The Young Lady of the General’s House

Chapter 27


When Chu Xiuming and the two brothers came back, the craftsmen had already finished the yard and evacuated from the general's mansion directly, but there was no craftsman to repair the yard where Shen Jin lived.

Not only that, every day in Chu Xiuming's yard, servants were constantly busy coming in and out, even when Chu Xiuming came back, it didn't stop, and Anping and Zhao Mama had joyful faces on their faces.

Sitting by the window, Shen Jin looked outside and had a vague guess in her heart, but felt that her guess was a little... unrealistic, but it was inevitable that she still had some expectations.

In fact, Shen Jin was a little confused about Emperor Cheng's thoughts. Not long after receiving the notes from the two envoys, the food, grass and luggage were transported over. Did he feel soft-hearted after seeing the description of the border town? Shen Jin thinks it's impossible, but in fact she doesn't understand many things, just like why the border town has been besieged for so long, but the court didn't send anyone to rescue them.

The fall of the border town not only means that all the people in the border town will be killed, but also means that Tianqi is in danger. The border town is the most important place to protect Tianqi. Emperor Cheng will not know it.

Shen Jin didn't dare to think about it any further.

"Ma'am, Prince Rui's Mansion has sent someone to deliver something." Anping heard the little maid's message and went out, and after hearing the young servant's words, he hurried over and said.

Shen Jin suddenly turned her head to look at Anping, she forgot about all the meritorious deeds, in the end it was Shen Jin who had nothing to do and started to think about it, "Let's go."

"I heard that Princess Rui sent a steward." An Ping walked out holding Shen Jin's hand, and whispered, "Madam, do you want to see me?"

"En." Shen Jin said, "I think the mother concubine and the others should have received what I sent, and I don't know if the eldest sister gave birth to a boy or a girl. The eldest sister sent the good news before I got married."

Seeing Shen Jin's smile, Anping said, "Madam just ask in a while."

Princess Rui sent the second steward of Prince Rui's mansion, who was also married by Princess Rui, because they guessed that Shen Jin was going to meet someone, so the people in the general's mansion asked the second steward to wait in the living room.

When Shen Jin came over, the second steward quickly put down his teacup and saluted, "Greetings to Mrs. Uncle."

"Get up quickly." Shen Jin said with a smile, "Mother Concubine, can you give me a letter? Is the eldest sister's child a boy or a girl?"

The second manager was not in a hurry to reply, but waited for Shen Jin to sit down, then got up and said respectfully, "Returning to Mrs. Uncle, the princess, side concubine Chen, and concubine Shi Zi have all written letters to Mrs. Uncle." He took the wooden box on the table and held it in both hands.

Anping went over to take the wooden box and handed it to Shen Jin. Shen Jin opened it and saw that there was a thick stack of letters inside. The smile on his face could not be hidden. Resisting not to open it face to face, he asked, "What about eldest sister?"

The second manager showed a sad expression on his face, knelt on the ground and cried, "Returning to Mrs. Uncle, the concubine has had a miscarriage."

"What!" Shen Jin's face turned pale, and he looked at the second steward, "How is that possible."

The second steward did not dare to open his mouth, but Zhao Mama could tell that it might involve the secrets of the Yongle Hou Mansion. She brought red jujube tea to Shen Jin and persuaded Shen Jin softly, "Madam, take it easy. It is impossible to find out the news of the Yongle Hou Mansion." Even if you know it, you can't say it.

Shen Jin took a sip before saying, "Second steward, get up quickly, I'm too impatient."

The second steward wiped his tears and stood up and said, "The concubine always talks about Mrs. Uncle, saying that she has the best relationship with Mrs. Uncle in the palace. If the concubine knows that Mrs. Uncle cares about her so much, she will definitely warm her heart."

Shen Jin still remembers that the eldest sister was looking forward to the birth of the child. Before she got married, she made a small dress for the child. She asked the mother to know that the child's skin was delicate, so she didn't embroider it and sewed all the threads... But what about the child? Is it gone? Isn't the eldest sister surrounded by people arranged by the concubine

"I heard from Cuixi that the princess and the side concubine read Madam Bo's letter together, and even cried a lot. They also specially packed up the green stalk rice that was tributed by the mansion, and sent it to Madam Bo." The second steward said road.

Shen Jin was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Anping and the second steward went to deliver the green rice to my room." Princess Rui is not a person who likes to talk nonsense, every sentence naturally has her meaning, and is specially made to let It may not be easy for the second steward to point out the rice.

"Yes." Anping answered without further questions.

The second steward took out the gift list and handed it to Anping, who then handed it to Shen Jin, "Princess Wang, Concubine Chen, Concubine Shizi, Concubine Xu, Fourth Miss, and Fifth Miss all prepared gifts for the girl."

"En." Shen Jin said after hearing the words, "Except for the food to be sent to the kitchen, the rest will be sent to my courtyard."

The second steward didn't speak anymore, Anping followed the second steward and left to stare at the green rice. Shen Jin didn't get up and went back to the yard for a while before saying, "Nurse, what is your husband up to?"

"Returning to Madam, the general is probably in the study, and there is nothing important to do today." Mother Zhao heard Shen Jin's meaning and said.

Shen Jin responded, holding the wooden box containing the letter in her hands and said, "Someone tell my husband to come to my courtyard."

"Yes." Zhao Mama immediately ordered a servant to accompany Shen Jin by herself.

Shen Jin took Mother Zhao on the way back, but the joy of coming was gone, "Son, why are you gone?"

