The Young Lady of the General’s House

Chapter 140: (1)


What happened after the election

Chu Xiuyuan waited for Chu Xiuming to bring Shen Jin and Zhao Ru's family to the capital, and then he really moved into the palace, but he had someone clean up the uterus of the concubine and lived there.

As for Emperor Cheng's empress and only remaining son Shen Zhi, they were kept locked in the palace. Chu Xiuyuan didn't mean to treat them badly, and Princess Ruyang and the others just didn't let them move around at will. The people in Cheng En Gong's Mansion were not so lucky, and they were all escorted to prison.

Before Emperor Cheng was alive, he was going to choose consorts for Princess Zhaoyang and the others, but later it was delayed because of the affairs of King Ying's son. At that time, Emperor Cheng wanted to, but some families expressed their willingness, but now the two princesses No one cared about it, as if afraid of Chu Xiuyuan's misunderstanding, he told them about all the children of the right age in the family. Now that the funeral is not over, we can't hold a wedding, but it's okay for the two families to exchange tokens secretly.

Especially the few families that the empress hinted at at the beginning, they were chosen early on.

In Chu Xiuyuan's view, this kind of behavior is unnecessary at all. Even if he hates Emperor Cheng and Duke Cheng'en, he will not vent his anger on these princesses. Even Shen Zhi is not prepared to pursue it, but he will not let it It is possible for him to leave the capital.

When Chu Xiuming came back, Chu Xiuyuan went to pick him up at the city gate in person, and when he entered the palace, Chu Xiuming also escorted Chu Xiuyuan away.

These two things are nothing at first glance, but after careful consideration, there are deep meanings in them. Chu Xiuyuan told everyone in Tianqi about the relationship between him and Chu Xiuming, even though he will change his name, even though he will become Tianqi's new Emperor, but in his heart, Chu Xiuming is still his elder brother, his family.

Before Chu Xiuyuan ascended the throne, everyone had already proposed to confer the titles of the first prince and Chu Xiuyuan's biological father. Naturally, no one objected, and the next thing was to confer the titles of the first concubine and the princes who were killed by Emperor Cheng. Chu Xiuyuan Although he hated Emperor Cheng to the core, Emperor Cheng had already buried himself in peace. After changing the posthumous title of Emperor Cheng, Chu Xiuyuan had no intention of paying attention to him anymore, and the queen of Emperor Cheng died after announcing many crimes. In the cold palace.

However, Chu Xiuyuan did not move Shen Zhi. Instead, he conferred the title of Shen Zhi, cleaned up the original Cheng En Gong Mansion, and regarded it as his mansion. Chu Xiuming, Chu Xiuming has been granted the title of King Ning from the Marquis of Yongning, Shen Jin has been given the title of Mrs. Ning, and Chu Xiuyao has been given the title of Marquis. He bestowed a title on his second son, Shen Xi... It's been in the second year of Yong'an.

Yong'an is exactly the reign name of Chu Xiuyuan after he ascended the throne. The word "an" is very simple, but it is what everyone hopes for most.

Chu Xiuyuan listened to Zhao Rui's opinion, and no longer had only one prime minister in the court as in the past, but divided into two prime ministers on the left and right. Unlike Emperor Cheng who emphasized civility over military, Chu Xiuyuan paid attention to the equality of civil servants and generals, and spent It took nearly two years to sort out the messy court made by Emperor Cheng. Chu Xiu was far from the scruples that Emperor Cheng had at the beginning, and directly sent troops to suppress the remnants of the British prince. Those who should be included are those who are guilty All disposed of.

When the turmoil calmed down, Chu Xiuyuan's affairs after the election were brought up again in the court. Chu Xiuyuan did not refuse this time, and said directly, "I have already considered this, but now I have no elders." Emperor Cheng's mother The empress dowager back then was naturally considered an elder, but she was taken back to the mansion by King Rui long ago to be taken care of, so no one would mention this person without winking at this time.

