls and spoons.

So when they saw A carrying the village head towards the yard, many villagers thought about it and closed their gates, and the village head's family ran behind crying.

At this time, Chu Xiuming had calmed down. He checked the yard carefully. There were no traces of blood or fighting in it. Moreover, Chu Xiuming also found the cellar. He left by himself.

Although Chu Xiuming deduced such a conclusion, he had to ask carefully if it was related to his little lady. When the village chief came, he saw the man standing in the middle of the yard. The man was full of beards and could not see his face clearly , dressed in rough clothes, but for some reason the village chief broke out in a cold sweat, swallowed his saliva, and then moved his eyes to the fallen tree.

This courtyard was originally owned by another family in the village. Because the son of this family made money, he took the family away. When Jia Yi bought the house, the village chief was also there. He still remembers this It's a big tree, it's as thick as a person, and it doesn't look like it was cut down.

Chu Xiuming looked at the village chief. The village chief's face was pale, his legs and feet were trembling, and the village chief's family members chased to the door. Just as the village chief's wife was about to burst into tears, A directly knocked her out. , the village head’s son and daughter-in-law are also savvy, and hurriedly helped the village head’s wife, Chu Xiuming slightly looked away at the village head, and Jia Yi said coldly, “Village head, I remember this is my house. The yard, the yard I lived in not long ago."

The village head nodded vigorously, A snorted, pointed to the yard, and said nothing more, let the village head see for himself, the village head dared not disobey, but when he saw it, he cursed inwardly, no wonder these people are so angry, those people in the village are really too angry. It was too much, even the windows were taken away, and the whole yard was dilapidated, "It's really none of my business. A few days ago, I brought my little girl back to my mother's house to accompany my wife."

Chu Xiuming said in a deep voice, "The village chief doesn't think it's too coincidental that he left?"

The village chief's heart trembled, and A opened his mouth and said, "I heard that the village chief's youngest son is about to marry a wife. I don't know if the village chief's house will be able to accommodate him."

As soon as the words came out, the village head shook and sat down on the ground. Even the elder son and daughter-in-law of the village head trembled in their hearts. In fact, they chose that time to go precisely because they knew that some people in the village Virtue, he can hold it back, if he is not around, those people are ignorant, at first he wanted to buy this yard as a new house for his youngest son, but the price the family asked was too high, he was dissatisfied and wanted to procrastinate The delay forced the family to lower the price, but who would have thought that Shen Jin and the others would intervene, if Shen Jin hadn't bought a big stick with red dates when he first came, I'm afraid he wouldn't even have such a little rest and leisure.

Later, it was my son who came up with the idea, saying that the village chief and his family were gone. According to the temperament of some idlers in the village, even if they were afraid, they would inevitably find something to do. They just relied on people like Shen Jin not to dare to kill people. ? If you get hurt, you have to pay.

And looking at the richness of Shen Jin's family, I'm afraid they can't bear the idleness, and when the time comes, they move out. Isn't that yard theirs

The village chief thought so, so he took his family to visit relatives. Who would have thought that these people were too much. When the village chief's family got the news and came back, the yard had been messed up and nothing was left. But the house is still good. The village chief's family was planning to find someone to repair it after the new year. The youngest son can move in after marrying a wife. Now...

In the final analysis, Shen Jin and the others are too immature. They have never dealt with such people, so they can't guess these small thoughts. Chu Xiuming just asked this question, but because he knows the importance of the village chief in a village, even if he is visiting relatives, It's also impossible that the whole family left with them. On the way, A told Chu Xiuming about the situation of the village chief's house early in the morning, and there was a little grandson who was under one year old. Such an older child was going on the road in cold weather

And as soon as Chu Xiuming spoke, Jia thought of the situation of the village head's family. After all, Chu Xiuming caught the clue of the village head's words.

Chu Xiuming looked at the village chief and asked directly, "Where is this family?"

"I heard that they have moved away." The village chief said, "I really don't know where they moved."

Chu Xiuming looked at Jia Yi and said, "Go and find out what happened after you left." Chu Xiuming didn't believe that he couldn't pry those people's mouths open, if not, he could ask a few more people.