Zhao Nanny said softly, "It's better to wait for the madam to go back and read the letter from the concubine Shizi, maybe the letter from the concubine Shizi has already been written."

"The eldest sister was married for many years before she conceived the child." Shen Jin held the wooden box tightly with both hands, "The most precious thing is that the concubine mother not only arranged for someone, but also specially invited a nanny who is good at medicine in the palace..."

Zhao Mama didn't know what to say, she had been away from the capital for many years, and she didn't know what was going on in the Yongle Hou Mansion, but from the performance of the second steward, it could be seen that it might not be an easy matter.

Chu Xiuming knew that the capital had sent something, but he didn't expect that Shen Jin would ask him to go with him. Putting down the scroll in his hand, he walked towards Shen Jin's yard.

If Shen Jin entered Chu Xiuming's current yard, she would be amazed, because everything here was built according to her thoughts, and there was even a circle around the corner dedicated to raising rabbits, some of which were even bigger than Shen Jin thought. Delicate and delicate.

When Shen Jin returned to her bedroom, she opened the box, thought for a while, and found Shen Qi's letter. Shen Qi was very concerned about Shen Jin's situation, and even said that if something was missing, just tell her, thank you Shen Jin for sending her Even though I haven't seen the gift, I know that everything is considerate just by looking at it, Shen Qi didn't mention much about her in Yongle Hou Mansion, and only wrote about her child at the end.

He only said that when the child flowed down, he was already a formed baby boy, and he didn't say much about the rest, but he wrote a poem with faint tears on it.

In fact, even if Shen Qi didn't say anything, Shen Jin guessed something. Before she could cry, Chu Xiuming came over, and he brought the little one over. Seeing the little one who was rushing towards him, Shen Jin looked up. Chu Xiuming, who was dressed in a crescent-colored brocade robe, choked back all the brewing sadness and grief.

Shen Jin thought for a while, and felt that it would not look good to cry anymore, so she sniffed and stopped crying. Chu Xiuming glanced at Zhao Nanny and waved his hand. Zhao Nanny was about to leave after saluting. Shen Jin said, "Mama Mama, let someone carry the box of Bijou rice into my house first. This is the gift list. You share it, put away what should be put away, take out what should be used, and put all the food in the kitchen. I chose those seafood to eat later."

"Yes." Zhao Nanny responded one by one, and seeing that Shen Jin had no other orders, she took her things and left.

Shen Jin first put the letter in the box, then bent down and hugged the little one in his arms, and then looked at Chu Xiuming. Although he didn't cry just now, Shen Jin's eyes were a little red, and he looked a little pitiful. Chu Xiuming raised his eyebrows and looked at it. Look at the opened letter.

"Look for yourself." After Shen Jin finished speaking, he stuffed the letter into Chu Xiuming's hand.

Chu Xiuming didn't refuse either, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with reading his little lady's family letter. Shen Jin didn't think he shouldn't show it to Chu Xiuming either. , who knew that the little boy went out with the hydrangea in his mouth, Shen Jin leaned over the window and looked at it, only to find that it went straight to the rabbit's nest, so he didn't care about it anymore.

Shen Jin read the letter from Princess Rui again. Princess Rui told her to take good care of herself and Chu Xiuming. She talked about some family matters, and they were all sloppy parents. She didn't mention other things. Shen Jin was a little puzzled. Said, "What's wrong with my concubine? In the past, concubine mothers were not like this... But why did the letter contain some who married a daughter-in-law, who took a concubine, who married a step-wife, etc., as well as those who were given by the Holy Majesty?" Several princes choose concubines..."

Chu Xiuming had already read the letter written by Shen Qi, and when he heard Shen Jin's words, he looked at her with flickering eyes. Shen Jin handed the letter to Chu Xiuming knowingly. After reading it, Chu Xiuming affirmed his intention in his heart. Guess, this letter was not written to Shen Jin, but to him. Through Princess Rui's seemingly short-sighted things, Chu Xiuming has roughly drawn a new relationship map of the capital in his mind, but why did Princess Rui do this? Do, or does she know something

After Shen Jin handed the letter to Chu Xiuming, she no longer cared about it, but read what Concubine Chen wrote to her. Concubine Chen only said that she was fine in Prince Rui's Mansion, and asked Shen Jin to take good care of herself. Ask Shen Jin to give her something again, and even if she sends it in the future, it can only be given to King Rui and Princess Rui. The rest is all told to Shen Jin, and she even made some clothes for Shen Jin with her own hands, because she doesn't know what Shen Jin is doing now. I can only guess at his height, and they all sit a little too big, which makes Shen Jin not fit well and find someone to fix it...

Concubine Chen was so motherly that she didn't even dare to ask Shen Jin if she was doing well in the border town, for she was afraid that asking too much would make Shen Jin feel sad.

Shen Jin couldn't help but shed tears silently.

When Shen Jin cried, she did not make a sound, lowered her head and shed tears silently, and wiped herself with a handkerchief from time to time, looking delicate and pitiful.

Chu Xiuming sat next to Shen Jin, touched Shen Jin's face and said, "Don't you want to find a child to raise under your mother's name?"

"No girl." Shen Jin demanded while crying, with a strong nasal voice, "It is enough for mother to have me as a daughter."

Chu Xiuming responded, "I will arrange it."

"Oh." Shen Jin was still crying, "I miss my mother."

Chu Xiuming was a little distressed, but he was not a person who would comfort others. Shen Jin took the initiative to lean into Chu Xiuming's arms and wiped his clothes with tears, "My mother never forced me to drink jujube tea, she always made jujube cheese for me eat… "