Shi Yu is now the Prime Minister of the Right, and said respectfully, "Your Majesty can be elected to fill the harem."

"The barbarians are still alive today." In just two years, Chu Xiuyuan has grown majestic while sitting on the throne, "Shuzhong and other places..."

Having said a lot, Tianqi still has a lot of money to spend, and it is not suitable to waste money in this kind of place, "I have decided to hand over this time to Mrs. Ningguo."

I don't know why, although I feel that this is not in line with the rules, many people have a feeling that it is true, and speaking of Mrs. Ning Guo, she is also Chu Xiuyuan's elder, and she is related to Chu Xiuming. Shi Yu and Zhao Ru After looking at each other, they didn't make any further comments, and the matter was settled.

Chu Xiuming has not been in court for a long time. When everyone was still worried about Chu Xiuming taking power, Chu Xiuming had already retired, and now he is at home with his wife and children, so they only knew the news after he went to court. Three years pregnant, Shen Jin forgot what Chu Xiuyuan entrusted her to her not long after returning to Beijing. Now that she knew it, she poked Xixi, who was unsteady, and said, "I made a note of it."

Even after returning to Beijing, Concubine Chen did not return to Prince Rui's Mansion, but stayed by Shen Jin's side. This was against the rules, but everyone in Beijing pretended not to know about it, and Concubine Chen was at ease. Then he said, "Isn't it appropriate to entrust this matter to you?"

Concubine Chen also knew the importance of the post-election matter, but this matter fell on her daughter, she was afraid that the election would not be good, and it would be bad if she complained instead.

Shen Jin said, "Mom, it's fine."

Chu Xiuming knew Concubine Chen's worries, and said, "Mother-in-law can rest assured."

Seeing this, Concubine Chen didn't say anything anymore, she nodded and said, "Is there any success in your heart?"

Shen Jin nodded and said, "I want to ask my concubine."

Concubine Chen nodded and said, "That's right."

Although Princess Rui doesn't go out very much, there is almost nothing she doesn't know about the affairs of Beijing, and Princess Rui is also busy with choosing wives for her two sons recently, so she has already prepared for these things.

Chu Xiuming sat on the side, stretched out his hand to throw his daughter up and then caught her, making her laughing non-stop. Xixi was not envious, and just leaned next to Shen Jin. He could already walk, but he didn't like walking. Most of the time, it is quiet, but Chu Xiuming and Shen Jin found that the youngest son likes those fresh things, especially the little ones, and although the little ones also play with Dongdong and the others, but if you observe carefully, you will find that the little ones And get closer to Xixi.

Even so, Shen Jin has been a little lazy recently. It should be said that since Chu Xiuming was by his side, Shen Jin has become lazy. He didn't want to go out, so after Chu Xiuyuan gave the task, Shen Jin didn't go out, as if he didn't take it to heart at all. This made people outside anxious, and those with relatives naturally found a way to come , Those who have no relatives have to find a way to connect with them. For a while, the capital became lively, and many people felt that Shen Jin did this on purpose. Anyone who sells fruit must secretly observe carefully, and ordered all the servants in the mansion not to bully others.

Many people in the capital were stunned. Looking at the usual people whose eyes were above the top, they became gentle and polite. Some even refused to accept bribes when they bought things. Personally, there are many people scrambling to help.

And Shen Jin didn't forget or didn't take it seriously, she was just lazy, thinking every day that she must go to Rui Wang's mansion to meet Princess Rui tomorrow, but she didn't want to move anymore when she woke up every morning, so she put it off until tomorrow, such a day Pushing it for a day caused misunderstandings from outsiders.

More than half a month passed in a blink of an eye, but there was no news from Shen Jin, which made many people unable to sit still, and found various excuses to come to the door. Even the palace would occasionally mention it, but Chu Xiuyuan He was not in a hurry at all, but calmed him down. He knew Shen Jin's state during this time, and he asked the imperial physician to show Shen Jin. It's not a big problem to be extra lazy, let Shen Jin eat whatever he wants and sleep how he wants.