At this time, Jiayi was also suppressing his anger, and he didn't dare to touch the bad news, so he hurried out to inquire about the news, and the door wouldn't open? Just kick it open, throw the money down, ask about the matter again, and then go to another house, the door is blocked and can't be kicked open? After climbing over the wall and going in, he threw the money and continued to ask. After asking several companies, A had a general idea in his mind.

The village head's family wanted to speak several times, but they didn't have the chance to say it. Guang Chu Xiuming's eyes made them unable to move. They just felt cold all over, as if there was a knife on their necks. If you offended the person in front of you all at once, you could lose your life.

In fact, the village chief felt right. Although Chu Xiuming never killed indiscriminately, he was not a soft-hearted person. He killed more than a hundred people with his own hands, not to mention the people he led his troops to kill.

Long Younilin, as long as he thinks for a moment that his little lady was forced to move away, Chu Xiuming feels a pain in his heart, wishing to kill all those who wronged the little lady, but Chu Xiuming knows it can't be done , it's not that I can't do it, but I understand that doing so will make my wife uncomfortable.

As soon as A came back, he said the matter in a low voice, Chu Xiuming sighed in his heart, the little lady was still too soft-hearted.

Chu Xiuming lowered his eyes slightly, nodded and didn't say anything else. He just glanced at the yard again, picked up the things he bought for his wife, turned around and walked to the town down the mountain. It's already quite a month, and I'm afraid I won't be able to go far, and the town with a better environment around here is that town, not to mention that there are still spies he planted in that town, and there is a doctor among them.

Jiayi also picked up his things and followed behind Chu Xiuming, asking in a low voice, "General, do you need a small one..."

"It's not the time." Chu Xiuming understood what Jia Yi meant, but in Chu Xiuming's mind at this time, it was more important to see Shen Jin. Beside... Chu Xiuming's eyes darkened. It is Chu Xiuming's belief that revenge must be punished, and no one who has angered the little lady can escape.

When Chu Xiuming and Jia arrived, the sky was already slightly bright. Because they were walking at night, the two of them were a lot slower. At this time, the gate of the town had not yet opened. There is no atmosphere of Chinese New Year, the red lanterns and the like have been taken away, and even the clothes and women's jewelry have been replaced with plain colors and silver ornaments.

But even so, life is still going on as usual. The affairs of the palace are too far away from the people. At this time, there are still many people waiting at the gate of the town. The old man still remembered what happened in the 37th year of Yongjia, so they naturally wanted to buy more food and store it at home.

As soon as Chu Xiuming and Jia entered the town, the two went directly to Dr. Qian's house, but were told by the neighbor that Dr. Qian's relatives had come. Dr. Qian took his wife to the relative's house and told the story of the relative's experience by the way. After scolding the heartbroken man, A didn't dare to look at Chu Xiuming's face. After asking the way, he only said that Doctor Qian's son asked them to send a letter to his family to report his safety. , Chu Xiuming and Jiayi walked towards the yard not far from here.

At this time, Shen Jin had already woken up, but she hadn't gotten up yet, because it was cold outside, and she couldn't sleep at night because she was pregnant, so she was a little lazy at this time, An Yi and An Ning didn't urge Shen Jin to get up, but added more I set up a few charcoal pots to keep the house warm.

When the knock on the door sounded, An Ning was helping Shen Jin to get dressed, because she had a big belly and she wore too much in winter, making Shen Jin look a little clumsy.

The sound of footsteps was coming this way, and it didn't sound like a person. An Ning frowned, put on Shen Jin's shoes, stood up, took a slight step forward, and stood in front of Shen Jin without a trace, and then said , "An Yi, who is here?"

There was no answer from An Yi outside, An Ning pursed her lips tightly, with a bit of guard, but Shen Jin patted An Ning on the shoulder and said, "Yue Wen and the others are all at home, I'm afraid they recognize..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard the sound of the door being pushed open, and then someone opened the door here again, lifted the cotton curtain, and looked at the person standing at the door, Shen Jin froze for a moment, his eyes turned red instantly, Shouting with trembling lips, "Husband..."