Chu Xiuming and Chu Xiuyuan were relieved when the imperial physician finished his diagnosis and treatment, and Chu Xiuyao was also treated by the imperial physician and a famous doctor from the people. The situation improved day by day, and everyone also found that he seemed to be awake a lot. He also thought about it, and occasionally called out Chu Xiuming's name, which made everyone very happy. Chu Xiuyuan directly sent all the doctors to Chu Xiuming's house.

Shen Jin finally stopped being lazy this day. After getting up, she hugged the quilt for a while, and asked An Ning and the others to dress her up. It was not grand and prosperous, but simple. It's not an outsider's family, she has long passed the time when she needs beautiful clothes to show her happiness.

Chu Xiuming was going to enter the palace today, so he only asked Yue Wen to send Shen Jin, Shen Jin did not bring any of the children, and the maid only brought An Ning, and the rest stayed in the mansion to take care of the children.

When she arrived at Prince Rui's Mansion, the big housekeeper came to greet her in person. Looking at the familiar courtyard, Shen Jin felt a little sad. In just a few short years, she changed from an unfavored concubine in the palace to Mrs. Ning Guo. With Concubine Rui here, although the chief steward will not despise their mother and daughter, they are definitely not so enthusiastic. They are all business affairs, and even Shen Jin seldom sees the chief steward, as if everything started from marrying Chu Xiuming. subsequent changes.

Princess Rui was making tea. Shen Jin had learned how to brew and taste tea gracefully, but she couldn't tell the difference. Princess Rui glanced at Shen Jin and said, "Sit down."

Shen Jin sat opposite Princess Rui. After making a cup of tea, Princess Rui poured a cup for Shen Jin. Shen Jin didn't know what kind of tea it was, but it was nice with a little floral fragrance, so she drank two more sips , Princess Rui also drank some, then put down her smile and said, "I thought you should come in a few days."

"Mother Concubine." Shen Jin said with a smile, "I'm here to ask Mother Concubine for help."

Princess Rui is a transparent person, she has already guessed what Shen Jin meant, she glanced at Cuixi, Cuixi took a list and handed it to Shen Jin with both hands, it not only had the names of girls suitable for her age written on it, but He also wrote about his background and family situation, and in just a few sentences, he wrote down everything Shen Jin needed to know.

"I've seen these girls before." Princess Rui's voice was slow, Shen Jin had never seen Princess Rui anxious, "She has a very good temper."

Shen Jin glanced at it, and found that all of them were girls born on the same day, and there were no such foolish people in the family, there were only five at most. Princess Rui asked, "Are you only going to choose the queen this time?"

"En." Shen Jin heard the words and said, "Your Majesty was raised by the Chu family."

Princess Rui immediately understood that the men of the Chu family always only marry one person, and they will only take concubines unless they have no children at thirty. Princess Rui lowered her eyes slightly and said, "Then find a chance, give this Take your pulse, five."

Shen Jin looked at Princess Rui suspiciously, and Princess Rui smiled and said, "Look at how your body is." Things like Gong Han are usually invisible, but they are harmful to children, so it is better to Check it out carefully.

"Oh." Shen Jin nodded and said, "I know Concubine Mu."

Princess Rui smiled and did not speak, but Shen Jin said, "Actually, I have seen the daughter of the uncle." The uncle she was talking about was naturally the elder brother of Princess Rui. She remembered that the girl was nice, but she was not on the list. .

"The Zhao family..." Princess Rui said after hearing the words, "It's not suitable for another queen, it's my selfishness."

Shen Jin thought for a while and nodded, and understood what Princess Rui meant. The Zhao family had the merits of following the dragon, and Princess Rui's second son, Shen Xi, was leading troops outside. Zhao Ru is now Zuo Cheng, and Princess Rui's two brothers, Zhao Qi and Zhao Duan is also in an important position, and his nephew Zhao Jun and Zhao Che are also promising. If there is another queen, it will be too eye-catching, not to mention that the current Zhao family does not need a woman to save face for them. Shen Jin put away the list carefully, stopped mentioning this matter, and asked, "Is Big Sister okay?"

After Shen Qi returned to Beijing, he took his daughter back to the Yongle Hou Mansion. The people in the Hou Mansion naturally wouldn't say anything about Shen Qi in the current situation, but when Shen Qi left, Yongle Hou wrote a letter to arrest Zhu Yuhong because of being implicated in the mansion. Zhu Yuhong was full of resentment in his heart, so he resigned himself to depravity and took many concubines. He treated this neglected son much better, but he failed to make Zhu Yuhong get close to them. After Chu Xiuyuan entered the capital, Yong Lehou hurriedly sent someone to pick up Zhu Yuhong, but he didn't come back instead. He was about to live in the Zhuangzi outside, but in the end Yonglehou picked him up in person, which made Zhu Yuhong return to his residence.

But Zhu Yuhong didn't treat Shen Qi very well, it wasn't because of scolding or scolding, but when Shen Qi felt ashamed, he treated Zhu Yuhong even more. The relationship between Hong and his family was very tense, but he doted on those concubines who followed him after he fell down, which made Shen Qi's life unhappy.

Princess Rui shook her head. In fact, according to her opinion, just remarry directly. With the current status of Prince Rui's mansion, it would not be difficult for Shen Qi and Li to remarry. "The day is chosen by herself, she can do whatever she likes."

Shen Jin nodded, and after the two chatted for a few more words, Shen Jin left.

☆, 142

What happened after the second election

Although Chu Xiuming did not come to send Shen Jin off, Shen Jin came to pick him up in person. Sitting in the carriage, Shen Jin showed him the list, which was similar to what Chu Xiuming thought, but there were several companies that were not on the list. Xiu Ming was not surprised either, he was thinking more about the family.

Chu Xiuyuan's current status does not need to rely on the power of his father-in-law's family to balance the government. Therefore, to choose a queen, one does not need a prominent family, but one who has no fools in the family. The most important thing is character and vision .

Although it is said that the queen only needs to manage the harem and raise children so that the emperor has no worries, but these are often very important. The influence of a mother has a lot to do with the growth of the child, precepts and deeds.

When the child is young, it is more important to stay with the mother. Although it is not certain to be old at the age of three, it also represents the importance of these three years. After the child grows up, it is best for the father to take it with him. , Just like Emperor Cheng's methods of dealing with the enemy, he has ambitions but no strength comparable to his ambitions, those methods are too low-key.

Princess Rui would exclude those families, presumably because there was something inappropriate about the girl from that family.

Shen Jin said, "Actually, the concubine's niece is very good." She had been with that girl for a long time, "it's just not suitable."

Chu Xiuming lowered his eyes slightly and said, "Yes."

Shen Jin didn't say anything anymore, "Then I'll write a post when I get back."

"Add a few more." Chu Xiuming opened the mouth, so that no one can find out that they choose from these few, and more can be used as a cover, "How do you plan to choose?"

Shen Jin leaned on Chu Xiuming's ear and whispered, Chu Xiuming had a smile in his eyes, put his arms around Shen Jin's waist, and simply hugged him into his arms, pinched a piece of candied fruit and put it in her mouth, Shen Jin I puffed up my cheeks and started to eat slowly. I felt that I hadn't arrived home for a long time, so I opened the car window and looked out and said, "Hey, it's not the way home."

"Didn't you want to try the fish sticks from West Street the day before yesterday?" Although Chu Xiuming didn't smile, his voice was very gentle, and Shen Jin's casual words were remembered in his heart.

Sure enough, Shen Jin's eyes lit up, and he nodded vigorously, "I also heard about it from An Ning, Yue Wen took An Ning to eat, and said it was delicious."