Chu Xiuming walked forward quickly. Before An Ning could recognize the person in front of him, she heard Shen Jin's voice, and then looked at the bearded man in disbelief. This is the general? How did Madam recognize it at a glance! But An Ning also reacted, no wonder there was no sound outside, An Ning retreated quietly, and closed the door carefully, and faintly heard the general's voice inside, "I have a cold on my body, don't come here yet."

Shen Jin was full of grievances, and sat aside and looked at Chu Xiuming with teary eyes. Chu Xiuming baked beside the charcoal basin for a long time, and then walked over after getting rid of the cold all over his body. With a big belly, Shen Jin couldn't help but nestle into Chu Xiuming's arms, "Husband... why did you come here?"

Chu Xiuming surrounded Shen Jin and sat back on the bed, bowed his head and kissed Shen Jin's forehead, "I'm late."

Shen Jin couldn't bear it anymore, started to cry, took Chu Xiuming's hand and put it on her big belly, "Husband, baby..."

Chu Xiuming paused when he heard the words, his hands trembled a little, his jaw tightened, "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

"Husband, you stink..." Shen Jin kept crying, but because of Chu Xiuming's arrival, those fears and worries no longer weighed heavily on her heart.

Chu Xiuming kissed Shen Jin's hair. Her hair was not pulled up like it was in the border town, but braided and tied behind her body, "En."

Shen Jin didn't know whether it was because she was tired from crying, or because Chu Xiuming was relieved, and fell asleep in Chu Xiuming's arms after a while, even breakfast was useless, Chu Xiuming helped Shen Jin take off her clothes, and then covered her with the quilt Well, it can make her sleep more comfortably. Shen Jin's eyes have not been opened yet, and she was sleepy, but she still remembers holding Chu Xiuming's hand. Gently stroking her face with one hand, Shen Jin lost a lot of weight. Even after wearing so many clothes, Chu Xiuming also found out that it was as if he was just pretending to be full of beards, and Shen Jin was in a mess in the first place. Recognize it once.

When Shen Jin fell asleep, Chu Xiuming took out his hand, walked out quietly, let An Ning go in to wait on him, and then went to Doctor Qian and asked about Shen Jin's situation. When he knew that Shen Jin was pregnant with twins At that time, Chu Xiuming frowned, twins are good, but the burden of pregnancy is also heavy, and when Shen Jin cried, he couldn't speak clearly, "What's wrong with the child?"

Dr. Qian nodded and said, "I'm afraid there is a child who won't be able to keep it." He dared not say this in front of Shen Jin. His own child was weak when he was born and needed to be taken care of carefully, but now he hardly felt it. When it comes to the existence of another child, it can only be said that during pregnancy, having a child is congenitally deficient.

Chu Xiuming clenched his fists and asked, "What about Madam?"

"Madam needs to be taken care of, it's best to sit for two months." Dr. Qian said respectfully.

Chu Xiuming closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, he had forced himself to calm down, "Madam is fine."

Doctor Qian nodded, and couldn't help persuading, "It's not a big deal."

Chu Xiuming pursed his lips, and still said, "In case I'm not there when Madam launches the attack, no matter what Madam says, you don't have to listen, just keep Madam." Doesn't Chu Xiuming love his child? My love, although those two children haven't been born yet, Chu Xiuming already loves them very much, but...he loves Shen Jin more, his little lady, and he is willing to give everything for the children, but Shen Jin is not included.

Doctor Qian said with a solemn face, "Yes."

Chu Xiuming didn't say anything else, got up and left Doctor Qian's place. Yue Wen and the others had prepared hot water, and he was going to wash up before going to accompany his wife.

Shen Jin didn't sleep for a long time. When she woke up, she saw Chu Xiuming, who had already changed into a suit, sitting beside her, looking at the travel notes she had put on the table. As soon as she opened her eyes, Chu Xiuming He had already put down the book, then helped her to sit up and asked, "But are you hungry?"

"I miss you." Shen Jin said softly, she still wanted to talk to Chu Xiuming.

Chu Xiuming's eyes were soft, he smiled and said, "I brought you food from the border town, wait..."

"Suddenly I feel a little hungry." Shen Jin said with bright eyes, "Husband, do you have honey jerky made by Mother Zhao?"

Chu Xiuming suddenly felt that he seemed to have said something wrong, "... yes."