Chu Xiuming squeezed Shen Jin's hand. He had put on a lot of weight after losing a lot of weight, but Chu Xiuming was not satisfied at all. He always felt that he was much thinner than when he saw his little lady for the first time.

Which one in West Street does a good job of fish meat, the fish is very fresh, and the craftsmanship of the people who make it is good. It is said that the boss was doing business on the coast at the beginning, and the family’s ancestral craftsmanship. The prepared seasonings are delicious, but the rest of the dishes can only be regarded as mediocre. Shen Jin didn’t eat much, because the imperial physician also said that her body is a little weak and needs to be taken care of. Foods like seafood can only be tasted. .

After running out of things, Chu Xiuming found a clothing store, took Shen Jin and changed into the clothes he had prepared in advance, then stopped the carriage and turned around West Street. There are many snacks on West Street, especially It is very lively at night, many people will take their families to play here after a hard day, buy some gadgets or eat, the things here are not expensive.

It was the first time for Shen Jin to come here, looking at the bustling scene, it seemed that the fatigue and laziness of the previous period had dissipated, and the whole person became energetic. Chu Xiuming held Shen Jin in his arms, The guards also changed their outfits and dispersed to follow them. Even the maids were sent away by Chu Xiuming, letting them play by themselves.

The things here are not precious, but they are also very interesting to look at. There are various small animals made of bamboo, and a small attic made of straw and bamboo. Shen Jin bought some more when he liked it so he could go back and play for the children In addition, there are things like clay figurines. Shen Jin also bought sugar paintings and asked them to wrap them up. These were handed over to the guards who followed. If they don't disturb them, Shen Jin won't care.

After walking for a while, Chu Xiuming took Shen Jin to a teahouse, ready to rest, but who knew he saw a beggar in dirty clothes curled up in a corner not far from the teahouse, and several people were kicking Hit, Shen Jin was stunned, "No one cares?"

Chu Xiuming took a look and stopped paying attention, but there was a bit of sarcasm in his eyes, "Who knows."

Shen Jin remembered that there were soldiers patrolling the capital. If they were really looking for revenge or disliked the beggar, these people shouldn't be in this kind of place. If they were discovered, they would be locked in prison for at least three to five days. Most of them would be punished more severely. Shen Jin didn't know what happened during the time of Emperor Cheng, but Chu Xiu was far from being soft-hearted. Since he ascended the throne, the political laws have been strict, so such things should not happen.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Shen Jin was stunned and said, "Then send them all..."

Before I finished speaking, I saw a young servant who had already stepped forward to drive away the beating men, and loudly reprimanded, "What kind of enmity does this beggar have with you? You are so vicious. My daughter can't stand it. You are not happy roll."

"Do you know who we are?" the beating gangster said angrily.

The little servant said coldly, "If you are not convinced, go to Yao Mansion..."

When Chu Xiuming heard this, he stopped listening, and asked in a low voice, "Do you still want to drink tea?"

Shen Jin nodded and said, "Let's rest." She was a little tired.

Chu Xiuming responded, and took Shen Jin to the teahouse. Unexpectedly, the situation changed again, and saw that the beaters had already run away, and then a girl with a curtain was helped by the maid to the beggar's place. Beside them, because they were close, I heard the girl's voice. The girl asked the maid to give the beggar silver, and then said, "You have hands and feet, use the money to do some business."

The beggar's eyes turned red for a moment, and he knelt down and kowtowed vigorously to the girl, thanking him. The people around him also saw this, and they all praised the girl and the tutor of Yao Mansion in a low voice.

Shen Jin and Chu Xiuming stopped looking, and went directly into the teahouse. After asking for a private room, Chu Xiuming ordered a few pastries and tea here, and ordered a pot of warm water. The warm water is for Shen Jin to drink. The guard They were all outside, but they didn't disturb them. Chu Xiuming poured Shen Jin a glass of warm water and asked her to drink slowly. Then he said, "That person belongs to the Yao family, it should be Yao San."

Yao San? The third girl of the Yao family is now fifteen or sixteen, which is the age at which she should marry. No wonder, although they did not hide their traces, Yao Mansion was able to find out so quickly and arranged this scene, "The news is well-informed." Shen Jin drank After a few sips of water, he opened his mouth.

Chu Xiuming responded, and he sat by the window casually looking down, "It's too late."

The purpose of this scene in the Yao Mansion was to push Yao San out. A kind but not overly kind girl, and a knowledgeable girl, is a very suitable candidate for a queen. Even if she is not a queen, there are other positions in the harem.

But Chu Xiuming and Shen Jin felt strange from the very beginning. In fact, the Yao Mansion had a good plan, but they had never been to the border town, so they didn’t know the situation there. Chu Xiuyuan’s governance of Tianqi largely borrowed from the border town , the management of the people in the city is extremely loose and tight.

Shen Jin nodded and said nothing, anyway, Yao San was not on the list given to her by Princess Rui.

Chu Xiuming poured the water in Shen Jin's cup to 80% full, and then said, "Invite her over then."

Shen Jin looked at Chu Xiuming suspiciously, Chu Xiuming squeezed Shen Jin's hand with a smile and said, "She has some scheming, use her to try other people."

"Oh." Shen Jin nodded without saying anything.

The two of them rested for a while, and then returned home with the things they bought. The invitation card was written by Shen Jin herself. Because of Chu Xiuming's guidance, her handwriting was much better than when she was in the capital. It was prepared by Mother Zhao. Shen Jin didn't know what kind of paper it was, but thought it was pretty, but the people who received it were all knowledgeable. This paper was a tribute. There are dark patterns on it, which are patterns of plum, orchid, bamboo, chrysanthemum, mountains, rivers, lakes, etc. It will not appear that the words on it are messy, but it is not freehand and interesting.

The author has something to say: QAQ doesn’t know why every time I write a special episode, I feel like I’ve died once, dead and alive again. .

☆, 143

What happened after the third election

The people who received the invitations were naturally happy, and those who didn’t received the invitations knew it well. Some were calm, and some started activities to find ways to get their girls to follow them. It's also good.

After Chu Xiuyuan ascended the throne, he wanted to change Chu Xiuming to a better house. After all, the palace was bigger than the Hou’s mansion, but Chu Xiuming refused. The Chu family didn’t have many people, and the big house was for nothing. Their family I still live in the original Yongning Hou Mansion, but some specifications have changed, and then the plaque of Yongning Hou Mansion has also been replaced with Ning Wang Mansion.

This day Chu Xiuming was not in the mansion, and Concubine Chen didn't come out either. The affairs of the mansion were all handled by Madam Zhao. Mama Zhao chose a yard as a place for entertaining guests and re-decorated it. Princess Rui brought Shen Qi early to help Shen Jin receive people.

Please write that there is time. After the time is up, the gate of King Ning’s Mansion will be closed. Anyone who comes late will not be allowed in. Anyway, Shen Jin is not afraid of offending people now, but no one is late this time. Come, but they all came early.

Several children were left in the main courtyard without being brought out. Shen Jin felt that thanks to not bringing the children here, far more people arrived than she invited. Some were brought by relatives, and some brought all the sisters from the family. Each of them was dressed dignifiedly, or gorgeously, or looked simple and beautiful, each of them was different, and I don't know how they discussed it, but they rarely wore the same clothes.

Princess Rui was talking to someone she knew well. Shen Qi was by Shen Jin's side and introduced the visitor to Shen Jin in a low voice. It's old."

Shen Qi glanced at her younger sister with a tender face as if she could pinch water, her eyes darkened slightly, Shen Jin is now the mother of three children, but she is still like a girl who has not yet left the court, full of joy, and Herself? I always feel that I am already old, but yes, with Chu Xiuming pampering and loving, Shen Jin is carefree every day, as if she is happier than before she got married.

What's more, there is an indescribable charm on Shen Jin's body. Without the original youthfulness, she still has a bit of introverted brilliance, like a pearl that has been carefully polished and maintained. It is not dazzling, but Very eye-catching.

"If my sister says she's old, can I tell you how to say I'm good?" Although Shen Qi is jealous of Shen Jin's current situation, she is not confused. Now she can't afford to offend Shen Jin, even King Rui. Shen Jin.

Shen Jin held Shen Qi's hand and said with a smile, "My sister is also very young and beautiful."

"You're the one with the sweetest mouth." Shen Qi turned to look at Shen Jin, touched her face lightly, and said, "The one in the light purple dress is..."

Shen Jin took it down one by one, and occasionally chatted with a few girls. Shen Jin is a good-natured girl, and these girls are all from everyone's background, not to mention whether they can enter the harem depends on Shen Jin, so naturally they won't say those things. If it made people unhappy, some girls surrounded Shen Jin and talked with her, some didn't know whether it was aloofness or what, they just sat aside and didn't take the initiative to come over, and when Shen Jin passed by, they just nodded reservedly , not much to say.

Neither Shen Jin nor Shen Qi thought that they would see Shen Zi again. Shen Zi was not as bright as before. She looked old and looked like the pampered Princess Rui. Huagui is also able to hold back, but now it only appears that her complexion is yellow, and there are two girls beside her, who presumably are sister-in-law or relatives of her husband's family. Overwhelmed by hatred and jealousy, she pursed her lips and thought of her husband's mother-in-law's words, and suppressed the anger in her heart. It was Sister Shen Jin's blessing that she could come today, but it was delayed. Although everyone knew that Shen Zi and Shen Jin were at odds, King Rui After returning to Beijing, I haven't even seen this daughter again, but I can't stand her special status. She is so stupid that she follows someone who has a post, and they have no choice but to bring her.

It's just that in this way, no matter the face or the face, Shen Zi is more afraid of being abandoned. She knows in her heart that she has not given birth to a son for her husband, and she has quarreled with her family. With her support, she couldn't even see her father's face, and couldn't even enter the gate of Prince Rui's mansion. If she was really divorced, there would be no way out.

Shen Zi clenched her fist, her long nails hurt her palms, and then she brought the two girls around her forward, resisting the humiliation and bowing to Shen Qi and Shen Jin, "Big Sister, Third Sister. "

Shen Qi looked at Shen Zi's appearance, and sighed in her heart, no matter how much filth there was between the two of them, Shen Qi still felt sorry for Shen Zi at this time, and Shen Qi knew something about Shen Zi's situation, although her husband took concubines There are many, but she is not the first, not to mention because of her status, the dignity of the main room can still be preserved, and her children, and she coaxes her husband to change his mind.

And Shen Zi? Now even the face of the main room is gone.

Shen Qi looked at Shen Jin, she is not the one who is in charge now, Shen Jin looked at Shen Zi and nodded with a smile, her attitude was very gentle, but this kind of gentleness was no different from others, Shen Zi felt relieved. Taking a deep breath, he lowered his eyes slightly and introduced the two people around him, one of them was a girl from Zheng's mansion, and the other was a girl from Mrs. Zheng's natal family.

Shen Jin looked at it and said, "They are all beautiful, let's have fun."

The two girls were obviously much happier, their eyes brightened, and the girl from Zheng's manor said softly, "I've been hearing my sister-in-law mentioning the two older sisters, and I just realized after meeting today that the two older sisters are even more beautiful than what my sister-in-law said. .”

Shen Jin couldn't hold back a laugh, even Shen Qi didn't know what to say, Shen Zi would say nice things about them? It would be good not to curse them, Shen Zi's complexion also changed, but she didn't dare to lose her temper, because this sister-in-law is the youngest girl in the Zheng family, both Master Zheng and Mrs. Zheng are very fond of her.

Shen Qi shook his head and said, "You guys have fun, sister, let's go."

"En." Shen Jin responded, and left with Shen Qi.

Seeing such a situation, the complexion of the girl from Zheng's mansion changed. She was about to catch up, but she was blocked by An Ning who had been following Shen Jin. An Ning said with a smile, "You two girls, if you need to tell the maid That's it." After finishing speaking, he followed Shen Jin and the others to leave.

After turning around, Shen Jin and Shen Qi went back first. She took out a list in front of Shen Qi, and crossed out a lot of names on it. Even if it was written by Princess Rui, she also crossed out one, and Shen Qi frowned. She frowned and asked, "This girl from the Yu family..."

"I think she may not want to participate in this post-election." Shen Jin paid special attention to these girls. This girl from the Yu family is the one who is far away. It didn't take long to leave.

The corners of Shen Qi's eyes twitched, that girl wanted to appear pure and dignified, but she went too far, who would have thought that she would be brushed off like this.

☆, 144

What happened after the four elections

In the evening, Shen Jin told Chu Xiuming about today's banquet, Chu Xiuming nodded, Shen Jin sat cross-legged on the bed, looked at Chu Xiuming and said, "Actually, I think it's normal to want to marry Your Majesty Yes, after all, His Majesty has high status and good looks, and now he only chooses the queen, they should know more or less the habits of the Chu family."

Chu Xiuming already understood what Shen Jin meant, and said with a smile, "Yes."

Shen Jin moved her toes and said, "But why don't you go the right way?"

What kind of thoughts are the girls who came today, Shen Jin has actually guessed it, if she is really that kind of noble, she will not behave like this today, just like what Shen Jin and Shen Qi said, the girl who almost ignored her , took extra care in dressing up, even Zhao Mama's almost harsh eyes could not pick out any faults in that girl, her gestures were more elegant, in fact, the selection of this time, when they first arrived in Ning It had already begun in the palace.

That kind of casual or inappropriate dress was immediately remembered by Zhao Momo, and then secretly told Shen Jin that this time the main selection was the list given by Princess Rui, but others were not excluded, they were brought in by trusting relationships Shen Jin also observed carefully.

If that girl stood directly in front of Shen Jin today and said, I want to marry His Majesty, Shen Jin might be more optimistic.

Chu Xiuming's hand was very beautiful, he poked Shen Jin's forehead, and said, "Don't think about it, our family will go hunting tomorrow, and we will stay in another courtyard for a few days then."

Shen Jin grabbed Chu Xiuming's finger and bit it, then laughed and lay down on the bed, "Okay, I'm afraid I don't want to come back."

Chu Xiuming responded, pressed the bed with one hand, leaned over and kissed Shen Jin's face, Shen Jin blushed, with a little shyness in her eyes, even though she had been married for so many years, she looked at Chu Xiuming sometimes still It will look silly, especially after the capital, Chu Xiuming is dressed in brocade clothes except when exercising, which makes him look like a gentleman like a jade.

The other courtyard that Shen Jin’s family is going to is just rewarded by Chu Xiuyuan. Not far away is a hunting ground, and the royal courtyard is also here. King Rui also has another courtyard here, but King Rui is not good at it. Riding and shooting, they seldom come here every year, and even if they come, they will not bring Shen Jin with them, but Shen Zi and the others have all come with King Rui back then.

Even if they went out early in the morning, it was already afternoon when they arrived, Xixi had already fallen asleep in the carriage, and the family did not go out to play, but went back to their houses to rest.

This time Chu Xiuming also brought Chu Xiuyao over. Now he has special people to take care of him, and the two children Chu Chenbo and Chu Chenyun are looking after him, so there is no need to worry. Dongdong, Nannan and Xixi's three children also slept together and were handed over to An Ning and Anping to take care of them.

After a few people slept, the whole person felt much more comfortable. Knowing that the children hadn't woken up, Chu Xiuming took Shen Jin around the other courtyard. It’s a bit more wild, and it didn’t grow any expensive flowers, but a lot of vegetables, and also raised chickens, ducks and rabbits. There are special people to take care of it, so it won’t look messy.